Reweaving Religious Life

Book Description

Discusses the decline in religious life, its impact and importance, and how religious communities can foster a new model for the future. -- Back cover.

Religious Life and Priesthood

Book Description

"Religious Life and Priesthood reclaims the vision of Vatican II for contemporary priests, religious, and ecclesial ministers." "The book examines the historical context, the key players, and the implementation of Vatican II documents on the priesthood, the training of priests, and the religious life."--BOOK JACKET.

Reweaving the Sacred

Book Description

Do you think your congregation is too small, and perhaps too poor, to work on renewal, welcome, and growth? In Reweaving the Scared, Carol Gallagher has compassionate words and down-to-earth practical methods for small congregations that can't afford costly consultant help and that need encouragement to trust in the riches and talent they already have. This engaging and accessible book is the culling of Gallagher's wisdom and experience from working with small congregations both as priest and bishop, and it is rooted in the relational traditions of her Native American heritage.

Soul Repair

Book Description

Do you fear that God is angry with you? Do you wonder if God is really FOR you? If God really loves you? Deep down many of us believe that we are not good enough, and never will be good enough, to have a meaningful relationship with God. This is because we have been spiritually trained in ways that have left us with distored and inadequate spiritualities of four different kinds: abusive, anorexic, addictive, and codependent. And we are left with a toxic combination of fear and shame. We may try to get it right. We may try to control ourselves and others. We may try to please God and to earn God's love. After a while we find ourselves exhausted and discouraged, and we may feel even more alienated from God. Jeff VanVonderen, Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan understand this problem because they have been there both personally and professionally. And they are prepared to help you rebulid your spiritual life. If you find yourself living out a burdensome and unfulfilling spirituality, this book is for you. If you are longing to have a relationship with God that works, this book can show you the way.

Soul Repair

Book Description

Do you fear that God is angry with you? Do you wonder if God is really FOR you? If God really loves you? Deep down many of us believe that we are not good enough, and never will be good enough, to have a meaningful relationship with God. This is because we have been spiritually trained in ways that have left us with distored and inadequate spiritualities of four different kinds: abusive, anorexic, addictive, and codependent. And we are left with a toxic combination of fear and shame. We may try to get it right. We may try to control ourselves and others. We may try to please God and to earn God's love. After a while we find ourselves exhausted and discouraged, and we may feel even more alienated from God. Jeff VanVonderen, Dale Ryan and Juanita Ryan understand this problem because they have been there both personally and professionally. And they are prepared to help you rebulid your spiritual life. If you find yourself living out a burdensome and unfulfilling spirituality, this book is for you. If you are longing to have a relationship with God that works, this book can show you the way.

Repair My House

Book Description

"Repair my house." From a crucifix in a ruined chapel, St. Francis heard this instruction, which set him on a mission of evangelical renewal. In the light of unprecedented crisis afflicting the Catholic church, Michael Crosby calls us all to undertake a wholesale project of repair and renewal. The crisis is visible in the sex abuse scandal, and the questions it has raised about internal structures of authority and clerical culture. Meanwhile, a spate of "new atheists" has challenged traditional worldviews. The percentage of those identifying themselves as "former Catholics" grows at an alarming rate. In response, Fr. Crosby sees a challenge to return to the core evangelical message of Jesus Christ. This message is supported, not contradicted by discoveries in science and cosmology. He envisions a new way of being Catholic and a set of practices that draws on the contemplative, compassionate, and life-giving spirit of the Kingdom that God's will may be realized on earth as it is in heaven.

Joining God in the Great Unraveling

Book Description

The awareness that the churches shaped out of the European Reformations are in an advanced process of unraveling is becoming increasingly sensed by many. This book proposes a way of addressing this unraveling based on the experiences and knowledge of people who have always had to struggle with the unraveling of their own communities and worlds. It takes us outside the circular conversations of the Euro-tribal churches into dialogue with people who have been marginalized to see how they have learned to reenter their formative stories to discover ways of remaking themselves in the unraveling. The book then turns these discoveries into ways the churches can engage their own massive unraveling.

Not Broken Beyond Repair

Book Description

Sometimes life can get us down. Physically, emotionally and spiritually, the world is a tough and dangerous place. Without the right support, the one that can be found in our Heavenly Father and nowhere else, we will lean on our own limited strength which is often not enough and can quickly lead to our unraveling and descent into depression and despair. But it doesn't have to be that way. In Not Broken Beyond Repair, Angelique Long takes you by the hand and introduces you to God, not as a vengeful authority figure, but as a close friend you can build an intimate relationship and talk to about anything. Chronicling her own personal journey through life and the trial and obstacles she encountered, Long reveals how her life changed for the better when she decided to give all of herself to God and let him take charge, and how you can share in this wonderful experience too. While many books of this nature tend to focus on the spiritual and mental aspects of going through difficult periods in life, Not Broken Beyond Repair is a guide that offers practical, actionable advice that is spiritually inspired. Deeply insightful and divinely inspired, this book will get you started on the road to spiritual and emotional healing while bringing you closer to your Maker.