From linear to long-chain branched poly(ethylene terephthalate) – reactive extrusion, rheology and molecular characterization

Book Description

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) is one of the most widely used polymers in packaging industry, due to its high mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and barrier functions. However, its processing is determined by degradation and low viscosity. In particular, foaming and film blowing is restricted by the linear structure of the molecule and low melt strength. The stability of three linear commercial PET grades produced by different synthesis routes with different molar masses is analyzed in regards of processing at industrial scale. Subsequently, reactive processing with three multi-functional chain extenders (pyromellitic dianhydride, PMDA, tetraglycidyl diamino diphenyl methane, TGDDM, and triphenyl phosphite, TPP) is conducted to create large and long-chain branched (LCB) molecules. The mechanical and molecular properties in melt state are analyzed by linear and non-linear viscoelastic rheology, modeling by the molecular stress function (MSF) theory and size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) with light scattering measurements. Thermal stability measurements in the linear viscoelastic regime revealed degradation and a reduction of the storage modulus in air atmosphere, and, besides thermal degradation, an enhancement of the modulus in nitrogen atmosphere, due to polycondensation [Kruse et al., 2013]. Fitting by an exponential function leads to the reconstruction of the initial state of the sample at zero-loading time and to a time constant, which reveals clear relations between stability and molar mass for all three PET grades in both atmospheres. High molar mass PET is more stable in nitrogen and less stable in air environment, and vice versa, depending on OH end group concentration and synthesis route. The analysis by means of time-resolved mechanical spectroscopy allows the observations of moduli and complex viscosity at a fixed time, a wide range of angular frequencies, and at different atmospheres, and revealed: (i) a plasticizer effect induced by small molecules from thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation, (ii) cross-linking leading to yield stress, (iii) diffusion influencing polycondensation reaction, (iv) slipping due to deposition of side products, and (v) an enhanced shear thinning regime [Kruse and Wagner, 2016]. The extrusion of neat PET with a twin-screw extruder at industrial scale leads to strong reduction of viscosity mainly due to shearing. The impact of thermo-oxidative degradation is comparably small. The reactive processing of the three PET grades with the three chain extenders leads to the conclusion that the tri-functional TPP is not a useful chain extender due to rapid degradation and toxicity. The two tetra-functional chain extenders, PMDA and the epoxy-based TGDDM, lead to strong viscosity increase, increasing strain hardening effect, and increasing thermal stability with increasing chain extender concentration as confirmed by loss- and storage modulus, phase angle, activation energy of flow, and elongational viscosity. The MSF model predictions show good agreement with data measured, and allowed a quantitative analysis of the branching structure and of the stretch of the molecules by both non-linear MSF parameters. In comparison to the high molar mass PET with an apparent comb-like structure at high PMDA concentrations, the two initially low molar mass grades show a higher molar mass after processing with PMDA and seem to have a tree-like structure, which can be explained by the hydroxyl end group concentration of these two PET grades. The extensive use of TGDDM leads to a hyperbranched and gel-like structure. The fracture analysis from uniaxial elongation experiments reveals a limiting stress value for high PMDA concentrations and a limiting strain value for high TGDDM concentrations due to formation of a covalent network. The molecular analysis by SEC with triple detection of the high molar mass PET, which was reacted with PMDA and TGDDM, shows a strong increase of the average molar masses, polydispersity, radius of gyration, and hydrodynamic radius and confirms the molar mass increase observed by the rheological measurements. The branching was confirmed by a decreasing Mark-Houwink exponent with increasing chain extender concentration. Further, the analysis of the contraction of the molecule revealed a more star-like structure at low concentrations for both chain extenders. With increasing concentration, the structure changed to more comb-like for PMDA and random tree-like or hyperbranched for TGDDM as was also observed by non-linear viscoelastic measurements. PMDA revealed to be an excellent coupling agent which induces reproducibly either a star-like, comb-like, or tree-like structures depending on the concentration of coupling agent added and the hydroxyl concentration of the PET employed. Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) zeichnet sich durch hervorragende mechanische Eigenschaften, sowie chemische Beständigkeit und Barriereeigenschaften aus und findet insbesondere in der Verpackungsindustrie Verwendung. Die Neigung zur Degradation und die wegen der linearen Kettenmoleküle geringe Viskosität schränken jedoch die Verarbeitbarkeit von PET wie beispielsweise das Schäumen und Folienblasen erheblich ein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Einfluss der thermischen Stabilität während der Verarbeitung von drei linearen industriellen PET-Typen untersucht, die sich durch Molmasse und Herstellungsverfahren unterscheiden. Des Weiteren wird langkettenverzweigtes PET (LCBPET) durch reaktive Verarbeitung mit drei verschiedenen multifunktionalen Kettenverlängerern, Pyromellitsäuredianhydrid (PMDA), Tetra- glycidyl-Diamino-Diphenyl-Methan (TGDDM) und Triphenylphosphit (TPP), hergestellt und charakterisiert. Durch die experimentelle Bestimmung der linearen und nichtlinearen rheologischen Eigenschaften der Schmelze und ihre Beschreibung mit Hilfe des sogenannten "Molecular Stress Function" (MSF) Modells gelingt eine quantitative Analyse des Materialverhaltens. Die molekulare Analyse wird zusätzlich durch die Ergebnisse von Gelpermeationschromatographie (GPC bzw. SEC) in Verbindung mit Lichtstreumessung gestützt. Die Untersuchungen der thermischen Stabilität von linearem PET im linear-viskoelastischen Bereich zeigen einen abnehmenden Speichermodul und somit ein thermo-oxidatives Degradationsverhalten in Luftatmosphäre. In inerter Stickstoffatmosphäre tritt hingegen nur thermische Degradation auf, gleichzeitig führt jedoch eine Polykondensationsreaktion zu einem Anstiegen des Moduls [Kruse et al., 2013]. Mit einem exponentiellen Regressionsansatz kann der anfängliche Zustand des Moduls in beiden Atmosphären zum Zeitpunkt Null, der dem Einbringen der Probe in das Rheometer entspricht, rekonstruiert werden. Die sich aus diesem Ansatz ergebende Zeitkonstante erlaubt es, quantitative Zusammenhänge zwischen der thermischen Stabilität der drei PET-Sorten und deren Molmasse sowie dem Herstellungsverfahren der PET-Typen aufzuzeigen. So weist hochmolekulares PET eine höhere Stabilität in Stickstoff und eine geringere Stabilität in Luft auf und umgekehrt. Hauptursache für dieses Verhalten ist die unterschiedliche Konzentration an Hydroxylendgruppen, die je nach Molmasse und Herstellungsmethode der jeweiligen PET-Typen variiert. Mit Hilfe der "Time-Resolved Mechnical Sprectroscopy" konnte die sich ändernde Viskosität über ein weites Frequenzspektrum und zu einer beliebigen Messzeit in beiden Atmosphären bestimmt werden. Wesentliche Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung sind der Nachweis des Auftretens von (i) einem Weichmachereffekt bedingt durch die thermische und thermo-oxidative Degradation und den daraus resultierenden Oligomeren, (ii) dreidimensionaler Vernetzung mit der Ausbildung einer Fließgrenze, (iii) Diffusionsprozessen, die Einfluss auf die Polykondensationsreaktion haben, (iv) Wandgleiten, bedingt durch die Ablagerung von Nebenprodukten auf den Platten des Rheometers und (v) einem verbreiterten Scherverdünnungbereich [Kruse and Wagner, 2016]. Die Extrusion von linearem PET mit einem Doppelschneckenextruder unter industriellen Bedingungen führt zu einer starken Abnahme der Viskosität, die hauptsächlich durch Scherung und weniger durch thermo-oxidativen Abbau verursacht wird. Bei der reaktiven Verarbeitung der drei PET-Typen mit den drei verschiedenen Kettenverlängerern erwies sich das dreifunktionale TPP auf Grund von Toxizität und Lagerinstabilitäten als unbrauchbar. Die Verarbeitung der beiden vierfunktionalen Kettenverlängerer, PMDA und das epoxidhaltige TGDDM, führt zu erhöhter Viskosität, erhöhter Dehnverfestigung und erhöhter thermischer Stabilität mit zunehmender Konzentration des jeweiligen Kettenverlängerers. Das beschriebene Verhalten zeigt sich sowohl am Speicher- und Verlustmodul und dem daraus abgeleiteten Verlustwinkel, als auch an der Fließaktivierungsenergie und der Dehnviskosität. Dabei lassen sich die gemessenen Dehnviskositäten sehr präzise mit dem MSF-Modell beschreiben und die beiden nichtlinearen Modelparameter, β und f_max^2 ermöglichen eine quantitative Analyse der Verzweigungsstruktur und der Molekülstreckung. So zeigt die Modifiziereng von hohen PMDA-Konzentrationen und dem hochmolekularen PET eine mehr kammartige Struktur im Vergleich zu den beiden niedermolekularen PET-Typen, die eine baumartige Molekülstruktur und eine höhere Molmasse nach der reaktiven Extrusion aufweisen. Beide Effekte können mit der höheren OH-Endgruppenkonzentration der beiden niedermolekularen PET-Typen erklärt werden. Zu hohe Zusätze von TGDDM führen zu einem hochverzweigten und gelartigen Polymer. Das Bruchverhalten bei der uniaxialen Dehnung von mit einem hohen Zusatz von PMDA hergestellten langkettenverzweigten PET wird von einer limitierenden Bruchspannung bestimmt. Demgegenüber bestimmt eine maximale Dehnung das Bruchverhalten des mit einem hohen TGDDM-Zusatz hergestellten LCB-PET, verursacht durch ein kovalent gebundenes Polymernetzwerk. Die GPC Messungen mit drei Detektoren wurden an LCB-PET durchgeführt, das auf Basis der hochmolekularen PET-Type hergestellt wurde. Die molekulare Analyse der mit PMDA und TGDDM modifizierten Proben zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme der mittleren Molmassen, Molmassenverteilungsbreite, des Gyrationsradius und des hydrodynamischen Radius und bestätigt somit die rheologischen Ergebnisse. Das Auftreten von Verzweigungen wird außerdem durch den abnehmenden Mark-Houwink-Exponenten bei zunehmender Additivkonzentration verdeutlicht. Eine genauere Betrachtung weist auf eine sternartige Molekülstruktur bei geringer Zugabe beider Kettenverlängerer hin. Bei erhöhter Zugabe hingegen tritt eine kammartige Struktur bei PMDA und eine baumartige oder hochverzweigte Struktur bei TGDDM auf, wie auch aus den nichtlinearen viskoelastischen Messungen zu schließen ist. Insbesondere PMDA erweist sich als hervorragender Kettenverlängerer, der bei reaktiver Extrusion reproduzierbar eine sternartige, kammartige oder baumartige Molekülstruktur in Abhängigkeit von der verwendeten PET-Type und der PMDA-Konzentration ermöglicht und so das Verarbeitungsspektrum von PET auf neue Anwendungsgebiete erweitert.

Modification of Polymers

Book Description

The sheer volume of topics which could have been included under our general title prompted us to make some rather arbitrary decisions about content. Modification by irradiation is not included because the activity in this area is being treated elsewhere. We have chosen to emphasize chemical routes to modification and have striven to pre sent as balanced a representation of current activity as time and page count permit. Industrial applications, both real and potential, are included. Where appropriate, we have encouraged the contributors to include review material to help provide the reader with adequate context. The initial chapter is a review from a historical perspective of polymer modification and contains an extensive bibliography. The remainder of the book is divided into four general areas: Reactions and Preparation of Copolymers Reactions and Preparation of Block and Graft Copolymers Modification Through Condensation Reactions Applications The chemical modification of homopolymers such as polyvinylchlo ride, polyethylene, poly(chloroalkylene sulfides), polysulfones, poly chloromethylstyrene, polyisobutylene, polysodium acrylate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl chloroformate, sulfonated polystyrene; block and graft copolymers such as poly(styrene-block-ethylene-co-butylene block-styrene), poly(I,4-polybutadiene-block ethylene oxide), star chlorine-telechelic polyisobutylene, poly(isobutylene-co-2,3-dimethyl- 1,3-butadiene), poly(styrene-co-N-butylmethacrylate); cellulose, dex tran and inulin, is described.

Polymer Modified Bitumen

Book Description

The addition of polymers to bitumen allows the modification of certain physical properties, such as softening point, brittleness and ductility, of the bitumen. Polymer modified bitumen: Properties and characterisation provides a valuable and in-depth coverage of the science and technology of polymer modified bitumen.After an initial introduction to bitumen and polymer modified bitumen, the book is divided into two parts. Chapters in part one focus on the preparation and properties of a range of polymer modified bitumen, including polymer bitumen emulsions, modification of bitumen with poly (urethanes), waste rubber and plastic and polypropylene fibres. Part two addresses the characterisation and properties of polymer modified bitumen. Chapter topics covered include rheology, simulated and actual long term ageing studies; the solubility of bituminous binders in fuels and the use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to study ageing/oxidation of polymer modified bitumen.Polymer modified bitumen is an essential reference for scientists and engineers, from both academia and the civil engineering and transport industries, interested in the properties and characterisation of polymer modified bitumen. - Provides a comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the science and technology of polymer modified bitumen - Focuses on the preparation and properties of a range of polymer modified bitumen, including emulsions, modification of bitumen with poly(urethanes), waste rubber and plastic as well as polypropylene fibres - Addresses the characterization and properties of polymer modified bitumen, including rheology, simulated and actual long term ageing studies, and the solubility of bituminous binders in fuels

Crosslinkable Polyethylene

Book Description

This volume covers various aspects of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). The contents include manufacture, morphology, structure, properties, applications, early stage development, cross-linking techniques, recycling process, physical and chemical properties as well as the scope and future aspects of XLPE. It focuses on the life cycle analysis of XLPE and their industrial applications and commercial importance. This book will be of use to academic and industry researchers, as well as graduate students working in the fields of polymer science and engineering, materials science, and chemical engineering.

Self-Healing Polymers

Book Description

Self-healing is a well-known phenomenon in nature: a broken bone merges after some time and if skin is damaged, the wound will stop bleeding and heals again. This concept can be mimicked in order to create polymeric materials with the ability to regenerate after they have suffered degradation or wear. Already realized applications are used in aerospace engineering, and current research in this fascinating field shows how different self-healing mechanisms proven successful by nature can be adapted to produce even more versatile materials. The book combines the knowledge of an international panel of experts in the field and provides the reader with chemical and physical concepts for self-healing polymers, including aspects of biomimetic processes of healing in nature. It shows how to design self-healing polymers and explains the dynamics in these systems. Different self-healing concepts such as encapsulated systems and supramolecular systems are detailed. Chapters on analysis and friction detection in self-healing polymers and on applications round off the book.

Polymer Colloids

Book Description

Academic and industrial research around polymer-based colloids is huge, driven both by the development of mature technologies, e.g. latexes for coatings, as well as the advancement of new materials and applications, such as building blocks for 2D/3D structures and medicine. Edited by two world-renowned leaders in polymer science and engineering, this is a fundamental text for the field. Based on a specialised course by the editors, this book provides the reader with an invaluable single source of reference. The first section describes formation, explaining basic properties of emulsions and dispersion polymerization, microfluidic approaches to produce polymer-based colloids and formation via directed self-assembly. The next section details characterisation methodologies from microscopy and small angle scattering, to surface science and simulations. The final chapters close with applications, including Pickering emulsions and molecular engineering for materials development. A comprehensive guide to polymer colloids, with contributions by leaders in their respective areas, this book is a must-have for researchers and practitioners working across polymers, soft matter and chemical and molecular engineering.

Polymer Processing

Book Description

Fundamental concepts coupled with practical, step-by-step guidance With its emphasis on core principles, this text equips readers with the skills and knowledge to design the many processes needed to safely and successfully manufacture thermoplastic parts. The first half of the text sets forth the general theory and concepts underlying polymer processing, such as the viscoelastic response of polymeric fluids and diffusion and mass transfer. Next, the text explores specific practical aspects of polymer processing, including mixing, extrusion dies, and post-die processing. By addressing a broad range of design issues and methods, the authors demonstrate how to solve most common processing problems. This Second Edition of the highly acclaimed Polymer Processing has been thoroughly updated to reflect current polymer processing issues and practices. New areas of coverage include: Micro-injection molding to produce objects weighing a fraction of a gram, such as miniature gears and biomedical devices New chapter dedicated to the recycling of thermoplastics and the processing of renewable polymers Life-cycle assessment, a systematic method for determining whether recycling is appropriate and which form of recycling is optimal Rheology of polymers containing fibers Chapters feature problem sets, enabling readers to assess and reinforce their knowledge as they progress through the text. There are also special design problems throughout the text that reflect real-world polymer processing issues. A companion website features numerical subroutines as well as guidance for using MATLAB®, IMSL®, and Excel to solve the sample problems from the text. By providing both underlying theory and practical step-by-step guidance, Polymer Processing is recommended for students in chemical, mechanical, materials, and polymer engineering.

Carraher's Polymer Chemistry

Book Description

Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Tenth Edition integrates the core areas of polymer science. Along with updating of each chapter, newly added content reflects the growing applications in Biochemistry, Biomaterials, and Sustainable Industries. Providing a user-friendly approach to the world of polymeric materials, the book allows students to integrate their chemical knowledge and establish a connection between fundamental and applied chemical information. It contains all of the elements of an introductory text with synthesis, property, application, and characterization. Special sections in each chapter contain definitions, learning objectives, questions, case studies and additional reading.

Handbook of Thermoplastic Elastomers

Book Description

Handbook of Thermoplastic Elastomers, Second Edition presents a comprehensive working knowledge of thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), providing an essential introduction for those learning the basics, but also detailed engineering data and best practice guidance for those already involved in polymerization, processing, and part manufacture. TPEs use short, cost-effective production cycles, with reduced energy consumption compared to other polymers, and are used in a range of industries including automotive, medical, construction and many more. This handbook provides all the practical information engineers need to successfully utilize this material group in their products, as well as the required knowledge to thoroughly ground themselves in the fundamental chemistry of TPEs. The data tables included in this book assist engineers and scientists in both selecting and processing the materials for a given product or application. In the second edition of this handbook, all chapters have been reviewed and updated. New polymers and applications have been added — particularly in the growing automotive and medical fields — and changes in chemistry and processing technology are covered. - Provides essential knowledge of the chemistry, processing, properties, and applications for both new and established technical professionals in any industry utilizing TPEs - Datasheets provide "at-a-glance" processing and technical information for a wide range of commercial TPEs and compounds, saving readers the need to contact suppliers - Includes data on additional materials and applications, particularly in automotive and medical industries