Rice Revolution in Sri Lanka

Book Description

An overview; Locality studies; The minipe colonization scheme; Ussapitiya Village; Palannoruwa Village (Western Province); Palamunai Village.

Rice Revolution in Sri Lanka

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Rice Revolution in Sri Lanka

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Rice Production in Sri Lanka

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Green Revolution?

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Green Revolution?

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Prospects for adopting system of rice intensification in Sri Lanka: A socioeconomic assessment

Book Description

Today, there is an increasing worldwide interest in assessing the potential for maintaining or increasing rice yields by reducing or eliminating the use of chemicals and by decreasing irrigation requirements. The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) first developed in Madagascar and now being tested in many countries, is an example of such an approach. The system is based largely on organic farming principles and additional requirements for spacing and the transplanting of seedlings.

Green Revolution/h

Book Description

As will be made clear in the pages that follow, this book is based on a field research project focused on rice-growing and undertaken in parts of North Arcot District in Tamil Nadu (India) and of Hambantota and Mon-eragala Districts, Sri Lanka. We use 'S.E. Sri Lanka' as shorthand for the whole of the latter study area, and 'Hambantota District' for the part of it which falls in that District. Except where the context requires otherwise, the present in our book refers to 1973-4; while 'Randam' and 'Paha-lagama' are fictitious names for real villages. The project was an inter-disciplinary one, involving workers qualified in economics, geography, hydrology, sociology, statistics and the study of the administration of development.

Green Revolution?

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