Russia's Transition to a New Federalism

Book Description

WBI Learning Resources discuss issues in economic development policy and lessons from experience in a way that can be understood by non-specialists. This is the first in a series that will look at governance and decentralisation and looks at the implications of federalism on the growth of Russia's economy. In particular it looks at the impact of fiscal decentralisation as the way intergovernmental finances are resolved influences the transition and macroeconomic stability.

Russia's Transition to a New Federalism

Book Description

The WBI Learning Resources discuss issues in economic development policy and lessons from experience in a way that can be understood by non-specialists.; This is the first in a series that will look at governance and decentralization and looks at the implications of federalism on the growth of Russia's economy. In particular it looks at the impact of fiscal decentralization, as the way inter-governmental finances are resolved influences the transition and macroeconomic stability. It sets out the political history leading up to the Putin-led government, and it links Russia's choices with the broader issues facing any country undergoing inter-governmental reform.

Federalism and Local Politics in Russia

Book Description

This book examines federalism and regional and local politics in Russia. Many commentators have alluded to the unique nature of Russia's dual transition and its difficult task of simultaneously reforming its economy and polity. But there is in fact a third transition under way in Russia that is of no less importance, the need to reconfigure central-local relations and to create a stable and viable form of federalism. Federal states are much more difficult to set up than unitary ones, and forging a new federal system at the same time as privatising the economy and trying to radically overhaul the political system has clearly made Russia's transition triply difficult. The book discusses how Vladimir Putin has re-asserted the power of the centre in Russia, and tightened the federal government's control of the regions. It shows how, contrary to his rhetoric about developing Russia as a free and democratic state, authoritarianism has been extended - through his reorganisation of the Federation Council, his usurpation of powers to dismiss regional assemblies and chief executives, and his creation of seven unelected super-governors. The book explores a wide range of issues related to these developments, including a comparative study of Russian federalism and local politics, ethnic federalism, the merging of federal units, regional governors, electoral and party reforms, and regional and local politics. It also includes case studies of local and regional politics in specific regions.

Reforming Regional-local Finance in Russia

Book Description

The exposition is based on an analytical framework covering all ?building blocks? of fiscal federalism: size and structure of jurisdictions, expenditures, revenues, transfers, and borrowing. The application of this framework to Russian settings results in a comprehensive assessment of the state of intergovernmental fiscal relations in Russia.

Federalism with and Without Political Centralization

Book Description

In China, local governments have actively contributed to the growth of new firms. In Russia, local governments have typically stood in the way, be it through taxation, regulation, or corruption. There appears to be two main reasons behind the behavior of local governments in Russia. First, capture by old firms, leading local governments to protect them from competition by new entrants. Second, competition for rents by local officials, eliminating incentives for new firms to enter. The question then is why this has not happened in China. We argue that the answer lies in the degree of political centralization present in China, but not in Russia. Transition in China has taken place under the tight control of the communist party. As a result, the central government has been in a strong position both to reward and to punish local administrations, reducing both the risk of local capture and the scope of competition for rents. By contrast, transition in Russia has come with the emergence of a partly dysfunctional democracy. The central government has been neither strong enough to impose its views, nor strong enough to set clear rules about the sharing of the proceeds of growth. As a result, local governments have had few incentives either to resist capture or to rein in competition for rents. Based on the experience of China, a number of researchers have argued that federalism could play a central role in development. We agree, but with an important caveat. We believe the experience of Russia indicates that another ingredient is crucial, namely political centralization

Reforming Regional-local Finance in Russia

Book Description

This publication examines the current state of Russia's system of government at regional and local level in relation to tax policy and the related reforms implemented over the past decade. It looks at the size and structure of jurisdictions, expenditure and revenue, transfers and borrowing; considers reform options based on international practices; and discusses likely challenges arising from the implementation of proposed intergovernmental reforms. This publication complements another World Bank Institute publication ('Russia's transition to a new federalism' (2001, ISBN 082134840X) which focuses on federal-regional relations and the impact of fiscal decentralisation.

Federalism and democratisation in Russia

Book Description

This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. Building on earlier work, this text combines theoretical perspectives with empirical work, to provide a comparative analysis of the electoral systems, party systems and governmental systems in the ethnic republics and regions of Russia. It also assesses the impact of these different institutional arrangements on democratization and federalism, moving the focus of research from the national level to the vitally important processes of institution building and democratization at the local level and to the study of federalism in Russia.

The State After Communism

Book Description

After the fall of communism in Russia, most observers took for granted that the structures of the new democratic state would be effective agents of the popular will. This assumption was overly optimistic. Eleven respected contributors examine governance in post-Soviet Russia in comparative context, investigating the roots, characteristics, and consequences of the crisis as a whole and its manifestations in the specific realms of tax collection, statistics, federalism, social policy, regulation of the banks, currency exchange, energy policy, and parliamentary oversight of the bureaucracy.

Federalism and the Dictatorship of Power in Russia

Book Description

Stoliarov presents an analysis of the historical traditions and distinctive features of modern Russian federalism. He reviews the state of affairs in today's Russia as it strives to become a federal democracy securing the rights and liberties of its citizens. By tracing two contrasting ideas - federalism and derzhavnost (dictatorship of power) - in the legacy of the Russian state, and in relations between the modern federal government and the regions, he demonstrates the need for balance in the delimitation of power. The election in 2000 if Vladimir Putin as President raised doubts about the future of federalism among politicians and citizens, but Stoliarov believes that the development of federalism is the only way forward for this multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. He shows that the strengthening of 'vertical power' and 'dictatorship of the law', despite their patriotic appeal, are likely to have a negative effect on the building of democracy and federalism in Russia.

Federalism and the Dictatorship of Power in Russia

Book Description

This is an analysis of the historical traditions and distinctive features of modern Russian federalism. It reviews the state of affairs in today's Russia as it strives to become a federal democracy securing the rights and liberties of its citizens. By tracing two contrasting ideas -- federalism and derzhavnost (dictatorship of power) -- in the legacy of the Russian state, and in relations between the modern federal government and the regions, it demonstrates the need for balance in the delimitation of power.