Pub163, 2005 Sailing Directions (Enroute)

Book Description

Sailing Directions 163 (Enroute) covers Borneo, Jawa, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara from Mindanao and Malaysia to the Savu Sea and the islands of Timor and Sumba, including the Makassar Strait and the Ceram Sea. It is issued for use in conjunction with Sailing Directions 120 (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. Companion volumes are Sailing Directions 161, 162, and 164.

Sailing Directions 192 North Sea

Book Description

2012EDITION 13 FOR 2012PUB.192 SAILING DIRECTIONS (ENROUTE)NORTH SEAScotland-The Firth of ForthScotland and England-Gin Head to Flamborough HeadEngland-Flamborough Head to the Thames EstuaryEngland-The Thames EstuaryEngland-The River ThamesBelgium and the Netherlands-Nieuwpoort to Westkapelle (including the Schelde)The Netherlands-Westkapelle to TerschellingThe Netherlands and Germany-Terschelling to the River Jade and the River WeserGermany and Denmark-The River Elbe to HanstholmGlossariesSAILING DIRECTIONS are all available at Amazon as paperback and kindle editions.SAILING DIRECTIONS are prepared and published by the NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (NGA). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.SAILING DIRECTIONS, covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, provide information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Sailing Directions include detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the largest scale chart.PLANNING GUIDES are;SAILING DIRECTIONS (PLANNING GUIDES) include relevant physical, political, industrial, navigational and regulatory information about the countries adjacent to a particular ocean basin in a single volume102 INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNALS120 PACIFIC OCEAN & SOUTHEAST ASIA140 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN & ADJACENTSEAS160 SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN &INDIAN OCEAN180 ARCTIC OCEAN200 ANTARCTICAENROUTE GUIDES;102 INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNALS120 PACIFIC OCEAN & SOUTHEAST ASIA123 SOUTHWEST AFRICA124 EAST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA125 WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA126 PACIFIC ISLANDS127 EAST COAST OF AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND131 WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN132 EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN140 NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN & ADJACENTSEAS141 SCOTLAND142 IRELAND AND THE WEST COAST OF ENGLAND143 WEST COAST OF EUROPE & NORTHWEST AFRICA145 NOVA SCOTIA & THE ST LAWRENCE146 NEWFOUNDLAND, LABRADOR & HUDSON BAY147 CARIBBEAN SEA VOLUME 1148 CARIBBEAN SEA VOLUME 2150 WORLD PORT INDEX151 DISTANCE BETWEEN PORTS153 WEST COASTS OF MEXICO & CENTRAL AMERICA154 BRITISH COLUMBIA155 EAST RUSSIA157 KOREA & CHINA158 JAPAN 1159 JAPAN 2160 SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN &INDIAN OCEAN161 SOUTH CHINA SEA & THAILAND162 PHILLIPINE ISLANDS163 BORNEO, JAWA, SULAWESI, & NUSA TENGGARA171 EAST AFRICA & THE SOUTH INDIAN OCEAN172 RED SEA & PERSIAN GULF173 INDIA & BAY OF BENGAL174 STRAIT OF MALACCA & SUMATERA175 NORTH, WEST & SOUTH COASTS OF AUSTRALIA180 ARCTIC OCEAN181 GREENLAND & ICELAND 182 NORTH & WEST COASTS OF NORWAY183 NORTH COAST OF RUSSIA191 ENGLISH CHANNEL192 NORTH SEA193 SKAGERRAK & KATTEGAT194 BALTIC SEA (SOUTHERN PART)195 GULF OF FINLAND & GULF OF BOTHNIA200 ANTARCTICA

Sailing Directions for Java

Book Description