Temple of Satan

Book Description

(Deluxe, full-color paperback): This book contains a grand vision for realizing Satan's Temple on earth, building His Imperium and breeding His awaited Son. It describes the diabolical ways of our Satanic Order and our new Satanic race. It also contains the first Gate of Nine that shall take Initiates into the depths of Hell to meet our Lord. These visions have been inspired by Lord Satan and revealed to the Dark Lords in their Black Temple. If you are one of us, let this book be your call to action and a manifesto for the Satanic Age. For the era of heresy and faithlessness is ending, and the time has come for man to reconnect to his Dark Lord, embrace the spirit of evil and awaken to the glories of Satan's plan. So go forth, ye black disciples, and build temples to the Devil as we shall teach you. Gather into Black Lodges and covens and spread our Temple's delicious poison into your community. Manifest the Unholy Spirit in your works and live the Diabolical Way each day. Recruit others to Satan's banner and help build our new order for the ages. Breed a new Satanic race and await the coming of the Antichrist. Master black magick and wage spiritual warfare against the enemies of our Lord. Do these things, and by Satan's will we shall remake this world as has been foreseen. Diabolus Vult! The Devil wills it! The DARK LORDS Year 1 of the Temple of Satan

Satan's Open Doors

Book Description

Have you ever imagined your life free from sin and keeping Satan out of your life. There has to be a way. Bill Vincent reveals that the greatest form of spiritual warfare for any Christian is the powerful force of obedience. SATAN'S OPEN DOORS will give you a fresh revelation of how God supplies in the Spirit and prompt your heart and mind to find hidden sins and identify rebellion. As you are challenged to be holy, you'll discover how grace gives you the power not to be a slave to sin anymore.

The Club Dumas

Book Description

Lucas Corso, a rare book hunter, is called in to authenticate a fragment of the original manuscript of Alexandre Dumas's "The Three Musketeers," found in the possession of a murdered bibliophile, and soon finds himself involved in an adventure in which life imitates literature.

Enoch-Satans War Dogma Against Christ

Book Description

Blessed are the eyes that read and are allowed by Yahweh God to be unveiled. This is a mandatory two-book series for all groups of mankind. This is the one and only true gospel suppressed to your injury. It was intended to be a three-book series. However, circumstances dictated it be two. Every scrap of dogma within is 100 percent correct without exception. No man can correct, only accept or reject it. Whether Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew, atheist, Satanist, alternative lifestyle, military, demon, hybrid, or anything else, there are reasons for each of you to know as your lives depend upon it. You have the right to make fully informed decisions with your free will, also to change your minds at any time and the truth be there awaiting you. What is coming is the worst time in human history. Satan is required to give warning and now invoke that rule. Matthew 24:14 must be fulfilled before the end can come. “This” gospel (Gal. 1:8). We are on God’s time and no other. I have served you free for twelve years. I intend to take only what I need and use the rest to help humanity survive, being unable to buy or sell. Active true servants only. Also nature. Those who run this world want a one-world government. I am all for it—God’s kingdom. This is a leap of faith to that end, to charter a nonprofit and nation. Once I’ve recovered and set my hedge, I will be providing full transparency to all brothers worldwide, keep a 10 percent priest’s amount only if I even do that. Other than a possible accidental rewriting first-column citations, this two-book series fully destroys all of Babylon the great. People would rather sin than be part of a phallacy (not misspelled), which insults their intelligence and conscience. Not on my watch. The famine must end now. No matter who or what you are, I love you all without exception. Sex out of wedlock is no better than any other kind of fornication. Morality is not a sliding scale, nor is it code or Babylonian law. I was allowed to father Revelation 9:7–11. A half-dozen prophesies are attached to my work directly. I need bros of all professions and backgrounds to join with me in anticipation—men of action, sisters with courage, Muslims with Christians. Every soul that knows this truth must preach it verbatim. You can watch your planet die by the hands of criminals or save who you can. There is only one cause—the great commission (Matt. 28:19, 20). Only us who carry our torture stake will inherit this kingdom. This will be the worst and greatest generation of all time (Prov. 27:11). Be wise, my son, make my heart rejoice.

Hell's Gate

Book Description

Pastor Moses Samuels, a former drug addict turned minister of the gospel, is called by God to Henrick, Texas, a town hes never heard of. In obedience, he makes the move and discovers a town overrun with Satan worshippers. Ninety percent of the population is involved in the satanic cult. His job is to lead the people of Henrick out of their bondage to Satan. In the process of doing so, he is arrested and beaten and faces death when the cult makes preparations to offer him as a sacrifice to Satan. Hells Gate is a book about demons, angels, and the power of Almighty God. It shows how God can work in and through us to accomplish great things if we are willing to obey and follow him. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

Satan's Roost

Book Description

FBI Assistant Director Mark Goldman, a former NYCPD detective, had only to sign his letter of resignation when two unlikely events change the course of his actions. The murder of a postman and a car fire near the Washington Mall become the first pieces of a deadly international conundrum for Goldman the impetus he desperately needs to get back on the streets. Years earlier, Mark accepted a promotion to his current, lofty position; an award for thwarting a devastating terrorist attack on the homeland. His title suggests he is the liaison between U.S. and foreign security forces; however, none of his proposals are executed. The Jewish prodigy is caught in a dead-end job until now. Goldman ignores his jurisdiction to search for the lone wolf whose mission is to destroy the very foundation of the U.S. government: the order of succession to the presidency. The hunt draws in Avi Levy, the director of Israel's Mossad; as well as Mark's mentor, Jack Warner, a retired FBI director. The case also reunites Goldman with the love of his life, Ruth Sachs, a distinguished Mossad agent. The tale courses from the streets of Paris, to the Zuiderzee, and finally to the U.S. where the lone wolf blends into the anonymity offered by the sheer vastness of the land. Will the al Qaeda-financed lone wolf remain a step ahead of his pursuers, or will the reunited team of Goldman and Sachs eliminate the threat? America's fate hangs in the balance. The Secret Service was so intrigued with this story that it requested an interview with the author. The idea of a lone wolf eradicating the nation's entire political structure in a single blow was unthinkable. Possibly because of that interview, four similar plots against our homeland were thwarted. All too often a fine line separates fact from fiction.

Paradise Lost. Book 10

Book Description

Satan Exposed

Book Description

Spiritual warfare is not a church fad. Rather, it is the rediscovery of biblical Christianity. Furthermore, one will not grasp what the Bible teaches until one comprehends what it affirms about spiritual warfare. In truth, spiritual warfare permeates the entire Bible. When one learns to read the Scriptures through the lens of spiritual warfare, one will discern the mission of God, understand the kingdom of God, and be able to participate in the work of God. As a professional theologian, seminary professor, and spiritual warfare practitioner, Bill Payne believes that the church will not make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18–20) until it operationalizes what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare. As it orients the reader to the spiritual warfare mandate, Satan Exposed tackles the difficult passages of Scripture. In short, this book will change how you read the Bible, how you understand reality, and how you do ministry.

The Three Satans

Book Description