Schatten der Dualität. Life is a Story -

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In einem rätselhaften Dorf verstrickt sich Lucas in einen Pakt mit den Schatten. Seine Reise zwischen Licht und Dunkelheit, gepaart mit uralten Prophezeiungen, entfaltet eine düstere Chronik. Während er das Gleichgewicht zwischen Dualität und Vermächtnis bewahrt, erlebt er den Tanz der Gegensätze. Doch der Preis des Friedens und der Abschied von den Schatten führen ihn zu einer überraschenden Wahrheit. Tauchen Sie ein in dieses schattenhafte Epos, wo die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Dunkelheit verschwimmen, und enthüllen Sie das Vermächtnis der Schatten, das die Ewigkeit durchdringt.

laute Stille. Life is a Story -

Book Description

In dieser Spirale aus Verantwortlichkeiten und Verpflichtungen frage ich mich, ob wir nicht Gefangene unserer eigenen Schöpfungen sind. Diese Pflichten, die uns wie unsichtbare Fesseln binden, scheinen den Raum für die wahren Freuden des Lebens zu erdrücken. Die Zeit verfliegt in einem endlosen Strom von Terminen und Anforderungen, während die Sehnsucht nach einem Moment des Innehaltens und Genießens unaufhörlich in mir wächst.

The Shock of Recognition

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In The Shock of Recognition, Lewis Pyenson examines art and science together to shed new light on common motifs in Picasso’s and Einstein’s education, in European material culture, and in the intellectual life of one nation-state, Argentina.

The Ever-Present Origin

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This English translation of Gebser’s major work, Ursprung und Gegenwart (Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlag, 1966), offers certain fundamental insights which should be beneficial to any sensitive scientist and makes it available to the English-speaking world for the recognition it deserves. “The path which led Gebser to his new and universal perception of the world is, briefly, as follows. In the wake of materialism and social change, man had been described in the early years of our century as the “dead end” of nature. Freud had redefined culture as illness—a result of drive sublimation; Klages had called the spirit (and he was surely speaking of the hypertrophied intellect) the “adversary of the soul,” propounding a return to a life like that of the Pelasgi, the aboriginal inhabitants of Greece; and Spengler had declared the “Demise of the West” during the years following World War I. The consequences of such pessimism continued to proliferate long after its foundations had been superseded. It was with these foundations—the natural sciences—that Gebser began. As early as Planck it was known that matter was not at all what materialists had believed it to be, and since 1943 Gebser has repeatedly emphasized that the so-called crisis of Western culture was in fact an essential restructuration.… Gebser has noted two results that are of particular significance: first, the abandonment of materialistic determinism, of a one-sided mechanistic-causal mode of thought; and second, a manifest “urgency of attempts to discover a universal way of observing things, and to overcome the inner division of contemporary man who, as a result of his one-sided rational orientation, thinks only in dualisms.” Against this background of recent discoveries and conclusions in the natural sciences Gebser discerned the outlines of a potential human universality. He also sensed the necessity to go beyond the confines of this first treatise so as to include the humanities (such as political economics and sociology) as well as the arts in a discussion along similar lines. This was the point of departure of The Ever-Present Origin. From In memoriam Jean Gebser by Jean Keckeis

Broken Music

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And Magnus af Petersens

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The wall was his passion. If we look at urban walls with the eyes of Burhan Dogançay a completely different world opens up: half-ripped posters on rough brickwork, covered in graffiti, scribblings, messages, signs, stickers. From this rich stock of structures, signs and symbols the artist created his wall fragments, his 'Urban Walls'. Dogançay (1929-2013) was born in Istanbul and settled in New York in 1964, where he moved within the art scene around Robert Rauschenberg und Jasper Johns. His subject is the visual perception of texture, place and memory, which he researches in serial works. For his 'Urban Walls' he records house walls and façades all over the world in a variety of media, using a wide range of materials and techniques such as photography, collage and painting. His works are archives of past decades which capture the spirit of the times. From the 1970s and 1980s he progresses from these works to develop his 'Ribbons' - calligraphic paintings of poetic charm. Exhibition: Albertina, Vienna, Austria (06.07.-08.10.2017).

TranscEnding the Global Power Game

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Whatever happens on the visible plane has its roots in invisible dimensions; reality is more than meets the eye. This is the essence of all spiritual teachings and mystery schools, and it is the key to understanding what actually happens on the stage of the global power game. Here, in a unique compendium, you get to know what the world looks like when seen from this paranormal viewpoint. Step by step, the author unfolds stunning insights into the hidden dimensions of secret politics, money manipulations, and the ongoing transformation. The pieces are put together to reveal an exciting puzzle. Topics Include: • Ancient knowledge and new revelations • The conclusive meaning of the symbolism of light and darkness • The ideology of the Illuminati • The roots and goals of today's secret societies • Prophecies regarding money and the crash • Alien forces and the presence of lightbeings • Our role in this cosmic drama "Had Armin Risi lived in classical times, he would now be counted among the great philosophers and theologians. Being a contemporary author, however, he is able to go beyond classical philosophy and shed light on problems, coverups, and challenges of today, using a revolutionary logic, or mytho-logic, as he calls it." — Professor Jorg Rehberg, Zurich

The Poetry of Rilke

Book Description

A Journey into the Heart of German Poetry Experience a deep dive into the mesmerizing world of one of the most significant poets of the 20th century with The Poetry of Rilke. Uncover an unparalleled collection of Rilke's finest works, elegantly translated over the course of two decades by acclaimed scholar Edward Snow. This collection brings to light over two hundred and fifty of Rilke's distinguished gems, including the complete versions of his towering masterpieces, the Sonnets to Orpheus and Duino Elegies. From his early poetic explorations in The Book of Hours to his visionary verses written in the twilight of his life, this anthology spans the breadth of Rilke's literary evolution. This landmark bilingual edition not only invites you to a breathtaking trip to the heart of lyrical and existential poetry but also serves as a comprehensive platform to appreciate the magical interplay between German and English verses. Alongside Rilke’s works, Snow's enlightening commentaries yield a richer comprehension of Rilke's illustrious verses. The Poetry of Rilke will stand as the authoritative single-volume translation of Rilke into English for years to come.


Book Description

Andrei Bely was one of the most prolific poets, novelists, and theoreticians among the Russian Symbolists. Engaged throughout his life with the essence of language, his thoughts and findings emerge repeatedly in his essays and novels. None of his writings on the subject, however, are as remarkable and multi-faceted as this Poem about Sound. Glossolalia is a complex examination of philology, philosophy, esoterica, and poetry, all in search of the relationship between sound and sense. It reverberates with sound associations and transcends all boundaries of language, discipline, and tradition. It is simultaneously a treatise on the origins of language and the world's creation through the movements of sounds. Bely reenacts, through the mouth, the cosmology of Rudolf Steiner. Bely's work, in its bold attempt to invoke the "living word," remains one of the most far-reaching poetic experiments of the twentieth Century, and this edition offers his fascinating text for the first time in both an English and a German translation, along with the original Russian version and an in-depth commentary by Thomas R. Beyer. Illustrated.