Leading 21st Century Schools

Book Description

Master The Latest Educational Technology To Teach 21st Century Skills. The pace of technological change picks up speed with each passing day. Educators must place the proper emphasis on technology leadership—using proven methods—if they are to prepare students to thrive in the classroom and beyond. When first published in 2009, this book empowered administrators and teachers to plan and execute effective strategies for enhancing student engagement and achievement through technology. This second edition features 80% brand-new material addressing the latest technological developments, combined with the authors’ tested methods for applying them in schools. Features include: Aligning technology to the ISLLC Standards, ISTE Standards, and Common Core State Standards Comprehensive guides to the newest technologies and trends that school leaders need to know A companion website featuring a massive volume of resources for additional progress With this book close at hand, school leaders will confidently guide students into the exciting digital future. "The world of technology changes by the second and educators are left in the dust to navigate a tsunami of tools. Levin and Schrum provide a detailed roadmap of technology tools available today and how they can be harnessed by educators to improve student engagement." -Eric Sheninger, Educational Consultant and Author of Digital Leadership "School leaders need less philosophy and more of a focus on the practical steps needed to move forward. Levin and Schrum update their best-selling First Edition by adding in the newest innovations in technology, while at the same time offering suggestions on how to get started." -Peter DeWitt, Corwin author/Consultant Finding Common Ground Blog/ Education Week

Reinventing America's Schools

Book Description

From David Osborne, the author of Reinventing Government--a biting analysis of the failure of America's public schools and a comprehensive plan for revitalizing American education. In Reinventing America's Schools, David Osborne, one of the world's foremost experts on public sector reform, offers a comprehensive analysis of the charter school movements and presents a theory that will do for American schools what his New York Times bestseller Reinventing Government did for public governance in 1992. In 2005, when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, the city got an unexpected opportunity to recreate their school system from scratch. The state's Recovery School District (RSD), created to turn around failing schools, gradually transformed all of its New Orleans schools into charter schools, and the results are shaking the very foundations of American education. Test scores, school performance scores, graduation and dropout rates, ACT scores, college-going rates, and independent studies all tell the same story: the city's RSD schools have tripled their effectiveness in eight years. Now other cities are following suit, with state governments reinventing failing schools in Newark, Camden, Memphis, Denver, Indianapolis, Cleveland, and Oakland. In this book, Osborne uses compelling stories from cities like New Orleans and lays out the history and possible future of public education. Ultimately, he uses his extensive research to argue that in today's world, we should treat every public school like a charter school and grant them autonomy, accountability, diversity of school designs, and parental choice.

Bringing Schools into the 21st Century

Book Description

Shift happens: Emerging technologies and globalization have resulted in political, social and cultural changes. These changes have a profound impact on all aspects of human life, including education. Yet while society has changed and continues to change, schools are slow to keep up. This book explores issues related to transforming and modernizing our educational systems, including the impact of societal shifts on education, the efforts at various levels to bring schools into the 21st century, the identification of 21st century skills, the reformation of the curriculum, the creation of alternative models of schooling, the innovative use of technology in education, and many others. It addresses questions like the following: Should schools systems adapt to better meet the needs of tomorrow’s world and how should this be accomplished? How can society better prepare students for a changing and challenging modern world? What skills do students need to lead successful lives and become productive citizens in the 21st century? How can educators create learning environments that are relevant and meaningful for digital natives? How can the school curriculum be made more rigorous to meet the needs of the 21st century? This book encourages readers to transcend the limits of their own educational experience, to think beyond familiar notions of schooling, instruction and curriculum, to consider how to best structure learning so that it will benefit future generations. It encourages a deeper analysis of the existing education system and offers practical insights into future directions focused on preparing students with 21st century skills.

Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

This book describes how different nations have defined the core competencies and skills that young people will need in order to thrive in the twenty-first-century, and how those nations have fashioned educational policies and curricula meant to promote those skills. The book examines six countries—Chile, China, India, Mexico, Singapore, and the United States—exploring how each one defines, supports, and cultivates those competencies that students will need in order to succeed in the current century. Teaching and Learning for the Twenty-First Century appears at a time of heightened attention to comparative studies of national education systems, and to international student assessments such as those that have come out of PISA (the Program for International Student Assessment), led by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This book’s crucial contribution to the burgeoning field of international education arises out of its special attention to first principles—and thus to first questions: As Reimers and Chung explain, “much can be gained by an explicit investigation of the intended purposes of education, in what they attempt to teach students, and in the related questions of why those purposes and how they are achieved.” These questions are crucial to education practice and reform at a time when educators (and the students they serve) face unique, pressing challenges. The book’s detailed attention to such questions signals its indispensable value for policy makers, scholars, and education leaders today.

10 Things Schools Get Wrong (And How We Can Get Them Right)

Book Description

What counterintuitive lessons can we learn from the meteoric rise of Mindset Theory in education? Why have computers so overwhelmingly failed to become the academic panacea many expected them to be? How can the simple act of assigning grades drive student narcissism and damage teacher professionalism? In this book, brain and behavioural research is combined with respected philosophy in order to place ten widely accepted yet rarely examined aspects of education under the microscope. - Teacher Expertise - Evidence-Based Practice - Grading - Homework - Mindset - 21st Century Skills - Computers - Rewards - Daily Organization - Function This book aims to inspire teachers, leaders, and parents to question many commonly held beliefs and empower them to re-think the role of modern schooling.

Evidence-Based Strategies for Leading 21st Century Schools

Book Description

How can a school best use technology for teaching and learning? This inspiring book profiles eight visionary schools that are achievers in how they approach technology. In this companion to Leading 21st Century Schools, Lynne Schrum and Barbara B. Levin offer insights directly from principals, teachers, superintendents, and others involved in implementing technology in K-12 environments. Readers will find a step-by-step guide to building a 21st century school, complete with resource directories and study group questions. This book provides evidence-based strategies for

The Leader's Guide to 21st Century Education

Book Description

"Educational leaders are empowered by a 7-steps framework to move their schools and districts forward in a quest to create community consensus and build the professional capacity for preparing students for 21st century learning."--Book cover.

International Summit on the Teaching Profession Schools for 21st-Century Learners Strong Leaders, Confident Teachers, Innovative Approaches

Book Description

This report summarises evidence from the OECD TALIS and PISA surveys that underpins the three themes of the 2015 International Summit on the Teaching Profession: school leadership, teachers’ self-efficacy and innovation.

21st Century School Leader

Book Description

This ground-breaking book titled The 21st Century School Leader: Leading Schools in Today's World focuses on effectively leading schools in the digital age (21st Century and beyond) where a majority of all stakeholders including students, staff, parents, community members, and business owners are digital natives. Written by an award-winning practitioner and international scholar, the author infuses this approach as it applies to all aspects of school leadership. Chapters include Leading Schools in Today's World, Social Media for School Leaders 101, The Importance of Being a Life-Long Learner, Closing the Achievement Gap, Ethics and Leadership, Professional Standards for Educational Leaders, School Climate and School Culture, Work-Life Balance, Professional Learning Network, Leading for Inclusiveness, Educational Policy, School Law, School Finance and Human Resources, and Tips for School Leaders.

Bilingual Education in the 21st Century

Book Description

Bilingual Education in the 21st Century examines languages and bilingualism as individual and societal phenomena, presents program types, variables, and policies in bilingual education, and concludes by looking at practices, especially pedagogies and assessments. This thought-provoking work is an ideal textbook for future teachers as well as providing a fresh view of the subject for school administrators and policy makers. Provides an overview of bilingual education theories and practices throughout the world Extends traditional conceptions of bilingualism and bilingual education to include global and local concerns in the 21st century Questions assumptions regarding language, bilingualism and bilingual education, and proposes a new theoretical framework and alternative views of teaching and assessment practices Reviews international bilingual education policies, with separate chapters dedicated to US and EU language policy in education Gives reasons why bilingual education is good for all children throughout the world, and presents cases of how this is being carried out