Scotland and the Thirty Years' War

Book Description

This volume deals with the entanglement of Scotland in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), discussing the diplomatic and military aspects of the conflict that were interwoven with the fate of the Scottish princess, Elizabeth of Bohemia, the famous Winter Queen.

Scotland and the Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648

Book Description

This volume deals with the entanglement of Scotland in the Thirty Years War (1618-1648), discussing both the diplomatic and military aspects of the conflict that led to Scottish involvement in the heart of the Holy Roman Empire. To the Scots, the war was linked to the fate of the Scottish princess, Elizabeth of Bohemia, rather than the politics of central Europe per se. In three sections, the 12 authors have illuminated the political processes that led to the participation of as many as 50,000 Scottish troops in the war. The official alliances of the Stuart regime, the independent diplomacy of the Scottish Parliament and the actions of numerous well placed individuals at various European courts are all shown to have had a bearing on this important episode of European history.

Alexander Leslie and the Scottish Generals of the Thirty Years' War, 1618–1648

Book Description

Field Marshal Alexander Leslie was the highest ranking commander from the British Isles to serve in the Thirty Years’ War. Though Leslie’s life provides the thread that runs through this work, the authors use his story to explore the impacts of the Thirty Years’ War, the British Civil Wars and the age of Military Revolution.

Alexander Leslie and the Scottish Generals of the Thirty Years' War, 1618–1648

Book Description

Field Marshal Alexander Leslie was the highest ranking commander from the British Isles to serve in the Thirty Years’ War. Though Leslie’s life provides the thread that runs through this work, the authors use his story to explore the impacts of the Thirty Years’ War, the British Civil Wars and the age of Military Revolution.

England and the Thirty Years' War

Book Description

This product gives access to both Africa Yearbook Online and African Studies Companion Online.

Scots in Habsburg Service

Book Description

This book offers an original approach to the study of the Scottish diaspora in Europe. It highlights the activities of a group of emigrants and exiles who served the twin-headed Habsburg dynasty during the first half of the seventeenth century.

Military History of Scotland

Book Description

The Scottish soldier has been at war for over 2000 years. Until now, no reference work has attempted to examine this vast heritage of warfare.A Military History of Scotland offers readers an unparalleled insight into the evolution of the Scottish military tradition. This wide-ranging and extensively illustrated volume traces the military history of Scotland from pre-history to the recent conflict in Afghanistan. Edited by three leading military historians, and featuring contributions from thirty scholars, it explores the role of warfare in the emergence of a Scottish kingdom, the forging of a Scottish-British military identity, and the participation of Scots in Britain's imperial and world wars. Eschewing a narrow definition of military history, it investigates the cultural and physical dimensions of Scotland's military past such as Scottish military dress and music, the role of the Scottish soldier in art and literature, Scotland's fortifications and battlefield archaeology, and Scotland's military memorials and museum collections.

The Thirty Year's War

Book Description

A striking and engrossing account of one of the most devastating religious wars to ever befall Europe: the great Catholic-Protestant clash which saw at least 40 percent of the population of Germany killed. The work's written style makes this book not a dry history but a dramatic and attention-holding story, starting with an account of the origin of the conflict, and how these differences spiraled out of control into what became the possible one of Europe's most devastating wars of all time. The study also reveals how divisions within the Protestant forces--between Calvinists and Lutherans--allowed the Catholic forces to gain the upper hand, and how foreign powers-both Protestant and Catholic-sent invading armies to support their allied religious factions. By the end of the war, armies from Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, and France had tramped across Germany. "Outrages of unspeakable atrocity were committed everywhere. Human beings were driven naked into the streets, their flesh pierced with needles, or cut to the bone with saws. Others were scalded with boiling water or hunted with fierce dogs. The horrors of a town taken by storm were repeated every day in the open country. Even apart from its excesses, the war itself was terrible enough. "When Augsburg was besieged by the imperialists, after their victory at Nördlingen, it contained an industrious population of 70,000 souls. After a siege of seven months, 10,000 living beings, wan and haggard with famine, remained to open the gates to the conquerors . . . "The losses of the civil population were almost incredible. In a certain district of Thuringia which was probably better off than the greater part of Germany, there were, before the war cloud burst, 1,717 houses standing in nineteen villages. In 1649, only 627 houses were left. And even of the houses which remained many were untenanted. The 1,717 houses had been inhabited by 1,773 families. Only 316 families could be found to occupy the 627 houses." This new edition has been completely reformatted, reset, indexed, and contains fifteen new illustrations.

Reason of State, Propaganda, and the Thirty Years' War

Book Description

Acclaimed writer and historian Noel Malcolm presents his sensational discovery of a new work by Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): a propaganda pamphlet on behalf of the Habsburg side in the Thirty Years' War, translated by Hobbes from a Latin original. Malcolm's book explores a fascinating episode in seventeenth-century history, illuminating both the practice of early modern propaganda and the theory of "reason of state".

Scottish Soldiers in Europe and America, 1600-1700

Book Description

David Dobson is the foremost Scottish historian on Scottish emigration to Europe, colonial North America, and the Caribbean. This work traces Scottish soldiers who emigrated to various European countries and to the North American colonies in the 17th century.