Scripting Feminist Ethics in Teacher Education

Book Description

What is the value and place of feminist teaching in common schooling and teacher education? In an open style of writing in philosophy of education, the authors combine original dramatized case studies and allegorical, first-person narratives to analyze key concepts for teachers in relation to radical feminist consciousness-raising. They examine values relativism as antithetical to “good” teaching; the history and practice of feminist consciousness-raising as corrective to the dominant model of moral deliberation in professional ethics; youth cyber-bullying as an example of Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Caverero’s claim that ‘horror is the face of woman;’ and the value of paradox, contradiction and myth in counter-balancing material-realist certainty in teaching, research, and policy-making in public education. Supplements to the five chapters offer additional ideas for introducing feminist teaching practices, through discussion and performance, into professional ethics for pre- and in-service teacher education. This book is published in English. - Dans un style original et fascinant, les auteures jettent la lumière sur l’histoire, le processus et la valeur de la sensibilisation radicale au féminisme à l’intention des formateurs en enseignement et des enseignants féministes. Elles se penchent sur de graves incidents qui se déroulent de nos jours dans les salles de classe. Caractérisés par le relativisme des valeurs, les jugements précipités, la constatation de vulnérabilité, la cyberintimidation et le besoin de contrer le déterminisme dans l’éducation des enseignants et dans la recherche, ces incidents sont analysés à partir de concepts clés formulés par des philosophes et des théoriciens féministes. Mariant récits personnels, dramatisation, allusions littéraires et reconstructions philosophiques, les auteures formulent des analyses et remettent en question la place de l’aspect personnel dans la responsabilité éthique de l’enseignant en matière de délibérations morales dans des classes pluralistes. Ce livre pourra intéresser les éducateurs qui aident les enseignants en formation à développer les capacités et la sensibilité nécessaires pour assumer l’autorité qui leur revient en classe. Les questions éthiques qui sont soulevées ont aussi des répercussions sur l’enseignement de l’éthique professionnelle dans d’autres disciplines axées sur le travail social. Cette oeuvre unique va au coeur des pires craintes et présomptions des enseignants, et propose une nouvelle approche visant l’analyse des études de cas en philosophie de l’éducation. Ce livre est publié en anglais.

Queering Nutrition and Dietetics

Book Description

This book presents experiences of LGBTQ+ people relating to food, bodies, nutrition, health, wellbeing, and being queer through critical writing and creative art. The chapters bring LGBTQ+ voices into the spotlight through arts-based scholarship and contribute to experiential learning, allowing for more understanding of the lives of LGBTQ+ people within the dietetic profession. Divided into three parts, the first explores eating, food, and bodies; the second discusses communities, connections, and celebrations; and the final part covers care in practice. Topics include body image, eating disorders, weight stigma, cooking and culinary journeys, queer food culture, queer practices in nutrition counseling, and gendered understandings of nutrition. Exploring not only experiences of marginalization, homophobia, transphobia, and cisheteronormativity within dietetics and nutritional healthcare, this collection also dives into the positive connections and supportive communities that food can create. Special attention is paid to the intersections of oppression, colonialism, social justice, and politics. This book will be beneficial to all health professionals, educators, and students creating and fostering safer, more inclusive, and more accepting environments for their LGBTQ+ clients.

Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope

Book Description

Dangling in the Glimmer of Hope: Academic Action on Truth and Reconciliation demonstrates actions academics have taken in relation to some of the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Poetry, short stories, and children’s stories sit alongside scholarly chapters, mixing personal and academic voices to challenge and engage both the head and the heart about what Truth and Reconciliation—and the Calls to Action—require of us all. Garry Gottfriedson, Victoria Handford, and their collaborators invite readers not only to explore the diverse facets of Indigenous identity, but also to embark on a transformative, collective journey towards mutual understanding and respect. Contributions by Dorothy Cucw-la7 Christian, Georgann Cope Watson, Garry Gottfriedson, Victoria (Tory) Handford, Sarah Ladd, Patricia Liu Baergen, Tina Matthew, Rod McCormick, Gloria Ramirez, Fred Schaub, and Bernita Wienhold-Leahy

Creating Visual Schedules

Book Description

People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or intellectual disabilities (ID) generally have deficits in executive function and memory, and consequently have difficulty orienting themselves in time. The Schedule Evaluation Tool (SET) was developed in response to these specific needs, using a visual schedule. It helps people working with individuals with ASD or ID to determine the type of schedule best suited to their needs and abilities, and to integrate it into their living environment, promoting independence and a better quality of life. The SET includes materials, protocols and a manual that allow practitioners and professionals to assess the schedule of children, adolescents and adults in various settings such as educational daycare, school, internship or employment and residential settings. It is divided into four distinct parts. The first part involves the manipulation of objects, photographs, pictograms and words in a formal assessment context. The second and third parts take place directly in the setting where the schedule is to be implemented. The fourth part is administered in the form of an interview with the person who knows the person best in the context where the schedule will be introduced. Available formats: hardcover, trade paperback, accessible PDF, and accessible ePub

Beyond the Academic Gateway

Book Description

Tenure is a pivotal decision for the academy. If it is earned, it provides security and permanence, creating further academic freedom to pursue research and interests important to the institution and to society. If it is not earned, then the peer review process provides clarification for why it has not been earned. This book brings together lived experiences of academics around the time of the tenure decision. While the book is stand-alone, it has the same collection of authors who wrote about their tenure-track experiences in The Academic Gateway, making the pair of books a remarkable longitudinal collection. The authors explore the complex relationship between academics, the academy as an ideal, and universities as an enactment of that ideal. Personal growth is evident and shows diversity of experience, as the maturing relationships with the role and workplace unfurl. Where tenure track is a very personal journey, the period around tenure is necessarily a form of engagement with peers. Yet it has challenges, particularly in a milieu where academic freedom is being nurtured. Individual authors negotiate their choices between their personal objectives and institutional mandates and policies. Simultaneously, after years in the tenure-track, they continue to be evolving as academics, whether through personal growth or by seeking changes in the academy itself. Published in English.


Book Description

Ethnodrama: An Anthology of Reality Theatre contains seven carefully-selected ethnodramas that best illustrate this emerging genre of arts-based research, a burgeoning but evident trend in the field of theatre production itself. In his introduction to ethnodrama and to the plays themselves, Salda a emphasizes how a credible, vivid, and persuasive rendering of a research participant's story as a theatrical performance creates insights for both researcher and audience not possible through conventional qualitative data analysis. With their focus on the personal, immediate and contextual, these plays about marginalized identities, abortion, street life and oppression manage a unique balance between theoretical research and everyday realism.

Entrepreneurial Identity

Book Description

Entrepreneurship is an academic discipline that, despite decades of growth in research and teaching activity lacks a traditionally distinct or common theoretical domain. In this book, editors Thomas N. Duening and Matthew Metzger explore entrepreneurial identity, facets of entrepreneurship education in forming and developing this identity and the development of entrepreneurs in general. Chapters focus primarily on macro-level identity issues (i.e., how do these entrepreneurial archetypes form, persist, and sometimes change) or micro-level identity issues (i.e., how can educators and resource providers identify, communicate, and incentivize identity construction among aspiring entrepreneurs), topics that will be of interest to researchers and students alike.

Philosophy, a School of Freedom

Book Description

Originally published in French as "La Philosophie, une Ecole de la Liberte. Enseignement de la philosophie et apprentissage du philosopher : Etat des lieux et regards pour l'avenir." - This study is dedicated to all those who engaged themselves, with vigour and conviction, in the defence of the teaching of philosophy a fertile guarantor of liberty and autonomy. This publication is also dedicated to the young spirits of today, bound to become the active citizens of tomorrow.

Sociological Abstracts

Book Description

CSA Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800+ serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.