Scriptural Reflections on History

Book Description

K. J. Popma, a teacher of classical languages and a special professor of Reformed philosophy at the universities of Groningen and Utrecht, wrote his book during the trying times of the Second World War. The work outlines a philosophy of history rooted in Scripture and takes the account provided by Scripture seriously, without eliminating its historical character, either by spiritualizing its message or by undercutting it through an appeal to science. It takes its cues from the Scriptural narrative: creation and fall, the tower of Babel, Abraham and Israel, Daniel’s Four Empires, and the principal division in world history, the coming of Christ. Popma’s fresh and challenging approach to history utilizes the perspective of the Calvinistic philosophy associated with Herman Dooyeweerd, but it does so in Popma’s unique and idiosyncratic way, and in a style that belies the learning that underlies it. Nor does one need to have any special acquaintance with the specifics of Dooyeweerd’s philosophy to profit from it. At the same time, the relation between history and theology is especially important – “the researcher who never took a peek in the workshop of theology will always be a bungler” (p. 85). "History is a unity, and a continuity—of the sacred and the secular, of the course of salvation history and secular history, of the here and the hereafter. Nor does it end at the resurrection from the dead. “Our earthly task continues, first in our task in heaven, presently in our task on the new earth. Thus, it is not true that our earthly task comes to an end. For heaven and earth belong together and our task never ends” (p. 116). So then, history is not something disconnected from eternity, but continues into eternity. There is a unity between heaven and earth, between culture here and now, and life in the renewed creation hereafter. The aim of this book is to point to the splendour of the structure that God has built, to history in its unity and course. He who learns to see something of that splendour will foster a burning interest for what has happened and is still happening and will happen. He will be afraid of nothing so much as the danger of shutting oneself up in a spiritual prison that makes it impossible to see the real history, even if such a prison displays the finest inscriptions over its entrance and is comfortably and even luxuriously furnished. Nor will he become discouraged when he discovers that history is full of injustice. For he knows that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied" (p. 133).

Scriptural Reflections on History

Book Description

K. J. Popma, a teacher of classical languages and a special professor of Reformed philosophy at the universities of Groningen and Utrecht, wrote his book during the trying times of the Second World War. The work outlines a philosophy of history rooted in Scripture and takes the account provided by Scripture seriously, without eliminating its historical character, either by spiritualizing its message or by undercutting it through an appeal to science. It takes its cues from the Scriptural narrative: creation and fall, the tower of Babel, Abraham and Israel, Daniel's Four Empires, and the principal division in world history, the coming of Christ. Popma's fresh and challenging approach to history utilizes the perspective of the Calvinistic philosophy associated with Herman Dooyeweerd, but it does so in Popma's unique and idiosyncratic way, and in a style that belies the learning that underlies it. Nor does one need to have any special acquaintance with the specifics of Dooyeweerd's philosophy to profit from it. At the same time, the relation between history and theology is especially important - "the researcher who never took a peek in the workshop of theology will always be a bungler" (p. 85). History is a unity, and a continuity--of the sacred and the secular, of the course of salvation history and secular history, of the here and the hereafter. Nor does it end at the resurrection from the dead. "Our earthly task continues, first in our task in heaven, presently in our task on the new earth. Thus, it is not true that our earthly task comes to an end. For heaven and earth belong together and our task never ends" (p. 116). So then, history is not something disconnected from eternity, but continues into eternity. There is a unity between heaven and earth, between culture here and now, and life in the renewed creation hereafter. The aim of this book is to point to the splendour of the structure that God has built, to history in its unity and course. He who learns to see something of that splendour will foster a burning interest for what has happened and is still happening and will happen. He will be afraid of nothing so much as the danger of shutting oneself up in a spiritual prison that makes it impossible to see the real history, even if such a prison displays the finest inscriptions over its entrance and is comfortably and even luxuriously furnished. Nor will he become discouraged when he discovers that history is full of injustice. For he knows that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be satisfied (p. 133).

Gospel and History

Book Description

Gospel and History picks up where Scriptural Reflections on History left off, but with the added benefit of some 30 years' experience of life in church and society between them - indeed, the entire post-war period of the recovering 1950s and the revolutionary 1960s. A lot of water had gone under the bridge, and this was also true of Reformational philosophy. Theology in many respects was turning liberal, and Popma spends a great deal of time refuting the rationale behind that turn, the supposed need to keep up with the times, to keep in step with "modern man." For its part, true historical understanding must take the Biblical narrative into account, and more than that, it must take it seriously. For example: "We, by virtue of our very humanity, [are required to] make the personal acquaintance of the first human pair, inexperienced and innocent as they were. That is a difficult assignment, but it is not impossible, so long as we are prepared to enter a relationship that makes us as it were contemporaries of Adam and Eve. 'Modern man' so-called-Is he really that modern? Or is that modernity a mere excuse to back out of his simple human task?-'modern man cannot accept this, ' that is to say, he refuses to accept this. That has been the case throughout the ages. It's not at all 'modern'" (p. 167). "It is exceedingly foolish... to aver that this (as such mythical) modern man cannot accept the ascension of Christ. The unanswered (and for now unanswerable) questions relative to Christ's ascension into heaven existed already for the apostles who had witnessed the ascension with their own eyes. Our historicity does not differ all that much from that of people who lived two thousand years ago. Babbling about 'modern man' can call up pseudo-problems whereby the real difficulties are hidden from view" (p. 186). "'Modern man' is supposed to have discovered, with the cultural means of 'modern' times, that, viewed from a 'modern' perspective, demons do not 'exist, ' although they did exist for the apostles because their cultural pattern left lots of room for the 'existence' of demons, cosmic powers, spiritual forces of evil. A historicism of this kind brings with it the need for a general revision and invalidation of the biblical message" (p. 187). In opposition to this, a Scriptural, gospel-oriented view of history must take these data into account as "hard facts" (the title of another of Popma's scriptural explorations), and when that is done we arrive at a new vision of history, one which stretches back even before the material creation to that of angels and demons, and takes the entirety of history into account from that point onward, precisely as salvation history. The action of God in history is a series of judgments which seem ineffectual but which in actuality bring forth a new world, revealed at the Last Judgment. And history extends onward into the future beyond that final judgment. For there is no real end to history, except for those cast into outer darkness, who as such are no longer allowed to participate in it. "History was already there when God through the Mother Promise declared history to be salvation history.... history will still be there when salvation will have been accomplished: after Judgment Day and the resurrection of the flesh, history will continue-one might even say: then history starts in earnest, in the second and last Paradise, which will far eclipse the first in glory. The cultural mandate will go on; its field of activity will be immense" (p. 83). All in all, "the meaning of history consists in this, that God wants to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth" (p. 98). In Popma's hands, history becomes a far greater thing than we can even imagine - and rightly so.

Reflections on the Psalms

Book Description

A repackaged edition of the revered author’s moving theological work in which he considers the most poetic portions from Scripture and what they tell us about God, the Bible, and faith. In this wise and enlightening book, C. S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—examines the Psalms. As Lewis divines the meaning behind these timeless poetic verses, he makes clear their significance in our daily lives, and reminds us of their power to illuminate moments of grace.

Mary and the Christian Life

Book Description

Welborn offers fresh insights into Mary's story, with all of its wonder, challenges, and love. The author's reflections are enriched with selections from saints, popes, and church fathers along with explanations of the history behind popular Marian devotions, hymns, and prayers.

Sacred History

Book Description

Why Matter Matters

Book Description

In this insightful and gifted presentation, David Lang clearly explains why each of the seven sacraments must have specific elements -- like bread, wine, oil, water, mailes and a man and woman -- and why those elements are absolutely crucial to our Faith.

Gospel and History

Book Description

Gospel and History picks up where Scriptural Reflections on History left off, but with the added benefit of some 30 years' experience of life in church and society between them - indeed, the entire post-war period of the recovering 1950s and the revolutionary 1960s. A lot of water had gone under the bridge, and this was also true of Reformational philosophy. Theology in many respects was turning liberal, and Popma spends a great deal of time refuting the rationale behind that turn, the supposed need to keep up with the times, to keep in step with "modern man." For its part, true historical understanding must take the Biblical narrative into account, and more than that, it must take it seriously. For example: "We, by virtue of our very humanity, [are required to] make the personal acquaintance of the first human pair, inexperienced and innocent as they were. That is a difficult assignment, but it is not impossible, so long as we are prepared to enter a relationship that makes us as it were contemporaries of Adam and Eve. 'Modern man' so-called-Is he really that modern? Or is that modernity a mere excuse to back out of his simple human task?-'modern man cannot accept this, ' that is to say, he refuses to accept this. That has been the case throughout the ages. It's not at all 'modern'" (p. 167). "It is exceedingly foolish... to aver that this (as such mythical) modern man cannot accept the ascension of Christ. The unanswered (and for now unanswerable) questions relative to Christ's ascension into heaven existed already for the apostles who had witnessed the ascension with their own eyes. Our historicity does not differ all that much from that of people who lived two thousand years ago. Babbling about 'modern man' can call up pseudo-problems whereby the real difficulties are hidden from view" (p. 186). "'Modern man' is supposed to have discovered, with the cultural means of 'modern' times, that, viewed from a 'modern' perspective, demons do not 'exist, ' although they did exist for the apostles because their cultural pattern left lots of room for the 'existence' of demons, cosmic powers, spiritual forces of evil. A historicism of this kind brings with it the need for a general revision and invalidation of the biblical message" (p. 187). In opposition to this, a Scriptural, gospel-oriented view of history must take these data into account as "hard facts" (the title of another of Popma's scriptural explorations), and when that is done we arrive at a new vision of history, one which stretches back even before the material creation to that of angels and demons, and takes the entirety of history into account from that point onward, precisely as salvation history. The action of God in history is a series of judgments which seem ineffectual but which in actuality bring forth a new world, revealed at the Last Judgment. And history extends onward into the future beyond that final judgment. For there is no real end to history, except for those cast into outer darkness, who as such are no longer allowed to participate in it. "History was already there when God through the Mother Promise declared history to be salvation history.... history will still be there when salvation will have been accomplished: after Judgment Day and the resurrection of the flesh, history will continue-one might even say: then history starts in earnest, in the second and last Paradise, which will far eclipse the first in glory. The cultural mandate will go on; its field of activity will be immense" (p. 83). All in all, "the meaning of history consists in this, that God wants to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth" (p. 98). In Popma's hands, history becomes a far greater thing than we can even imagine - and rightly so.

The Lord of History

Book Description

Prophetic Lament

Book Description

The American church avoids lament. But lament is a missing, essential component of Christian faith. Soong-Chan Rah's prophetic exposition of the book of Lamentations provides a biblical and theological lens for examining the church's relationship with a suffering world. Hear the prophet's lament as the necessary corrective for Christianity's future.