Secrecy and the Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Earnings Quality in Europe

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This study examines the effect of mandatory IFRS adoption on earnings quality in countries which exhibit high financial secrecy. Earnings quality is proxied by signed abnormal accruals and earnings conservatism. Using 19,324 firm-years from 14 countries over the period 1998-2011, we find that firms in a high-secrecy country tend to report higher abnormal accruals and earnings conservatism, which results in lower earnings quality. On the other hand, we find that mandatory IFRS adoption improves earnings quality by decreasing abnormal accruals and earnings conservatism. Our study provides evidence of the interaction between national culture, as indicated by secrecy, and IFRS adoption and helps to explain differences in earnings quality across different jurisdictions following IFRS adoption.

The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Real and Accrual-Based Earnings Management Activities

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This study examines the effect of mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on both accrual-based and real earnings management. While prior literature has mainly examined the effects of IFRS adoption on accrual-based earnings management, no study to date has focused on the impact of IFRS adoption on real earnings management. Using a sample of 15,206 observations from 22 European countries between 2000 and 2010, this study employs a control sample of voluntary adopters and applies a differences-in-differences design to control for confounding concurrent events. The results suggest that mandatory IFRS adoption had no significant impact on either real or accrual-based earnings management practices. Additional analysis on a sub-sample of firms with relatively strong earnings management incentives supports a dominant role for firm-level reporting incentives over accounting standards in shaping financial reporting quality.

IFRS Adoption Among Private Companies

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EU gave the opportunity to each Member State to oblige/allow non-listed (i.e. private) companies to use IFRS. Considering a sample of Italian private companies which switched to IFRS in the time span from 2005 to 2008, we compare financial reporting quality between IFRS adopters and a matched sample of companies still using local (Italian) GAAP. This should be of interest for the EU Commission in evaluating the impact of the current financial reporting regulation and for EU national regulators, who are left with a certain degree of flexibility in endorsing parts of the European legislation. Overall, our results show that IFRS adoption did not improve reporting quality among private companies but, on the contrary, decreased it. As companies can exploit the level of flexibility embedded in IFRS to pursue their own reporting interests (Kvaal & Nobes, 2012; Leuz, 2010), separate analyses were conducted taking into consideration firms' incentives. In particular, assuming that entities controlled by listed companies might have switched to IFRS mainly for complying with parent company requirements and/or simplifying the financial reporting process, we run the analyses separately for this subsample and other firms. Findings reveal signs of earnings quality deterioration for both groups although the impact seems slightly worse for subsidiaries of listed companies.

Essays on the Economic Consequences of Mandatory IFRS Reporting around the world

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Ulf Brüggemann discusses and empirically investigates the economic consequences of mandatory switch to IFRS. He provides evidence that cross-border investments by individual investors increased following the introduction of IFRS.

The Impact of Institutional Factors and Culture on IFRS Application

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Despite the importance of the IFRS in the international context of financial reporting accounting, we know very little concerning the effects of culture on the application of the IFRS. This dissertation empirically examines whether accounting information comparability and earnings transparency resulting from the IFRS adoption varies depending on cultural and institutional factors. Thus, the discussion considers, whether cultural and institutional factors can provide an explanation for differences in accounting information comparability and earnings transparency under the IFRS. Accordingly, the primary purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the role of secrecy, conservatism, pre-adoption divergence between IFRS and national GAAP, and enforcement on accounting information comparability and earnings transparency following the mandatory IFRS adoption.This dissertation therefore contributes to the accounting literature by presenting two essays. The essays address the research questions related to the goals of the IFRS in relation to two aspects: accounting information comparability and earnings transparency. The first study investigates comparability with regard to secrecy and pre-adoption divergence between IFRS and national GAAP. In this study, it is argued that it is easy to predict whether the IFRS adoption enhances the market reaction of competitors around the earnings announcements of a given firm. The results were documented evidence demonstrating that information transfer at earnings announcements increases following the mandatory adoption of IFRS, suggesting, on average, a high level of comparability. However, following the investigations, it would appear that comparability increases for firms domiciled in countries with a low level of secrecy (i.e., where transparency dominates) and, where there is a low divergence of accounting distance. Consequently, these results suggest that all firms do not apply the IFRS uniformly and that they do not automatically comply with IFRS. The second study investigates earnings transparency by examining the earnings-returns relationship with regard to enforcement and conservatism. In this study, the effects of enforcement and conservatism on earnings transparency were examined following the mandatory adoption of IFRS. The results were documented, which demonstrate that earnings transparency increases for firms domiciled in countries characterized by low conservatism only (i.e., where optimism dominates) and, there are benefits with regard to earnings transparency following IFRS adoption for firms domiciled in countries characterized by a high level of enforcement. This also suggests that IFRS is not being applied in the same way in all countries. Taken together, there are significant cross-country differences in IFRS compliance. Accordingly, comparability and transparency differ depending on where a firm is domiciled. If the firms are domiciled in a supportive environment in terms of applying the IFRS (i.e., where there is transparency, optimism, low divergence of accounting distance and strong enforcement), the level of comparability and transparency are increased.

Impact of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Conditional Conservatism in Europe

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We study the effect of the mandatory adoption of IFRS in Europe in 2005 on conditional conservatism. To capture conditional conservatism, we use three measures: the Basu (1997) measure, the Khan and Watts (2009) measure, and a measure controlling for potential shifts in unconditional conservatism and cost of capital after the adoption of IFRS. From a sample of 7,251 firm-year observations drawn from 16 European countries, we document an overall decline of the degree of conditional conservatism across our three measures. While there is no change in weak enforcement/governance countries which remain less conditionally conservative than strong enforcement/governance countries, the latter exhibit a significant decrease. Further, we demonstrate that the decline is more significant for firms carrying intangible assets and goodwill in their balance sheets, items for which impairment tests rely on unverifiable fair value estimates. We argue that IFRS are conceptually conditionally conservative but that inappropriate application of conditional conservatism principles may have prevented financial reporting from reaching the level of conservatism targeted by the IASB.

Does IFRS increase transparency and consequently increase investor protection?

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Investition und Finanzierung, Note: 70/100, Durham University (Durham Business School), Veranstaltung: Research Methods, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Since 2005, the disclosure of consolidated financial statements according to IFRS has been mandatory for all listed companies in the European Union. IFRS supporters claim that a single accounting standard would increase the level of disclosure and hence, increase transparency and therefore investor protection. This paper strives to determine if IFRS increases investor protection through improvements in reporting transparency. Therefore, this paper focuses on the ability of IFRS to decrease earnings management, the main driver of investor protection. The theoretical rationale gives an overview of earnings management, revealing its popularity among management. However, irrespective of the motivation, earnings management reduces the transparency for the investor and thereby reduces investor protection. The review of empirical evidence reveals that voluntary adoption of IFRS leads to a strong decrease in earnings management and an increase in disclosure quality of financial statements. Indeed, the voluntary adoption is biased because the first-time adopters are convinced that a higher transparency could be used to their own advantage. In contrast, the mandatory adoption is not free of ambiguity, but literature tends to conclude that the forced implementation of IFRS leads neither to a reduction of earnings management nor to a higher level of disclosure. Consequently, a mandatory IFRS adoption does not necessarily increase investor protection.

Mandatory Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure

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This study examines the effect of the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on voluntary disclosure. Using a difference-in-differences analysis, we document a significant increase in the likelihood and frequency of management earnings forecasts following mandatory IFRS adoption, consistent with the notion that IFRS adoption alters firms' disclosure incentives in response to increased capital-market demand. We find the increase to be larger among firms domiciled in code-law countries, suggesting a catching-up effect among firms facing low disclosure incentives pre-adoption. We then propose and test three channels through which IFRS adoption could alter firms' disclosure incentives: improved earnings quality, increased shareholder demand, and increased analyst demand. We find evidence consistent with all three channels.The appendix to "Mandatory Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure: The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on Management Forecasts" may be found here: ''