Structural Control on Distribution of Sedimentary Facies in the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation of North-central Colorado

Book Description

Field study of the middle part of the Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation in the McCoy-Bond area of north-central Colorado has yielded evidence for structural influences on sedimentation. The McCoy-Bond area was probably located near an en echelon offset in the fault zone bounding the eastern margin of the basin. Paleocurrent measurements show that sediment transport in nonmarine drainages and in marine deltas and turbidites was consistently to the south during several transgressive-regressive intervals. These trends may have been controlled by a topographic low that extended south from the offset zone to a termination in the southern part of the area. Mapping of sediment packages shows that drainages and sites of delta and turbidite accumulation were repeatedly established near the traces of two north-south- oriented faults. The sediment packages also thicken and are more completely preserved closer to the fault traces. These trends suggest that these faults were active during middle Minturn deposition. Individual fault blocks delineated by facies and thickness changes are similar in structural style to the Vail-McCoy trough, the Avon-Edwards high, and the Eagle sub-basin defined by other workers and illustrate the control of structure on sedimentation in the central Colorado basin.

Tectonosedimentary Relations of Pennsylvanian to Jurassic Strata on the Colorado Plateau

Book Description

"Following this discovery and further detrital-zircon studies of Mesozoic strata on the Colorado Plateau, Dr. Dickinson began preparing this volume in order to identify key aspects of the sedimentary and tectonic history of Mesozoic strata of the Colorado Plateau and directly adjacent areas. He divided the strata into seven depositional systems"--

Sedimentation Patterns and Tectonic Controls of Early to Middle Pennsylvanian Rocks, South-central-eastern Kentucky

Book Description

Strata generally thicken and thin to the southeast and northwest, respectively. Sandstones are of two types: south- to southwest-trending, linear to slightly sinuous bodies characterized by coarse-grained sand with scattered quartz pebbles; and fine- to medium-grained sandstones that generally trend westward as bifurcating, lobate bodies.

Precambrian to Earliest Mississippian Stratigraphy, Geologic History, and Paleogeography of Northwestern Colorado and West-central Colorado

Book Description

The early Paleozoic of northwestern and west-central Colorado is represented by continental shelf and continental shelf marginal sedimentary rocks of Late Cambrian, Ordovician, and Late Devonian ages. Differentially epeirogenic movements along fracture systems having Precambrian origins affected sedimentation patterns and probably mostly account for intervening times of erosion or nondeposition; activity along these tectonic elements persisted into the Neogene and possibly continues. These tectonic elements are west-north-west, south-southeast, and northeast trending fracture systems and an east-trending aulacogen in the approximate area of the modern Uinta Mountains. North-central Colorado was emergent land throughout most of this time and shed clastic sediments at varying rates to the west and southwest. Episodic continental motion and the effects of the Antler orogeny to the west are probably the direct causes of these epeirogenic movements.