Inglés marítimo

Book Description

En el nuevo contexto de la globalización, el lenguaje se convierte en un elemento imprescindible para la comunicación, la negociación y para culminar los intercambios mercantiles; esto es, constituye un rasgo esencial para adecuarse a las normas que imperan en el funcionamiento de las actividades económicas. En el específico campo de las actividades marítimas, el inglés está reconocido como lengua franca por la Organización Marítima Internacional, y adquiere cada vez mayor importancia en el proceso de estandarización de las gestiones realizadas para el desarrollo del transporte marítimo a la luz del creciente número de intercambios internacionales de mercancías y de servicios por vía marítima y debido a la proliferación de buques con tripulaciones que hablan idiomas diferentes. Este volumen pretende proporcionar una guía útil que aporte el material adecuado y de apoyo en todas aquellas cuestiones referidas a las actividades marítimas: el puerto, el buque, las mercancías, las comunicaciones, los mecanismos operativos y los formularios básicos; integrando aquellos elementos esenciales que se refieren al funcionamiento de los operadores, agentes y gestores de dichas actividades. El Instituto Universitario de Estudios Marítimos, consciente de su labor divulgativa, investigadora y docente, ofrece un texto práctico y manejable que familiarizará al lector con la terminología inglesa propia de la operativa portuaria y marítima.

Applied Informatics

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Book Description

Report of the Thirty-fourth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, Rome, 1–5 February 2021

Book Description

The Thirty-fourth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) was held in Rome, Italy, from 1 to 5 February 2021. This is a report of the Session reflecting the discussions which took place and containing all recommendations and decisions taken by the Committee. A synopsis of the outcome of the Session is presented in the abstract and all supplementary information is included in the appendixes.

Shipping and Commercial Case Law

Book Description

250 leading cases of the High Courts of England and the European Court of Justice. This book contains summaries of 250 cases related to international trade and carriage of goods by sea. Each case is presented with an abstract of the factual background and the key findings of the court. All the cases relate to disputes decided by the High Courts of England or by the European Court of Justice, the knowledge of which is a must for any practitioner in this area. The issues referred to in the cases relate to contracts of carriage on bills of lading, waybills and charterparties, as well as to international trade instruments like sale contracts, letters of credit, performance bonds, indemnities and agency. There is also wide reference to ship arrests, limitation of liability, injunctions, choice of law, arbitration and jurisdiction. Full consideration is given to the Hague-Visby Rules, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, the Sale of Goods Act, Incoterms and UCP for Documentary Credits. Albert Badia is a practicing solicitor in England and Wales. He has acted as Counsel in many disputes and has been appointed as arbitrator in commercial matters.