
Book Description

The book examines the governing roles of the police in Argentina, focusing on Seguridad, which conflates personal safety with state security.


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La mejor versión de la LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS, para su mejor consulta y portabilidad en cualquier dispositivo. Contenido: LEY FEDERAL DE DERECHOS DISPOSICIONES GENERALES TITULO I DE LOS DERECHOS POR LA PRESTACION DE SERVICIOS CAPITULO I De la Secretaría de Gobernación SECCION I Servicios migratorios SECCION II Certificados de licitud SECCION III Publicaciones SECCION IV Servicios de cinematografía, televisión y radio SECCION V Apostillamiento SECCION VI Servicios insulares SECCION VII Servicios privados de seguridad y armas de fuego (Derogada) CAPITULO II De la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores SECCION I Pasaportes y documentos de identidad y viaje SECCION II Servicios consulares SECCION III Permisos conforme al artículo 27 constitucional y cartas de naturalización CAPITULO III De la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público SECCION I Inspección y vigilancia SECCION II De la comisión nacional del sistema de ahorro para el retiro SECCION III Servicios aduaneros SECCION IV Registro federal de vehículos SECCION V Acuñación de moneda metálica y desmonetización de billetes SECCION VI Máquinas registradoras de comprobación fiscal SECCION VII Registro de bancos y entidades de financiamiento, fondos de pensiones y jubilaciones y fondos de inversión del extranjero SECCION VII Resoluciones relativas a precios o montos de contraprestaciones entre partes relacionadas SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IV De la Secretaría de Programación y Presupuesto SECCION UNICA Padrón de contratistas y de proveedores del gobierno federal CAPITULO V Secretaría de Energía (Derogado) SECCION UNICA Actividades reguladas en materia energética CAPITULO VI De la Secretaría de Comercio y Fomento Industrial SECCION I Correduría pública SECCION II Minería SECCION II Propiedad industrial SECCION III Inversiones extranjeras SECCION IV Normas oficiales y control de calidad SECCION V Permisos de importación (Derogada) SECCION VI Competencia económica SECCION VII Servicios de certificación de firma electrónica en actos de comercio SECCION VIII Verificación de instrumentos de medir CAPITULO VII Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural SECCION I Servicios de agua SECCION II Sanidad fitozoosanitaria SECCION III Certificación y protección del obtentor de variedades vegetales SECCION IV Sanidad acuícola SECCION V De los organismos genéticamente modificados SECCION VI Otros servicios (Derogada) CAPITULO VIII De la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y transportes SECCION I Servicios de telecomunicaciones (Derogada) SECCION II Servicios de telégrafos y teléfonos SECCION III Concesiones, permisos, autorizaciones e inspecciones (Derogada) SECCION IV Servicio de correos SECCION V Autotransporte federal y servicios auxiliares SECCION VI Servicio a la navegación en el espacio aéreo mexicano y técnicos aeronáuticos SECCION VII Registro público marítimo nacional y servicios marítimos SECCION VIII Otorgamiento de permisos SECCION IX Otros servicios CAPITULO IX Del Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones CAPITULO X De la Secretaría de Educación Pública SECCION I Servicios que prestan los Institutos Nacionales de Bellas Artes y Literatura y de Antropología e Historia SECCION II Derechos de autor SECCION III Registro y ejercicio profesional SECCION IV Servicios de educación CAPITULO XI De la Secretaría de la Reforma Agraria SECCION I Registro Agrario Nacional SECCION II Certificados de inafectabilidad agrícola, ganadera y agropecuaria (Derogada) SECCION III Otros servicios CAPITULO XII Secretaría de la Función Pública SECCION I Del registro público de la propiedad federal SECCION II Inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIII Secretaria de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Naturales y Pesca SECCION I Concesiones, permisos y autorizaciones para pesca SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el agua y sus bienes públicos inherentes SECCION III Permisos para pesca deportiva (Derogada) SECCION IV De las áreas naturales protegidas SECCION V De las playas, la zona federal marítimo terrestre o los terrenos ganados al mar o a cualquier otro depósito de aguas marítimas SECCION VI Servicios de vida silvestre SECCION VII Impacto ambiental SECCION VIII Servicios forestales SECCION IX Prevención y control de la contaminación SECCION X De la inspección y vigilancia CAPITULO XIV De la Secretaría de Salud SECCION I Autorizaciones en materia sanitaria SECCION II Servicios de laboratorio SECCION III Fomento y análisis sanitario SECCION IV Otros servicios SECCION V Servicios que presta la comisión intersecretarial para el control del proceso y uso de plaguicidas, fertilizantes y sustancias tóxicas CAPITULO XV De los derechos a cargo de organismos descentralizados por prestar servicios exclusivos del estado CAPITULO XVI De la Secretaría de Turismo SECCION UNICA Registro Nacional de Turismo CAPITULO XVII Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional SECCION I Educación militar SECCION II Servicios relacionados con el registro federal de armas de fuego y el control de explosivos SECCION III Servicio militar nacional CAPITULO XVIII De la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública SECCION UNICA Servicios Privados de Seguridad y Armas de Fuego CAPITULO XIX Del Poder Judicial de la Federación SECCION UNICA Del instituto federal de especialistas de concursos mercantiles CAPITULO XX De la Secretaría de Marina SECCION UNICA Cartas náuticas TITULO II DE LOS DERECHOS POR EL USO O APROVECHAMIENTO DE BIENES DEL DOMINIO PUBLICO CAPITULO I Bosques y áreas naturales protegidas CAPITULO II Pesca CAPITULO III Puerto y atraque CAPITULO IV Muelle, embarque y desembarque CAPITULO V Salinas CAPITULO VI Carreteras y puentes CAPITULO VII Aeropuertos CAPITULO VIII Agua CAPITULO IX Uso o goce de inmuebles CAPITULO X Aprovechamiento de la vida silvestre SECCION I Aprovechamiento extractivo SECCION II Aprovechamiento no extractivo CAPITULO XI Espacio aéreo SECCION I Espectro radioeléctrico (Derogada) CAPITULO XII Hidrocarburos (Derogado) CAPITULO XIII Minería CAPITULO XIV Derecho por uso o aprovechamiento de bienes del dominio público de la nación como cuerpos receptores de las descargas de aguas residuales CAPITULO XV Derecho para racionalizar el uso o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo CAPITULO XVI De los bienes culturales propiedad de la nación CAPITULO XVII Derecho por el uso, goce o aprovechamiento del espacio aéreo mexicano ARTICULOS TRANSITORIOS

The Political Economy of Private Security

Book Description

The global growth of private security services signals a significant shift in the production of the most traditional good provided by modern nation states - security. This systematic mixed methods analysis, linking output- and process-oriented policy theories, shows patterns and mechanisms of how political factors - like party dominance - drive the development of private security policy and industry. Based in comparative policy analysis it asks, what accounts for the differences in the policies toward and the outcomes of private security between EU member states?

Intimate Crimes

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Mexico has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world. Intimate Crimes outlines the history of kidnapping in Mexico City by constructing a narrative of this crime based on extensive qualitative research on gangs, policing and other crime-related policies. The book also analyses the effect of kidnapping - and crime more broadly - on how communities experience the city, as well as the strategies put in place by potential kidnapping victims to deal with the threat of being victimised by someone close to them, a common occurrence in Mexico City, including analysing the processes through which household employees are screened and selected in Mexican households. The book presents the results of over a year of fieldwork in Mexico, and creates a qualitative database of news reports for the material used in its writing. It includes material from over 70 interviews with kidnapping victims, their families, potential victims and their employees, police, prosecutors, government agents, journalists and other informants. Intimate Crimes contributes to existing criminological literature on Mexico and Latin America by making an important contribution to a subject of the outmost regional importance. The book also contributes to broader criminological topics on the rule of law, criminal gangs, policing and the impact of economic development on crime. It also builds on the existing literature on empirical work on trust and signalling, particularly as it relates to contexts of weak rule of law and low state protection.

The Punitive City

Book Description

In the eyes of the global media, modern Mexico has become synonymous with crime, violence and insecurity. But while media fascination and academic engagement has focussed on the drug war, an equally dangerous phenomenon has taken root. In The Punitive City, Markus-Michael Müller argues that what has emerged in Mexico is not just a punitive urban democracy, in which those at the social and political margins face growing violence and exclusion. More alarmingly, it would seem that clientelism in the region is morphing into a private, political protection racket. Vital reading for anyone seeking to understand the implications of a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly widespread across Latin America.

Handbook on Public and Private Security

Book Description

This Handbook discusses the use of public-private partnerships in law enforcement and security. Written by international experts across multiple disciplines, chapters include case studies and cross-sectional industry-wide studies of private security performance in comparison with public police and collaborated experiences of the two sectors. The Handbook uses existing experiences and public economics to suggest how to improve security and social welfare through greater competition and cooperation between public and private security. This volume provides an integrated framework to assist policymakers in both public and private agencies. This Handbook will be an important reference for scholars in public economics, public administration, criminology, and criminal justice, as well as professionals and policymakers in the public and private sectors.

Security and Everyday Life

Book Description

When everyday social situations and cultural phenomena come to be associated with a threat to security, security becomes a value which competes with other values – particularly the right to privacy and human rights. In this comparison, security appears as an obvious choice over the loss of some aspects of other values and is seen as a reasonable and worthwhile sacrifice because of what security promises to deliver. When the value of security is elevated to the top of the collective priorities, it becomes a meta-frame, a reference point in relation to which other aspects of social life are articulated and organized. With the tendency to treat a variety of social issues as security threats and the public’s growing acceptance of surveillance as an inevitable form of social control, the security meta-frame rises to the level of a dominant organizing principle in such a way that it shapes the parameters and the conditions of daily living. This volume offers case studies from multiple countries that show how our private and public life is shaped by the security meta-frame and surveillance. It is essential reading for everyone who is interested in the changes to be faced in social life, privacy, and human freedoms during this age of security and surveillance.

The Markets for Force

Book Description

The Markets for Force examines and compares the markets for private military and security contractors in twelve states: Argentina, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Canada, and the United States. Editors Molly Dunigan and Ulrich Petersohn argue that the global market for force is actually a conglomeration of many types of markets that vary according to local politics and geostrategic context. Each case study investigates the particular characteristics of the region's market, how each market evolved into its current form, and what consequence the privatized market may have for state military force and the provision of public safety. The comparative standpoint sheds light on better-known markets but also those less frequently studied, such as the state-owned and -managed security companies in China, militaries working for private sector extractive industries in Ecuador and Peru, and the ways warlord forces overlap with private security companies in Afghanistan. An invaluable resource for scholars and policymakers alike, The Markets for Force offers both an empirical analysis of variations in private military and security companies across the globe and deeper theoretical knowledge of how such markets develop. Contributors: Olivia Allison, Oldich Bure, Jennifer Catallo, Molly Dunigan, Scott Fitzsimmons, Maiah Jaskoski, Kristina Mani, Carlos Ortiz, Ulrich Petersohn, Jake Sherman, Christopher Spearin.

Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, and Violence in the Americas Today

Book Description

"An extensive overview of the drug trade in the Americas and its impact on politics, economics, and society throughout the region. . . . Highly recommended."--Choice "A first-rate update on the state of the long-fought hemispheric 'war on drugs.' It is particularly timely, as the perception that the war is lost and needs to be changed has never been stronger in Latin and North America."--Paul Gootenberg, author of Andean Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug "A must-read volume for policy makers, concerned citizens, and students alike in the current search for new approaches to forty-year-old policies largely considered to have failed."--David Scott Palmer, coauthor of Power, Institutions, and Leadership in War and Peace "A very useful primer for anyone trying to keep up with the ever-evolving relationship between drug enforcement and drug trafficking."--Peter Andreas, author of Smuggler Nation: How Illicit Trade Made America In 1971, Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs. Despite foreign policy efforts and attempts to combat supply lines, the United States has been for decades, and remains today, the largest single consumer market for illicit drugs on the planet. This volume argues that the war on drugs has been ineffective at best and, at worst, has been highly detrimental to many countries. Leading experts in the fields of public health, political science, and national security analyze how U.S. policies have affected the internal dynamics of Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Central America, and the Caribbean islands. Together, they present a comprehensive overview of the major trends in drug trafficking and organized crime in the early twenty-first century. In addition, the editors and contributors identify emerging issues and propose several policy options to address them. This accessible and expansive volume provides a framework for understanding the limits and liabilities in the U.S.-championed war on drugs throughout the Americas.

Biodesign in high schools

Book Description

Traditional education, which is mainly based on evaluating theoretical content at the end of a course, is not in keeping with the skillset we require in the twenty-first century. Today, we need creative and innovative individuals who can think critically, who are capable of learning to learn, and who have complex problem-solving skills. We need people who can work collaboratively using transdisciplinary communication skills. We need citizens who are aware of local needs but have a global vision. They must make decisions not only based on their own well-being, but also in the best interests of the community and the planet. They must understand that the solution requires a balance. People can acquire these skills through design thinking, which builds the learning process by carrying out projects, and theorizes based on set challenges. Biodesign for High Schools is a pedagogical proposal that combines scientific topics with a creative approach; it offers a plethora of possibilities to prepare future high school graduates to respond to the needs of today's world.