Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering

Book Description

This paper is concerned with the semantic interpretation of natural English sentences by a computerized question-answering system, and specifically with the problems of interpreting and using quantification in such systems. These issues are presented and discussed from the perspective of four different natural language understanding systems with which the author has been involved. The presentation includes the process of semantic interpretation, the nature and organization of semantic interpretation rules, a notation for representing semantic interpretations (the meaning representation language), the semantics of that notation, and the generation and scoping of quantifiers. Also discussed are a variety of loose ends, open questions, and directions for future research. Particular attention is given to the interaction of syntactic, semantic (and pragmatic) information. (Author).

The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics

Book Description

This handbook of computational linguistics, written for academics, graduate students and researchers, provides a state-of-the-art reference to one of the most active and productive fields in linguistics.

Ontologies and Adaptivity in Dialogue for Question Answering

Book Description

Question answering (QA) has become one of the fastest growing topics in computational linguistics and information access. To advance research in the area of dialogue-based question answering, we propose a combination of methods from different scientific fields (i.e., Information Retrieval, Dialogue Systems, Semantic Web, and Machine Learning). This book sheds light on adaptable dialogue-based question answering. We demonstrate the technical and computational feasibility of the proposed ideas, the introspective methods in particular, by beginning with an extensive introduction to the dialogical problem domain which motivates the technical implementation. The ideas have been carried out in a mature natural language processing (NLP) system, the SmartWeb dialogue system, which was developed between 2004 and 2007 by partners from academia and industry. We have attempted to make this book a self-containing text and provide an extra section on the interdisciplinary scientific background. The target audience for this book comprises of researchers and students interested in the application potential of semantic technologies for difficult AI tasks such as working dialogue and QA systems.

The Application of Theorem Proving to Question-answering Systems

Book Description

The paper shows how a question-answering system can use first-order logic as its language and an automatic theorem prover, based upon the resolution inference principle, as its deductive mechanism. The resolution proof procedure is extended to a constructive proof procedure. An answer construction algorithm is given whereby the system is able not only to produce yes or no answers but also to find or construct an object satisfying a specified condition. A working computer program, QA3, based on these ideas, is described. Methods are presented for solving state transformation problems. In addition to question-answering, the program can do automatic programming, control and problem solving for a simple robot, pattern recognition, and puzzles. (Author).

The Theory and Implementation of a Bidirectional Question Answering System

Book Description

Abstract: "This paper describes a question answering system which is a limited instance of the general bidirectional architecture suggested by Appelt (1987). The novel features of our approach include the use of a linguistically well-motivated set of functional features; a bidirectional grammar which encodes these features directly; a question answering program which uses the thematic organisation of the user's input to construct a cooperative reply; and a tactical generation component which can be used with Montague semantics."