Semantics in Mobile Sensing

Book Description

The dramatic progress of smartphone technologies has ushered in a new era of mobile sensing, where traditional wearable on-body sensors are being rapidly superseded by various embedded sensors in our smartphones. For example, a typical smartphone today, has at the very least a GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, triaxial accelerometer, and gyroscope. Alongside, new accessories are emerging such as proximity, magnetometer, barometer, temperature, and pressure sensors. Even the default microphone can act as an acoustic sensor to track noise exposure for example. These sensors act as a ""lens"" to understand the user's context along different dimensions. Data can be passively collected from these sensors without interrupting the user. As a result, this new era of mobile sensing has fueled significant interest in understanding what can be extracted from such sensor data both instantaneously as well as considering volumes of time series from these sensors. For example, GPS logs can be used to determine automatically the significant places associated to a user's life (e.g., home, office, shopping areas). The logs may also reveal travel patterns, and how a user moves from one place to another (e.g., driving or using public transport). These may be used to proactively inform the user about delays, relevant promotions from shops, in his ""regular"" route. Similarly, accelerometer logs can be used to measure a user's average walking speed, compute step counts, gait identification, and estimate calories burnt per day. The key objective is to provide better services to end users. The objective of this book is to inform the reader of the methodologies and techniques for extracting meaningful information (called ""semantics"") from sensors on our smartphones. These techniques form the cornerstone of several application areas utilizing smartphone sensor data. We discuss technical challenges and algorithmic solutions for modeling and mining knowledge from smartphone-resident sensor data streams. This book devotes two chapters to dive deep into a set of highly available, commoditized sensors---the positioning sensor (GPS) and motion sensor (accelerometer). Furthermore, this book has a chapter devoted to energy-efficient computation of semantics, as battery life is a major concern on user experience.

Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare

Book Description

The pervasive healthcare system focus towards achieving two specific goals: the availability of eHealth applications and medical information anywhere and anytime and the invisibility of computing. Furthermore, pervasive health system encompasses new types of sensing and communication of health information as well as new type of interactions among health providers and people, among patients, among patients and researchers and patients and corporations. This book aims at promoting the discussion on current trends in technologies and concepts that help integrate health monitoring and healthcare more seamlessly to our everyday lives, regardless of space and time, but also present cutting edge perspectives and visions to highlight future development. The book presents not only the state of the art technologies and solutions to tackle the critical challenges faced by the building and development of the pervasive health system but also potential impact on society at social, medical and technological level.

Semantics Empowered Web 3.0

Book Description

After the traditional document-centric Web 1.0 and user-generated content focused Web 2.0, Web 3.0 has become a repository of an ever growing variety of Web resources that include data and services associated with enterprises, social networks, sensors, cloud, as well as mobile and other devices that constitute the Internet of Things. These pose unprecedented challenges in terms of heterogeneity (variety), scale (volume), and continuous changes (velocity), as well as present corresponding opportunities if they can be exploited. Just as semantics has played a critical role in dealing with data heterogeneity in the past to provide interoperability and integration, it is playing an even more critical role in dealing with the challenges and helping users and applications exploit all forms of Web 3.0 data. This book presents a unified approach to harness and exploit all forms of contemporary Web resources using the core principles of ability to associate meaning with data through conceptual or domain models and semantic descriptions including annotations, and through advanced semantic techniques for search, integration, and analysis. It discusses the use of Semantic Web standards and techniques when appropriate, but also advocates the use of lighter weight, easier to use, and more scalable options when they are more suitable. The authors' extensive experience spanning research and prototypes to development of operational applications and commercial technologies and products guide the treatment of the material. Table of Contents: Role of Semantics and Metadata / Types and Models of Semantics / Annotation -- Adding Semantics to Data / Semantics for Enterprise Data / Semantics for Services / Semantics for Sensor Data / Semantics for Social Data / Semantics for Cloud Computing / Semantics for Advanced Applications

Semantic Mining of Social Networks

Book Description

Online social networks have already become a bridge connecting our physical daily life with the (web-based) information space. This connection produces a huge volume of data, not only about the information itself, but also about user behavior. The ubiquity of the social Web and the wealth of social data offer us unprecedented opportunities for studying the interaction patterns among users so as to understand the dynamic mechanisms underlying different networks, something that was previously difficult to explore due to the lack of available data. In this book, we present the architecture of the research for social network mining, from a microscopic point of view. We focus on investigating several key issues in social networks. Specifically, we begin with analytics of social interactions between users. The first kinds of questions we try to answer are: What are the fundamental factors that form the different categories of social ties? How have reciprocal relationships been developed from parasocial relationships? How do connected users further form groups? Another theme addressed in this book is the study of social influence. Social influence occurs when one's opinions, emotions, or behaviors are affected by others, intentionally or unintentionally. Considerable research has been conducted to verify the existence of social influence in various networks. However, few literature studies address how to quantify the strength of influence between users from different aspects. In Chapter 4 and in [138], we have studied how to model and predict user behaviors. One fundamental problem is distinguishing the effects of different social factors such as social influence, homophily, and individual's characteristics. We introduce a probabilistic model to address this problem. Finally, we use an academic social network, ArnetMiner, as an example to demonstrate how we apply the introduced technologies for mining real social networks. In this system, we try to mine knowledge from both the informative (publication) network and the social (collaboration) network, and to understand the interaction mechanisms between the two networks. The system has been in operation since 2006 and has already attracted millions of users from more than 220 countries/regions.

Social Semantic Web Mining

Book Description

The past ten years have seen a rapid growth in the numbers of people signing up to use Web-based social networks (hundreds of millions of new members are now joining the main services each year) with a large amount of content being shared on these networks (tens of billions of content items are shared each month). With this growth in usage and data being generated, there are many opportunities to discover the knowledge that is often inherent but somewhat hidden in these networks. Web mining techniques are being used to derive this hidden knowledge. In addition, the Semantic Web, including the Linked Data initiative to connect previously disconnected datasets, is making it possible to connect data from across various social spaces through common representations and agreed upon terms for people, content items, etc. In this book, we detail some current research being carried out to semantically represent the implicit and explicit structures on the Social Web, along with the techniques being used to elicit relevant knowledge from these structures, and we present the mechanisms that can be used to intelligently mesh these semantic representations with intelligent knowledge discovery processes. We begin this book with an overview of the origins of the Web, and then show how web intelligence can be derived from a combination of web and Social Web mining. We give an overview of the Social and Semantic Webs, followed by a description of the combined Social Semantic Web (along with some of the possibilities it affords), and the various semantic representation formats for the data created in social networks and on social media sites. Provenance and provenance mining is an important aspect here, especially when data is combined from multiple services. We will expand on the subject of provenance and especially its importance in relation to social data. We will describe extensions to social semantic vocabularies specifically designed for community mining purposes (SIOCM). In the last three chapters, we describe how the combination of web intelligence and social semantic data can be used to derive knowledge from the Social Web, starting at the community level (macro), and then moving through group mining (meso) to user profile mining (micro).

Natural Language Processing for the Semantic Web

Book Description

This book introduces core natural language processing (NLP) technologies to non-experts in an easily accessible way, as a series of building blocks that lead the user to understand key technologies, why they are required, and how to integrate them into Semantic Web applications. Natural language processing and Semantic Web technologies have different, but complementary roles in data management. Combining these two technologies enables structured and unstructured data to merge seamlessly. Semantic Web technologies aim to convert unstructured data to meaningful representations, which benefit enormously from the use of NLP technologies, thereby enabling applications such as connecting text to Linked Open Data, connecting texts to each other, semantic searching, information visualization, and modeling of user behavior in online networks. The first half of this book describes the basic NLP processing tools: tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and morphological analysis, in addition to the main tools required for an information extraction system (named entity recognition and relation extraction) which build on these components. The second half of the book explains how Semantic Web and NLP technologies can enhance each other, for example via semantic annotation, ontology linking, and population. These chapters also discuss sentiment analysis, a key component in making sense of textual data, and the difficulties of performing NLP on social media, as well as some proposed solutions. The book finishes by investigating some applications of these tools, focusing on semantic search and visualization, modeling user behavior, and an outlook on the future.

The Epistemology of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems

Book Description

The Semantic Web is a young discipline, even if only in comparison to other areas of computer science. Nonetheless, it already exhibits an interesting history and evolution. This book is a reflection on this evolution, aiming to take a snapshot of where we are at this specific point in time, and also showing what might be the focus of future research. This book provides both a conceptual and practical view of this evolution, especially targeted at readers who are starting research in this area and as support material for their supervisors. From a conceptual point of view, it highlights and discusses key questions that have animated the research community: what does it mean to be a Semantic Web system and how is it different from other types of systems, such as knowledge systems or web-based information systems? From a more practical point of view, the core of the book introduces a simple conceptual framework which characterizes Intelligent Semantic Web Systems. We describe this framework, the components it includes, and give pointers to some of the approaches and technologies that might be used to implement them. We also look in detail at concrete systems falling under the category of Intelligent Semantic Web Systems, according to the proposed framework, allowing us to compare them, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and identify the key fundamental challenges still open for researchers to tackle.

Semantic Breakthrough in Drug Discovery

Book Description

The current drug development paradigm---sometimes expressed as, ``One disease, one target, one drug''---is under question, as relatively few drugs have reached the market in the last two decades. Meanwhile, the research focus of drug discovery is being placed on the study of drug action on biological systems as a whole, rather than on individual components of such systems. The vast amount of biological information about genes and proteins and their modulation by small molecules is pushing drug discovery to its next critical steps, involving the integration of chemical knowledge with these biological databases. Systematic integration of these heterogeneous datasets and the provision of algorithms to mine the integrated datasets would enable investigation of the complex mechanisms of drug action; however, traditional approaches face challenges in the representation and integration of multi-scale datasets, and in the discovery of underlying knowledge in the integrated datasets. The Semantic Web, envisioned to enable machines to understand and respond to complex human requests and to retrieve relevant, yet distributed, data, has the potential to trigger system-level chemical-biological innovations. Chem2Bio2RDF is presented as an example of utilizing Semantic Web technologies to enable intelligent analyses for drug discovery.Table of Contents: Introduction / Data Representation and Integration Using RDF / Data Representation and Integration Using OWL / Finding Complex Biological Relationships in PubMed Articles using Bio-LDA / Integrated Semantic Approach for Systems Chemical Biology Knowledge Discovery / Semantic Link Association Prediction / Conclusions / References / Authors' Biographies

Semantic Web Science and Real-World Applications

Book Description

Continual advancements in web technology have highlighted the need for formatted systems that computers can utilize to easily read and sift through the hundreds of thousands of data points across the internet. Therefore, having the most relevant data in the least amount of time to optimize the productivity of users becomes a priority. Semantic Web Science and Real-World Applications provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of semantic web science and real-world applications within the area of big data. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as artificial intelligence, social media monitoring, and microblogging recommendation systems, this book is ideally designed for IT consultants, academics, professionals, and researchers of web science seeking the current developments, requirements and standards, and technology spaces presented across academia and industries.

Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements

Book Description

The proper management of geographic data can provide assistance to a number of different sectors within society. As such, it is imperative to continue advancing research for spatial data analysis. The Handbook of Research on Geographic Information Systems Applications and Advancements presents a thorough overview of the latest developments in effective management techniques for collecting, processing, analyzing, and utilizing geographical data and information. Highlighting theoretical frameworks and relevant applications, this book is an ideal reference source for researchers, academics, professionals, and students actively involved in the field of geographic information systems.