Sexual Risk Behaviors in College Women: Perceived Norms, Attitudes, and Sexual Motives

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One important developmental task of young adulthood is the formation of romantic partnerships and initiation of sexual relationships. Unfortunately, in navigating these key developmental tasks, college students may engage in sexual risk behaviors which could lead to negative physical, psychological, and social consequences. Prior research has shown that a substantial number of college women are participating in sexual risk behaviors, such as having one time sexual encounters, inconsistently using condoms, having multiple sequential and simultaneous sexual partners, and drinking heavily before sex. Despite this, only limited research has examined factors that predict and contribute to these sexual risk behaviors. Such work is necessary to develop programs to promote healthy sexual development and expression among college women. Prior research has supported the utility of the contingent consistency peer influence model (CCPIM) in predicting risky drinking among college women. This model posits that that perceived peer norms, actual peer norms, and personal attitudes are independent and key influences on adolescents and young adults' risky behavior. Additionally, prior work has supported the role of certain drinking motives in promoting risky drinking among college students. Similarly, a link between some sexual motives and sexual risk behavior has been established as well. Prior research has supported that certain sexual motives, such as coping and affirmation, predict engagement in sexual risk behaviors. The applicability of the CCPIM with the addition of sexual motives in predicting sexual risk behaviors has not previously been studied together, however. This thesis sought to evaluate the utility of the CCPIM in predicting sexual risk behaviors among college women. Further, the influence of two sexual motives: coping and affirmation, on risky sexual behavior were also examined. To accomplish these aims, 400 sexually active undergraduate women (mean age 18.5 years), were recruited through the ECU Psychology department participant management system to complete an online survey that assessed sexual risk behaviors, drinking behaviors, sexual attitudes, sexual motives, and perceived peer norms for sexual behaviors. Results supported that college women's perceived peer norms as well as coping and affirmation sexual motives significantly predicted sexual risk behaviors, while positive personal attitudes toward sex predicted less engagement in these behaviors. Implications of the findings include the importance both of college women's perception of peer norms for sexual risk behavior and their personal sexual motives as well as the potential protective role of holding positive attitudes toward sex. This highlights that for college women, the strongest component of the CCPIM is perception of peer norms, regardless of actual peer norms, and also highlights the role of sexual motives in sexual risk behaviors. This research suggests that norm corrective interventions could possibly be part of an effective intervention program to reduce college women's engagement in sexual risk behaviors. Further, for some women, sexual risk behaviors may be a result of maladaptive coping strategies and/or used as a means to boost self-esteem or desirability, supporting the potential importance of interventions addressing psychological distress and low self-esteem in also potentially addressing sexual risk. Additionally, future research should focus on expanding these findings to more diverse populations as well as the likely bidirectional relationships between perceived peer norms and risk behavior over time.

Black College Women's Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Within the Context of Hookup Culture

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"Black women are one of the fastest growing minority populations on United States (US) college campuses. In addition, they are disproportionately burdened by the sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HIV epidemics facing young adults. Despite these deleterious health outcomes, little is known about the sexual behaviors and factors that affect Black college women's sexual health. One avenue of sexual health research with potential to shed light on this population's sexual behavior and risk is hookup culture. The 'hookup'--a casual sexual encounter between individuals without the expectation of a dating or romantic relationship--has become increasingly prevalent on US college campuses with 60-80% of students reporting at least one hookup experience during their college career. Considering that young adults aged 15-24 account for half of new STI diagnoses in the US each year, hookups present a potential health risk to college students. However, the existing hookup literature is overwhelming White and female, and often exclusive of historically marginalized populations such as Black women. The data resulting from predominantly White, female samples creates generalizations and assumptions regarding prototypical hookup behaviors and experiences among college students, which may inadvertently mask important racial/ethnic differences in sexual behaviors and corresponding risks. The masking of Black women's experiences could lead to the oversight of possible risk and protective factors that influence their sexual and reproductive health. The near absence of Black women in the literature is indicative of a need for intersectional research examining the possible role of race and gender on hookup participation. The purpose of this dissertation study was two-fold. The first goal was to quantitatively examine the intersecting relationship of race and gender and its association with hookup attitudes and condomless vaginal sex during hookups. The study also explored the association between pre-hookup relationship intentions and condomless vaginal sex. The second goal of the study was to qualitatively describe Black college women's perceptions of and attitudes toward hookup culture on their respective college campuses. The two papers included in this dissertation addressed the following research questions: (1) "What is the association between the intersection of race and gender and attitudes toward hookups?" and (2) "What is the association between pre-hookup relationship intentions, race, gender and condom use during last vaginal hookup encounter?" Preliminary findings from the qualitative phase of the study are also discussed. In all, the quantitative findings from this study indicated that both race and gender were statistically, significantly associated with college students' attitudes toward hooking up. Black students and female students held more conservative attitudes toward hooking up than their White and male counterparts, respectively. Further, both race and gender were statistically, significantly associated and condom use during last vaginal hookup. Black students and male students were more likely to report condom use during their last vaginal hookup when compared to their White and female counterparts, respectively. Pre-hookup relationship intentions were also found to play a significant role in condom use at last vaginal hookup. Students who desired a relationship with their hookup partner were less likely to report condom use than those who had no desire or were unsure of their relationship intentions. In both studies, the interaction between race and gender was found to have no influence on attitudes toward hooking up and condom use during last vaginal hookup. The preliminary qualitative findings from the focus groups suggest that Black college women's sexual attitudes and experiences of romantic and casual sexual relationships with hookup culture are influenced by both racial and gendered stereotypes and expectations of appropriate sexual behavior. Accordingly, future research should further examine the intersectional influences of race and gender on Black college women's sexual experiences to enhance our understanding of the sexual health disparities facing this population and inform culturally congruent interventions."--Abstract from author supplied metadata.

The Sex Lives of College Students

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In this third edition of The Sex Lives of College Students results are presented of more than a 100-question human sexuality survey administered over the past three decades (from 1990 to 2020) to thousands of college students ages 18-22. The goal is to better understand their sexual attitudes and behaviors, as well as trends. The findings raise awareness and provide perspective about students' understanding of sex matters and related difficult issues, and tell us we still have a long way to go before people own their sexuality. The survey reinforces the fact that young adults are generally comfortable pursuing sexual relationships, but often fail to openly discuss sexual issues. Some of the results suggest that the double standard is alive and well, as when more college women than men say that love is important in sex. The Sex Lives of College Students provides a springboard for honest dialogue about the role of sexuality in people's lives and a forum for more public discussion of private parts.

Personality, Sexual Attitudes, and Unrestricted Sociosexual Behavior in College Women

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Evolutionary psychology relies heavily on sex-based, biological differences to explain disparities in unrestricted attitudes and casual sex behavior. The present study explores the relations among personality (in particular, Maslow's construct of "dominance-feeling"), sexual attitudes, and women's sexual behavior as an alternative explanation. Eighty-nine Wellesley College women reported their attitudes concerning casual sex, completed personality measures, and reported their past and expected number of sexual partners to investigate 1) whether or not Maslow's 1942 theory and measure of dominance-feeling apply to present-day women and 2) which personality traits are correlated with measures of attitudes toward casual sex and of previous sexual behavior. Dominance-feeling was found to be a reliable measure ([alpha] = .80) that correlated strongly with other relevant personality measures used, indicating that it still communicates modern concepts to college women. Dominance-feeling was, on average, the most strongly correlated with unrestricted attitudes and casual sex, with sensation-seeking as a close second. It is concluded that the construct of dominance-feeling in the present sample (which, with additional data, may extend to larger populations) provides a better, more full explanation for individual differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors than male-female differences alone.

Views of the Female Role, Mothers' Expression of Sexual Affection and Female College Students' Attitudes Toward Sexual Behavior

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The present study examined the relationship between views of the female role, mothers' expression of sexual affection, and women's attitudes toward sexual behaviors. Subjects were 122 single middle-class college women from intact families who had some prior experience in heterosexual relationships. Women's scores on the Mother's Expression of Sexual Affection Scale (MESAS) and the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS) were used to assign subjects to one of four groups: traditional women whose mothers frequently displayed sexual affection toward their spouses; nontraditional women whose mothers frequently displayed sexual affection toward their spouses; traditional women whose mothers infrequently displayed sexual affection toward their spouses; and nontraditional women whose mothers infrequently displayed sexual affection toward their spouses. A comparison was then made of the four groups' attitudes toward 20 sexual behaviors on the Sexual Attitudes Scale (SAS). A 2 (Woman's role attitude: traditional/nontraditional) x 2 (Mother's expression of sexual affection: frequent/infrequent) analysis of variance was performed on scores for each item. Results revealed that women with more nontraditional attitudes toward the female role held significantly more positive attitudes toward 15 of the 20 sexual behaviors than women with more traditional views. Moreover, it was found that women with more affectionate mothers had significantly more positive attitudes toward four SAS behaviors. These findings demonstrate a clear relationship between female role orientation and sexual attitudes, and suggest that mothers may be sexual role models for a class of less intimate sexual behaviors. Implications of the research for counseling couples with sexual problems were discussed.

The Sex Lives of College Students

Book Description

The Sex Lives of College Students presents the results of more than a 100-question human sexuality survey administered over the past two decades to thousands of college students ages 18-22. The goal is to better understand their sexual attitudes and behaviors, as well as trends. The findings raise awareness and provide perspective about students' understanding of sex matters and related difficult issues, and tell us we still have a long way to go before people own their sexuality. The survey reinforces the fact that young adults are generally comfortable pursuing sexual relationships, but often fail to openly discuss sexual issues. Some of the results suggest that the double standard is alive and well, as when more college women than men say that love is important in sex. The Sex Lives of College Students provides a springboard for honest dialogue about the role of sexuality in people's lives and a forum for more public discussion of private parts.