Sexual Trauma among Girls in Educational Settings

Book Description

This book uses an intersectional lens to explore the lived experiences of sexually traumatized girls in school. It provides a deep understanding of the students’ experiences, viewed through the prism of their multiple identities. The author employs a qualitative phenomenological study to investigate the psychological, social, and academic impacts of such trauma. The book’s core strength lies in its exploration of the intersectionality between identity and sexual trauma. It does this by examining the impacts of historical trauma, through the lens of four major historical events: transatlantic slavery, the Holocaust, World War II, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This research highlights potential mental health, social, and academic outcomes prevalent in historically marginalized groups, which is then connected to a broader understanding of intersectionality and trauma. It underscores the urgent need for educators and school leaders to understand this phenomenon in order to be effective in their roles. The book also emphasizes the importance of addressing trauma in educational settings, considering the intersectionality of identity, trauma, and educational experience. The book also proposes an additional identity marker to support Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality: female sexual trauma survivor. This book is a valuable resource for scholars, educators, educational leaders, post-graduate students, and policymakers. It offers research-based theoretical approaches to addressing trauma and intersectionality in educational contexts. It is a must-read for those seeking to broaden their understanding of these complex issues and their impact on educational experiences for female sexual trauma survivors.

Sexual Harassment of Women

Book Description

Over the last few decades, research, activity, and funding has been devoted to improving the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine. In recent years the diversity of those participating in these fields, particularly the participation of women, has improved and there are significantly more women entering careers and studying science, engineering, and medicine than ever before. However, as women increasingly enter these fields they face biases and barriers and it is not surprising that sexual harassment is one of these barriers. Over thirty years the incidence of sexual harassment in different industries has held steady, yet now more women are in the workforce and in academia, and in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine (as students and faculty) and so more women are experiencing sexual harassment as they work and learn. Over the last several years, revelations of the sexual harassment experienced by women in the workplace and in academic settings have raised urgent questions about the specific impact of this discriminatory behavior on women and the extent to which it is limiting their careers. Sexual Harassment of Women explores the influence of sexual harassment in academia on the career advancement of women in the scientific, technical, and medical workforce. This report reviews the research on the extent to which women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine are victimized by sexual harassment and examines the existing information on the extent to which sexual harassment in academia negatively impacts the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women pursuing scientific, engineering, technical, and medical careers. It also identifies and analyzes the policies, strategies and practices that have been the most successful in preventing and addressing sexual harassment in these settings.

Sexual Harassment in Education and Work Settings

Book Description

Addresses current legal and psychological issues involved in campus and workplace violence, specifically sexual misconduct, and offers best practices for organizations seeking to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct. Based on an idea conceived at a conference for the International Coalition of Sexual Harassment, this book offers up-to-date information about sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct in academic and workplace settings, as well as legal and guidance updates and best practices that discuss prevention methods. The chapters are written by noted attorneys, campus and workplace consultants, and other scholars who have assisted in collecting incident data and have thought leadership to offer. Chapters address how workplaces and campuses respond to forms of violence as well as the impact of sexual harassment on individuals, bystanders, and organizations. Readers will learn about topics such as the "Not Alone" initiative—a result of President Obama's Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault—and the history of Titles VII and IX legislation the United States. The editors have compiled resources that address the cultural and social views of sexual harassment, the history of sexual misconduct on campuses and in organizations, and sample organizations at the national level that deal with prevention, advocacy, and legal guidance for students and employees.

Outcry Response

Book Description

Outcry Response is a book about sexual abuse for educators and administrators of all private and public learning institutions, organizations, and nontraditional settings. How to listen, respond, report, and recognize the often-disturbing signs of sexual abuse are noted for the purpose of building confidence as a mandated reporter. Survivors need responses of compassion, support, empathy, and recognition for their courage since the sexual assault was not their fault. Many survivors, past offenders, educators, and related agency personnel have assisted in describing the aftermath of sexual abuse and how educators can help. Compassion fatigue and exhaustion can lead a listener to inadvertently react with shock, shaming, repulsion, or silence. The solution is self-care with definitions and options provided in Outcry Response Trauma informed research and practices have made mandatory reporting, open communication, and safer campuses much more manageable. This wonderful book provides a variety of examples of trauma informed responses within educationally based scenarios of sexual abuse. The Department of Education websites for all fifty states and community programs enumerated within Outcry Response provide our educators and administrators with numerous resources about sexual abuse to use in their primary role of compassionately educating students of all ages.

The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls

Book Description

The Sexual Trauma Workbook for Teen Girls offers healing, real-life stories from survivors and powerful, evidence-based tools to help you reclaim your life after sexual abuse or trauma. If you’ve been sexually abused or experienced sexual trauma, you may feel confused, angry, ashamed, and unable to move forward emotionally. You're not alone. Like many teens who’ve been abused, you may be tempted to keep the secret locked deep inside and feel uncomfortable discussing your struggles with others. If so, this book can help you find your voice. This empowering workbook will help you move past your trauma and serve as a comforting reminder that you are strong and resilient. Healing is possible—and with healing, comes victory. In this book, you’ll find true stories from other teen survivors, and in reading the stories you’ll find reassurance in knowing you aren’t alone in your experiences. You’ll also find practical and proven-effective strategies and exercises to help promote emotional healing and reclaim your sense of self. Sexual abuse or trauma may be a part of your past, but it doesn’t need to define who you are now. This book will help you as you start on the path toward healing so you can move forward with confidence.

Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Book Description

The first systematic analysis of the rates, risk factors, consequences and global burden of trauma and PTSD across the globe.

Beyond Victims and Villains

Book Description

Seksueel geweld in het onderwijs is het onderwerp van deze publicatie. Het is voor velen een moeilijk en soms ondenkbaar probleem. Scholen en universiteiten zijn immers plaatsen waar studenten geacht worden in een veilige en rustige omgeving te kunnen studeren. Uit internationaal onderzoek blijkt dat niet altijd zo te zijn. Het seksueel geweld komt zowel van medestudenten als van leerkrachten. Ook hier blijken vooral meisjes het slachtoffer. Dit geweld brengt hen niet alleen fysieke en psychische schade toe, maar zorgt er ook voor dat hun onderwijskansen gelimiteerd worden. Onderwijs aan vrouwen is een belangrijke hefboom in de sociale en economische ontwikkeling van een land. Het goed beleid tegen seksueel geweld is dan ook een prioriteit.

The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Discourse

Book Description

This Handbook explores the discourse within the field of educational leadership and management. It provides a clear analysis of the current field as well as older foundational ideas and newer concepts which are beginning to permeate the discussion. The field of educational leadership and management has long acknowledged that educational contexts include a variety of leaders beyond school principals and other school officials such as informal and middle level leaders. By looking at the knowledge dynamic rather than a static knowledge base , this Handbook allows research to be presented in its multidimensional, evolving reality.

Global Corruption Report: Education

Book Description

Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realizing the right to education and to reaching the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education by 2015. Corruption not only distorts access to education, but affects the quality of education and the reliability of research findings. From corruption in the procurement of school resources and nepotism in the hiring of teachers, to the buying and selling of academic titles and the skewing of research results, major corruption risks can be identified at every level of the education and research systems. Conversely, education serves as a means to strengthen personal integrity and is a critical tool to address corruption effectively. The Global Corruption Report (GCR) is Transparency International’s flagship publication, bringing the expertise of the anti-corruption movement to bear on a specific corruption issue or sector. The Global Corruption Report on education consists of more than 70 articles commissioned from experts in the fields of corruption and education, from universities, think-tanks, business, civil society and international organisations. The Global Corruption Report on education and academic research will provide essential analysis for understanding the corruption risks in the sector and highlight the significant work that has already been done in the field to improve governance and educational outcomes. This will be an opportunity to pull together cutting edge knowledge on lessons learnt, innovative tools and solutions that exist in order to fight corruption in the education sector.