Shaping the Digital Transformation in Latin America Strengthening Productivity, Improving Lives

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This report discusses policies and approaches to spur sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in the LAC region across seven action areas: enhancing access to digital technologies; strengthening their effective use; enabling digital innovation; ensuring quality jobs for all; promoting an inclusive digital society; strengthening trust; and fostering market openness. The report also aims to contribute to the preparation of an action plan that will support the region’s efforts to reap the benefits of the digital transformation. This publication was prepared to support the discussions of the OECD Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Programme’s Third Ministerial Summit on Productivity “Harnessing the Digital Transformation to Boost Productivity in in Latin America and the Caribbean”. It draws on OECD work on carried out in the context of the Going Digital project, as well as a range of work specific to the LAC region, such as the OECD-IDB report Broadband Policies for Latin America and the Caribbean, the OECD Reviews of Telecommunication Policies in Mexico and Colombia, and the OECD Going Digital Reviews of Colombia and Brazil.

The Jobs of Tomorrow

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While adoption of new technologies is understood to enhance long-term growth and average per-capita incomes, its impact on lower-skilled workers is more complex and merits clarification. Concerns abound that advanced technologies developed in high-income countries would inexorably lead to job losses of lower-skilled, less well-off workers and exacerbate inequality. Conversely, there are countervailing concerns that policies intended to protect jobs from technology advancement would themselves stultify progress and depress productivity. This book squarely addresses both sets of concerns with new research showing that adoption of digital technologies offers a pathway to more inclusive growth by increasing adopting firms’ outputs, with the jobs-enhancing impact of technology adoption assisted by growth-enhancing policies that foster sizable output expansion. The research reported here demonstrates with economic theory and data from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico that lower-skilled workers can benefit from adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies biased towards skilled workers, and often do. The inclusive jobs outcomes arise when the effects of increased productivity and expanding output overcome the substitution of workers for technology. While the substitution effect replaces some lower-skilled workers with new technology and more highly-skilled labor, the output effect can lead to an increase in the total number of jobs for less-skilled workers. Critically, output can increase sufficiently to increase jobs across all tasks and skill types within adopting firms, including jobs for lower-skilled workers, as long as lower-skilled task content remains complementary to new technologies and related occupations are not completely automated and replaced by machines. It is this channel for inclusive growth that underlies the power of pro-competitive enabling policies and institutions—such as regulations encouraging firms to compete and policies supporting the development of skills that technology augments rather than replaces—to ensure that the positive impact of technology adoption on productivity and lower-skilled workers is realized.

The Future of Companies in the Face of a New Reality

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This book analyzes the changes brought on to economic and business activities in Latin America due to the new scenarios, environments and social dynamics the world is facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, at both micro- and macroeconomic levels. Recent changes to working environments has brought discussions on work-life balance to the forefront, and creating support mechanisms to attract and retain the next generation of workers has become a primary focus for talent managers. At an industry level, there are expectations that once the crisis passes, there will be massive capital inflows toward ESG investments in emerging markets driving the transformation of companies. Consequently, ESG business models will have a cascading effect in the whole supply chain (upstream, midstream and downstream) and will generate greater value for all stakeholders. At the same time, technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence, have gradually been adopted by companies leading the charge in ESG business models. The financial sector has taken the lead in these two technologies, but the challenge generated by the COVID-19 pandemic forced other sectors to innovate rapidly in order to remain afloat. Using empirical and theoretical frameworks, the contributors in this book identify the most attractive alternatives to benefit consumers in an adverse environment like the one the world is facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which while posing a significant challenge for most industries, has also created new opportunities for innovation and ingenuity, analyzing case studies from the coffee and medical tourism sectors in particular.

Innovation and Inclusion in Latin America

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This book argues that Latin America must confront two main challenges: greater innovation to increase productivity, and greater inclusion to incorporate more of the population into the benefits of economic growth. These two tasks are interrelated, and both require greater institutional capacity to facilitate both innovation and inclusion. Most countries in Latin America are struggling to escape what economists label “the middle income trap.” While much if not all of the region has emerged from low income status, neither growth nor productivity has increased sufficiently to enable Latin America to narrow the gap separating it from the world’s most developed economies. Although income inequality has diminished across much of the region in recent years, social vulnerability remains widespread and institutional weaknesses continue to plague efforts to achieve equitable development. This volume identifies lessons that can be learned and adapted from experiences within the region and in East Asia, where the middle income trap has largely been avoided. This book is the result of a collaborative project undertaken by American University’s Center for Latin American & Latino Studies (CLALS) and the Corporation for Latin American Studies (CIEPLAN) in Chile, with financial support from the Inter-American Development Bank’s Office of Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness.

The Politics of Technology in Latin America

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This volume focuses on the hyper-mediatization of Latin America from the citizen's perspective, considering the social impact and how people embrace information technologies to improve their living conditions, engage in political issues and the role of digital journalism in promoting democratic values in Latin America. The book is divided into three parts: 'Digital Media and Daily Life in Latin America' explores cases related to the integration of digital media such as mobile devices, social platforms and, even, drones to diverse commercial, private and social activities. 'Information technologies and civic engagement' gives special attention to the new political practices triggered by the irruption of smartphones and platforms, especially inside organizations and social movements in Latin America. 'Journalism and Media Integrity in the Age of Post-truth' centers on the study of digital journalism and the new media landscape, and related issues like precarization of labor conditions and the crisis of reliability in media. This second volume in a two volume set will be important reading for scholars and students of social use of digital media in Latin America, civic engagement, and the connections between politics, journalism and technology.

Social Services for Digital Citizens

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Disruption is the new norm and the digital transformation can spur innovation growth across many activities. Emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) can help governments reduce costs while improving services. Not every emerging technology will alter the social landscape, but some truly do have the potential to disrupt the statu quo and change the way people live. This study focuses on the following key building blocks of the 4IR to examine their impact on the social services sector in Latin America and the Caribbean: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Big Data, Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Development

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This book examines the implementation of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy in eight Latin American countries and the different paths these policies have taken. It provides empirical evidence to examine the extent to which STI policies are contributing to the development of the region, as well as to the solution of market failures and the stimulus of the region’s innovation systems. Since the pioneering work of Solow (1957), it has been recognized that innovation is critical for economic growth both in developed and in less-developed countries. Unfortunately Latin America lags behind world trends, and although over the last 20 years the region has established a more stable and certain macroeconomic regime, it is also clear that these changes have not been enough to trigger a process of innovation and productivity to catch-up. Against this rather grim scenario there is some optimism emerging throughout the region. After many years of inaction the region has begun to invest in science, technology and engineering once again. Furthermore, after many changes in innovation policy frameworks, there is now an emerging consensus on the need for a solution to coordination failures that hinder the interaction between supply and demand. Offering an informative and analytic insight into STI policymaking within Latin America, this book can be used by students, researchers and practitioners who are interested in the design and implementation of innovation policies. This book also intends to encourage discussion and collaboration amongst current policy makers within the region.

Firm Innovation and Productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

This volume uses the study of firm dynamics to investigate the factors preventing faster productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean, pushing past the limits of traditional macroeconomic analyses. Each chapter is dedicated to an examination of a different factor affecting firm productivity - innovation, ICT usage, on-the-job-training, firm age, access to credit, and international linkages - highlighting the differences in firm characteristics, behaviors, and strategies. By showcasing this remarkable heterogeneity, this collection challenges regional policymakers to look beyond one-size-fits-all solutions and create balanced policy mixes tailored to distinct firm needs. This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license.

Radical Solutions for Digital Transformation in Latin American Universities

Book Description

This book presents how Digital Transformation is a requirement to upgrade Latin American universities to a next level in management, lecturing and learning processes and strategies. The book starts with a thorough introduction of the Latin American context addressing the three main topics in the book: Digital Transformation, Higher Education and Artificial Intelligence & Industry 4.0. They will be depicted by region, with a clear distribution between Central America & Mexico, Comunidad Andina (Perú, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia), Mercosur (Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay and Uruguay), and other countries. The book also shows how online learning is a key part of the transformation, with a clear focus on learning management systems, innovation and learning analytics. Further, personalised services for every single profile at the university (students, lecturers, academic managers) are presented to guarantee inclusive education service aggregation for networked campuses. Following, the book addresses strategy and overall services that concentrate on sustainability and revenue models integrated with a strategic planning. Finally a set of chapters will show specific experiences and case studies of direct application of Artificial Intelligence and Technology 4.0, where the readers can learn from and transfer directly into their educational contexts.