Short Story Press Presents When Love Leaves

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents When Love Leaves by Elizabeth Owens “When Love Leaves” by Elizabeth Owens is a story many people can relate to: What do you do when love leaves, and you are left heartbroken and alone? Cassie is a divorced woman who had gone through years of abuse from a man she once loved dearly. When the abuse leads to a life shattering loss, she realizes she must escape the cruelty and try to make a life of her own. Leading a successful life as a social worker and making changes in children’s lives gives Cassie a feeling of contentment and satisfaction. When love returns in the shape of a loving, younger man, Cassie has to make a decision her friends don’t understand, but the support and encouragement from one unlooked for friend gives Cassie the strength she didn’t think she had. Will love stay this time? Why should you read “When Love Leaves” by Elizabeth Owens? • Real characters to which many people can relate. • Difficult choices that many people face, but don’t always have the strength to follow through on. • Vivid description and real life situations. • Lively characters that will leave you shaking your head while laughing. • Supportive characters who will warm your heart. • A main character you will be rooting for as she tries to find a love that will stay. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents A Love In 3D

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Short Story Press Presents Love In 3D by Valerie Lizotte What happens when you lose all hopes in yourself and in the world? Well, you become vulnerable and that’s what happened to Eddie, only he does not really know what is wrong with him until a meeting that will literally change his world and, in a very real way, his life. One day, as it is his habit, Eddie has stepped in a virtual travel cabin looking for a distraction from his bleak life and on an impulse he has made the journey to the era of 1950’s. An era that is so very different from his universe, somewhere in a not so distant, cold and unfriendly future, that Eddie is immediately fascinated with what he sees, with this much simpler and warmer life. He feels himself becoming alive again. There he also meets Marylyn, a pretty waitress working in a snack bar. She is so different from the women he has been keeping company with that Eddie feels himself attracted to her, attracted to how real and transparent she is. However, his engineer’s mind immediately sees the problem: Marylyn is not real and is the product of sophisticated computer coding. He tries to rationalise his attraction for her, but nothing can convince his heart and that is where the trouble starts. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love On Demand

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Short Story Press Presents Love On Demand by Sade Andria Zabala Cashmere Blake is Hollywood’s newest “It” girl. After 3 years of trying to get in the business, she finally has it all; fame, money and fortune. She gives all of this up to take a break in her humble hometown. But Hollywood is not so easy to let go of its new star. • Cashmere’s manager forces Philip, her costar and on-screen boyfriend, to go with her and pretend they’re going on a mysterious winter vacation in the hopes of getting some publicity for their failing TV show. This causes complications as Cashmere has secretly been feeling something every time she and Philip filmed a scene. • Things heat up when their managers and agencies keep pressuring them to date. It doesn’t help that Philip thinks she’s trying to steal his spotlight, and thus spends his time ignoring Cashmere during their pretend vacation. • Every night, Cashmere watches Philip sleep and imagines what life would be like if he could be just a little bit nicer to her. Cashmere realizes all her musings are futile as Philip hates her! Things get more confusing when it seems as though Philip is finally beginning to open up to Cashmere when he asks for help with his acting skills. Can Cashmere figure out what she feels before their “vacation” ends? Or will their story remain to be another unfulfilled Hollywood love on demand? Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Love Shackles

Book Description

Short Story Press Preents Love Shackles by Walter Price One of the most miserable and lonely places in the world is in a prison cell. The reason not being because you are locked away in a space the size of closet, away from society but because you have so much time to think. In the outside world you have resources to help make decisions and can move around to see for yourself when making choices. Being locked away physically also has the upmost mental effect on even a stable mind. One of the hardest decisions is figuring out exactly what path you will take once released from prison. This is vital because essentially the release the release date is the first day of the rest of your new life. The main character must make this decision but has to use his heart to guide him. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Outskirts Press Presents Fandemonium

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You can receive an instant 10% discount by ordering directly through the Outskirts Press bookstore by clicking American Red Cross received nearly 50% of the votes.

Short Story Press Presents Camano Island's Heartbeat

Book Description

In this story, you will experience a wide range of emotions while applying to the consistent theme of maintaining a positive outlook even in times of negativity and disarray. The story takes the reader and main character through a story that exemplifies: ● The relatable occurrence of sadness that all beings have experienced ● The importance of keeping a positive outlook in order to pull yourself out of the depths of sadness ● The implication to not cling or hold on to the past and look towards the future ● The ideology that serving and giving yourself brings happiness ● The power of a relationship and bond between animal and man ● The heavy weight of expectations that comes from friends and family that can keep people from following their dreams ● Beautifies family relationships and the need for understanding as a person who is an introvert and desires to be alone ● The ideology that action is important, and to take action immediately ● The Buddhist ideology of having the option to be running from darkness to brightness or from darkness to more darkness - you decide. ● The concept that all things rise, stay for some time, then pass away indicating there is no need to hate something viewed as negative or even love and attach oneself to something positive ● A story that shows there is happiness where you look for it, and sadness if you desire it. All the ideas portrayed in the story of Peter are to help the world today find the most out of the life they live. To realize they can give themselves if they feel that they don’t have enough and there is someone who needs it more than you know. It indicates to not wallow in sadness, even if it is all you have. It shows to take action and do good as this will be the best thing to heal you from your darkness. Stay bright! Michael Knighton has been writing fiction stories since he was a child. He was a vigorous reader from the age of 6 and it has continued well into his young adulthood today. He graduated high-school and went into factory work moving across the country to Arkansas, US where he worked until he was fired and he moved back across the country to his hometown, Boise, ID. He found work in a call center and bounced around different call centers for 5 years slowly falling into a deeper depression. All the while he was writing more stories and picked up a guitar and began playing music. He began to wonder what story his life was writing and what story he wanted his life to tell. He quit his job and moved to California working on a vegetable farm and from the money he made farming he visited India for two months. In India he met the love of his life and has since moved to Canada to be with her and continue his love for the Earth through developing his company, Regrowth Industries, which involves planting regenerative, ecological gardens on a micro scale to individuals and growing food forests in large plots of lands on a macro scale. He continues to write and believes writing is a healthy expression of oneself while also playing music to calm the mind that he says “sometimes becomes agitated with so many different things to do.” He hopes that people can see his love for the world through his writing and find true happiness in themselves through finding and following their true purpose. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents The Heart Knows What It Wants

Book Description

Can you find love in the arms someone who is hiding an important part of their past? When everything seems to be going as planned, how do you handle a shadowed past that threatens your happiness? This story brings to light how our past transgressions can either tear us apart or bring us closer together. • Realizing that the past is a part of who we are, but doesn’t define us • Life is too short to let past Wrongdoings take hold of our hearts • Believing in your heart that something is real and not looking for it in the reassurance of others • Love is worth fighting for, both emotionally and physically • History doesn’t always repeat itself, especially when it comes to finding love in the arms of someone different About the Writer Summer Anderson is a mother, wife, animal advocate, writer and long-time lover of the game of golf. Her passion lies in writing from the heart, and on topics that are most important to the Millennial generation along with the occasional fictional love story. She hopes to impact those through her writing and advice on marketing and social media communication. Summer is married to her wonderful husband, Bob, and they have two lively kiddos – Heath and Autumn. When not enjoying a family game night, Summer can be found on the golf courses of Pennsylvania, enjoying a good of cup of coffee or hanging out with her pets. Professionally, Summer has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts from Allegheny College in Meadville and a Master of Arts in Marketing from Edinboro University. She currently works as an administrative assistant, and in her spare time, she freelances in writing, graphic design and website creation. Summer currently has two published works on Amazon, one fictional piece and one non-fiction on what it means to be a working mom in the 21st Century. She hopes that her stories will inspire others to write or to pursue their love of a good story that has yet to be written. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents Broken Rocks

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents Broken Rocks by Cynthia Haltom Julia has been let go from her job of 20 years, as a ground water geologist in Eastern Washington and must find a new way to support herself. She decides to pack up her belongings and return to her family's cottage on Pine Island. There she hopes to find a new meaning to her life, while living in the peaceful and serene setting that she always experienced in the northern woods of Canada. She is surprised to discover that her old buddy, Andrew, still spends every summer across the river on Brown's Island, where he spent his youth with his family. The two had always spent their childhoods playing, fishing and enjoying the tranquility of island life as children. Once again, they share time enjoying the love of the great north. Julia had left for college over two decades ago, to make a life for herself working on the plutonium ground water cleanup project left from the atomic bomb processing, at the Hanford Nuclear Site in Richland, Washington. There she had made a life for herself; not returning to the island she loved so much. Destiny forced her to reevaluate her life and priorities encompassing many changes in attitudes and lifestyle. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Short Story Press Presents A Final Kiss

Book Description

Short Story Press Presents A Final Kiss By Short Story Press & Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén o Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén, author of Price World Publishing’s Tori Series for middle grade readers, as well a previous short story (“One Winter Moment”) for Short Story Press, returns with another poignant tale of the difficulties and dilemmas imposed by impossible loves. o “A Final Kiss” relates the wedding day of Natalie St. John, an educated young woman from a wealthy New England family who must come to terms with the fact that she’s made a life altering mistake. o As an idealistic seventeen-year-old, Natalie meets and falls in love with Joey Renetti, a charming young waiter at a local Italian café. From the very beginning, it is evident to Natalie that the two are a match made in heaven. But Natalie’s uppity parents are far from being in agreement with their daughter. o Natalie’s mother insists that a life with a lower-class restaurant worker is not any kind of a future for a girl of Natalie’s breeding and social standing. She insists that her daughter meet and mingle with other young men. At first, Natalie is defensive of her relationship with Joey and goes to all lengths to protect it, even after she leaves home to attend a prestigious university. o But slowly and steadily time works it wiles, and Natalie’s parents succeed in driving a wedge between their daughter and the young man she truly loves. They are ecstatic when Natalie meets Adam Pennington, a well-to-do businessman and New England socialite who can provide their daughter with the finer things in life. Resigned to a future without Joey, Natalie embarks on a relationship with Adam, and the two soon become engaged. A mere month after Natalie’s graduation from university, the wedding will take place. But as the big day draws close, Natalie finds herself experiencing niggling doubts about Adam, and try as she might, she is unable to put Joey Renetti out of her mind. Even so, she goes through with the ceremony, assuring herself that everything will be all right. After all, Adam is kind, loving, and caring. Natalie has no doubt that he will make a good husband. o But when Natalie unexpectedly runs into Joey Renetti at her wedding reception, all her old longings resurface, and she must confront the reality of the life-changing mistake she made once and must live with for the rest of her days…. o Told through an alternating series of present-day happenings and flashbacks to Natalie’s eighteenth year, A Final Kiss explores the consequences we bring about ourselves when we close our hearts to their inmost desires. o Alicia Voss-Guillén was inspired to write A Final Kiss as she pondered the possibility of such a life-altering regret as Natalie faces in the story. “The concept of a bride meeting up with her one and only true love on the day she is married to a different man was just too good to pass up,” she says. The author infuses her character with the human emotion that she believes would be inherent in a similar scenario, and she hopes that none of her readers will ever have to deal with Natalie St. John Pennington’s level of regret. Short Story Press publishes short stories written by everyday writers.

Outskirts Press Presents Fandemonium Volume 3

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For the third year in a row, Outskirts Press invited its Facebook friends at to submit poetry and short stories for free publication in the 3rd annual Outskirts Press Facebook anthology. More writers participated than ever before! Proceeds from the sale of Fandemonium will be donated to the American Red Cross on behalf of Outskirts Press and its Facebook Fans. Thank you for the support. Each year, Fandemonium not only brings our Facebook members together for a good cause, it provides an easy, fun, free way to experience the joy of publishing with Outskirts Press first-hand. If you are a writer or professional with a book in your future (or a manuscript in your hands), Outskirts Press can help you with writing, publishing, and/or marketing it. Visit our website today for more information: