Sistematizações e proposições para o campo da educação e das representações sociais coleção formação do professor e políticas educacionais volume 1

Book Description

Este livro apresenta, em uma perspectiva panorâmica, o balanço da produção científica desenvolvida pelos mais de 40 grupos de pesquisa associados ao Centro Internacional de Estudos em Representações Sociais e Subjetividade – Educação (CIERS-ed) da Fundação Carlos Chagas (FCC, São Paulo).

Do diálogo entre políticas e representações sociais às práticas coleção formação do professor e políticas educacionais volume 3

Book Description

O Grupo de Pesquisa: Políticas, Formação de Professores, Trabalho Docente e Representações Sociais (POFORS), do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná – PUCPR, em conjunto com uma rede de pesquisadores parceiros de Programas de Pós-Graduação de instituições nacionais e internacionais, de professores, pós-doutorandos, doutorandos, mestrandos, estudantes de iniciação científi¬ca e graduandos integrantes do grupo de pesquisa POFORS/PUCPR, o qual integra a Cátedra da UNESCO sobre Profi¬ssionalização Docente e a Cátedra Serge Moscovici, coordenada pelo CIERS-ed (Centro Internacional de Estudos em Representações Sociais, Subjetividade e Educação da Fundação Carlos Chagas/São Paulo) articulou as discussões e pesquisas que formam este livro. A rede aqui formada buscou promover uma reflexão que traduz a interface entre Políticas Educacionais e Representações Sociais, com posicionamento crítico e rigor acadêmico dos autores em torno das limitações, contradições presentes nos textos, que repensam a formação continuada, a leitura na escola, a avaliação em EAD e a música na escola que exigem a mediação de formadores, ancorada em ações voltadas à formação de homens e mulheres cientes das transformações sociais e econômicas da sociedade.

Políticas educacionais, representações sociais e docência na interface com a escola

Book Description

Este livro traz no seu bojo valiosas contribuições que as pesquisas em rede entre Programas de Pós Graduação oferecem para a atualização dos debates da área da educação, possibilitado pelo confronto entre grupos nacionais e internacionais, pela cooperação acadêmica e pelo aperfeiçoamento do processo crítico. Cada capítulo apresenta uma discussão atualizada, consistente e com análises significativas do contexto político educacional. As discussões geradas por interesse em aprofundar análises sobre políticas educacionais e representações sociais voltam-se aos aspectos epistemológicos e metodológicos a elas relacionados. Essa obra se endereça, sobretudo, a todos aqueles interessados pelas pesquisas e experiências relativas às análises sobre como as políticas educativas são comprometidas direta ou indiretamente pelas políticas governamentais, sobre como os reflexos dessas políticas impactam a escola, a formação docente, e ainda como as representações sociais de práticas educativas vem sofrendo as influências dessas políticas. Esse livro apresenta um panorama amplo das dificuldades políticas de governo que tem construído políticas educacionais com graves distorções, grandes equívocos e conduzido os professores a desconstrução de sua profissionalidade. As representações permitiram revelar o distanciamento do sujeito professor de sua identidade profissional, do aluno, e indicaram a importância de se construir novas perspectivas.

Social Representations for the Anthropocene: Latin American Perspectives

Book Description

The Anthropocene has become a field of studies in which the influence of human activity on the Earth System and nature is both the main threat and the potential solution. Social Representations Theory has been evolving since the 1960s.It links knowledge and practice in everyday life and is an effective way to deal with systemic crises based on common sense. This book assembles key contributions by Latin American scholars working with social representations in the social sciences that are of conceptual relevance to the study of the Anthropocene and that investigate the societal consequences of complex interrelations between common sense and topics of global relevance, such asthe contradictions of sustainable development, the construction of risks beyond risk-perception, health, negotiation and governance in the field of education, gender equality, the usefulness of longitudinal and systemic ethnography and case studies, and agency and the link between inequality, crises and risk society in the context of COVID-19, presenting theoretical and methodological innovations fromSpanish, Portuguese and Frenchresearchthat have rarely been available in English. • This is the first book to address the relevance of Social Representations Theory for the Anthropocene as a societal era• It presents the multidisciplinary scope of Social Representations• This book covers emerging research contributions in Social Representations Theory from Latin America• This book presents innovative research and commentaries by established researchers in the field• This multidisciplinary book should be in the libraries of many disciplines in the social sciences and humanities

Principles for Building Resilience

Book Description

Reflecting the very latest research, this book provides an in-depth review of the role of resilience in the management of social-ecological systems and the ecosystem services they provide. Leaders in the field outline seven principles for building resilience in social-ecological systems, examining how these can be applied to advance sustainability.

Occupational Safety and Hygiene

Book Description

Occupational Safety and Hygiene presents selected papers from the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene – SHO2013 (Guimarães, Portugal, 14-15 February 2013), which was organized by the Portuguese Society for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO). The contributions from 15 different countries focus on: - Occupational safety - Risk assessment - Safety management - Ergonomics - Management systems - Environmental ergonomics - Physical environments - Construction safety - Human factors The papers included in the book are mainly based on research carried out at universities and other research institutions, but they are also based on practical studies developed by Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) practitioners within their companies. As a result, this book will be useful to get acquainted with the state-of-the-art of the research within the aforementioned domains, as well as with some practical tools and approaches that are currently used by OHS professionals worldwide.

Being Fair, Faring Better

Book Description

In Central and Eastern European countries, inequalities for Roma families living in marginalized communities start early and are striking. Some of these inequalities reflect hard-wired family circumstances such as being born in poverty. Others reflect lack of opportunities such as limited access to those basic goods and services that are necessary not only for realizing one's potential in life, but also for living with dignity. Gaps between Roma and non-Roma widen over the lifecycle in a way that reinforces and perpetuates disadvantage and translates into significantly unequal outcomes, despite the fact that Roma report having similar aspirations to those of their non-Roma neighbors. Promoting equal opportunities for disadvantaged Roma is not only an imperative for societies that want to call themselves fair, but it is also a smart economic choice, especially in those countries where populations are aging rapidly. Investing early, with a particular emphasis on supporting healthy and cognitive development for disadvantaged Roma children, is likely to go a long way in promoting fair chances. However, leveling the playing field in childhood is likely not enough: disadvantaged Roma continue being exposed to unequal opportunities at key nodes in their lives, such as when pursuing education or when looking for a job. Therefore, it is as important that a broader set of policies address some of the circumstances in which a large share of Roma children grow up, including access to employment and decent living conditions for their families. Implementing interventions that help overcome these interrelated barriers will require strong ownership at the national level, coordinated policies across different ministries and government levels, and an integrated delivery system that is grounded in approaches that are customized to local conditions and implemented in a participatory manner. Good practices in Europe and elsewhere show that inclusion of the most disadvantaged - including many Roma - is possible and the current programming cycle for European Funds represents a unique opportunity to fund such interventions.