Sixties Radicals, Then and Now

Book Description

Aroused by gains in civil rights and galvanized by the antiwar movement, radical leaders of the 1960s sought to make revolutionary changes in American society. Partly through their leadership, a generation was awakened by the call for a counterculture. That generation is now responsible for the same social and political structures they so adamantly, and sometimes violently, opposed. How did the sixties affect the counterculture leaders? And what are they doing now? Paul Krassner, Cleveland Sellers, Jane Adams, Dave Dellinger, Bill Ayers, Warren Hinckle, Peter Berg, Noam Chomsky, Tim Leary, Philip Berrigan, Anita Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Erica Huggins, Jim Fouratt, Bernadine Dohrn, Barry Melton, Peter Coyote, and Abbie Hoffman reflect on the seminal events that dominated the sixties and discuss the major issues and problems facing America (and them!) today.

Princeton Radicals of the 1960s, Then and Now

Book Description

Part history, part biography, this book describes the issues that produced the passionate activism of the 1960s and the campaigns waged at Princeton University by Students for a Democratic Society, the most important radical organization on campuses at the time. The author traces the lives of nine leaders of the Princeton SDS chapter, examining the effect of their participation in the radical movement on their career choices and subsequent political opinions. A number of these former activists are still involved in efforts to create a more egalitarian society, the same goal that motivated them half a century ago.

Revolution in the Air

Book Description

The first in-depth study of the long march of the US New Left after 1968 The sixties were a time when radical movements learned to embrace twentieth-century Marxism. Revolution in the Air is the definitive study of this turning point, and examines what the resistance of today can learn from the legacies of Lenin, Mao and Che. It tells the story of the “new communist movement” which was the most racially integrated and fast-growing movement on the Left. Thousands of young activists, radicalized by the Vietnam War and Black Liberation, and spurred on by the Puerto Rican, Chicano and Asian-American movements, embraced a Third World oriented version of Marxism. These admirers of Mao, Che and Amilcar Cabral organized resistance to the Republican majorities of Nixon and Ford. By the 1980s these groups had either collapsed or become tiny shards of the dream of a Maoist world revolution. Taking issue with the idea of a division between an early “good sixties” and a later “bad sixties,” Max Elbaum is particularly concerned to reclaim the lessons of the new communist movement for today’s activists who, like their sixties’ predecessors, are coming of age at a time when the Left lacks mass support and is fragmented along racial lines. With a new foreward by Alicia Garza, cofounder of #BlackLivesMatter.

Days of Rage

Book Description

The Weathermen. The Symbionese Liberation Army. The FALN. The Black Liberation Army. The names seem quaint now, but there was a stretch of time in America when there was on average more than one significant terrorist act in the U.S. every week. The FBI combated these groups and others as nodes in a single revolutionary underground, dedicated to the violent overthrow of the American government. Thus began a decade-long battle between the FBI and these homegrown terrorists, compellingly and thrillingly documented in Days of Rage.

Princeton Radicals of the 1960s, Then and Now

Book Description

Part history, part biography, this book describes the issues that produced the passionate activism of the 1960s and the campaigns waged at Princeton University by Students for a Democratic Society, the most important radical organization on campuses at the time. The author traces the lives of nine leaders of the Princeton SDS chapter, examining the effect of their participation in the radical movement on their career choices and subsequent political opinions. A number of these former activists are still involved in efforts to create a more egalitarian society, the same goal that motivated them half a century ago.

The American Counterculture

Book Description

Restricted to the shorthand of “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll,” the counterculture would seem to be a brief, vibrant stretch of the 1960s. But the American counterculture, as this book clearly demonstrates, was far more than a historical blip and its impact continues to resonate. In this comprehensive history, Damon R. Bach traces the counterculture from its antecedents in the 1950s through its emergence and massive expansion in the 1960s to its demise in the 1970s and persistent echoes in the decades since. The counterculture, as Bach tells it, evolved in discrete stages and his book describes its development from coast to heartland to coast as it evolved into a national phenomenon, involving a diverse array of participants and undergoing fundamental changes between 1965 and 1974. Hippiedom appears here in relationship to the era’s movements—civil rights, women’s and gay liberation, Red and Black Power, the New Left, and environmentalism. In its connection to other forces of the time, Bach contends that the counterculture’s central objective was to create a new, superior society based on alternative values and institutions. Drawing for the first time on documents produced by self-described “freaks” from 1964 through 1973—underground newspapers, memoirs, personal correspondence, flyers, and pamphlets—his book creates an unusually nuanced, colorful, and complete picture of a time often portrayed in clichéd or nostalgic terms. This is the counterculture of love-ins and flower children, of the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane, but also of antiwar demonstrations, communes, co-ops, head shops, cultural feminism, Earth Day, and antinuclear activism. What Damon R. Bach conjures is the counterculture in all of its permutations and ramifications as he illuminates its complexity, continually evolving values, and constantly changing components and adherents, which defined and redefined it throughout its near decade-long existence. In the long run, Bach convincingly argues that the counterculture spearheaded cultural transformation, leaving a changed America in its wake.

Smoking Typewriters

Book Description

What caused the New Left rebellion of the 1960s? In Smoking Typewriters, historian John McMillian argues that the "underground press" contributed to the New Left's growth and cultural organization in crucial, overlooked ways.

Younger Than That Now

Book Description

A chronicle of a friendship that began in 1969 and spanned three decades. Two high school newspaper editors in different states exchanges heated letters about politics, relationships and social upheaval and spark a friendship that lasted through heartbreak and change.

Religion and the Demographic Revolution

Book Description

In the 1960s Christian religious practice and identity declined rapidly and women's lives were transformed, spawning a demographic revolution in sex, family and work. The argument of this book is that the two were intimately connected, triggered by an historic confluence of factors.

Prairie Power

Book Description

originally published by University of Missouri (May 2004) Prairie Power is a superb collection of oral histories from the 1960s focused on former student radicals at the University of Missouri, the University of Kansas, and Southern Illinois University. Robbie Lieberman presents a view of Midwestern New Left activists that has been neglected in previous studies. Scholarship on the sixties has shifted in recent years from a national focus to more localand regional studies, but few authors have studied the student movement in the Midwest. Lieberman brings a fresh interpretation to this subject, challenging the characterization of prairie power activists as long�haired, dope smoking anarchists�who were responsible for the downfall of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). She argues that Midwestern students made significant contributions to the New Left and that their efforts were important not only in the 1960s but also had a lasting impact on the universities and towns in which they were active. The oral histories come from national leaders of SDS, homegrown Midwestern activists who were local leaders on their campuses, and grassroots activists who did not necessarily identify with either local or national organizations. Providing new insight into who participated in student protest and why, Prairie Power makes a significant contribution toward a more comprehensive history of the 1960s.