Smarandache Loops

Book Description

Generally, in any human field, a Smarandache Structure on a set A means a weak structure W on A such that there exists a proper subset B which is embedded with a stronger structure S.By proper subset one understands a set included in A, different from the empty set, from the unit element if any, and from A.These types of structures occur in our every day?s life, that?s why we study them in this book.As an example:A non-empty set L is said to form a loop, if on L is defined a binary operation called product, denoted by '?', such that:?For all a, b I L we have a ? b I L (closure property);?There exists an element e I L such that a ? e = e ? a = a for all a I L (e is the identity element of L);?For every ordered pair (a, b) I L ' L there exists a unique pair (x, y) in L such that ax = b and ya = b.Whence:A Smarandache Loop (or S-loop) is a loop L such that a proper subset M of L is a subgroup (with respect to the same induced operation).

A Study of New Concepts in Smarandache Quasigroups and Loops

Book Description

This monograph is a compilation of results on some new Smarandache concepts in Smarandache;groupoids, quasigroups and loops, and it pin points the inter-relationships and connections between andamong the various Smarandache concepts and notions that have been developed. This monograph isstructured into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the theory quasigroups and loops withmuch attention paid to those quasigroup and loop concepts whose Smarandache versions are to bestudied in the other chapters. In chapter two, the holomorphic structures of Smarandache loops ofBol-Moufang type and Smarandache loops of non-Bol-Moufang type are studied. In the third chapter,the notion of parastrophy is introduced into Smarandache quasigroups and studied. Chapter four studiesthe universality of some Smarandache loops of Bol-Moufang type. In chapter five, the notion ofSmarandache isotopism is introduced and studied in Smarandache quasigroups and loops. In chaptersix, by introducing Smarandache special mappings in Smarandache groupoids, the SmarandacheBryant-Schneider group of a Smarandache loop is developed.

Mathematical Combinatorics, Vol. 2/2008

Book Description

Papers on Characterization of Symmetric Primitive Matrices with Exponent n2, Characterizations of Some Special Space-like Curves in Minkowski Space-time, Combinatorially Riemannian Submanifolds, On Smarandache Bryant Schneider Group of a Smarandache Loop, and other topics. Contributors: Linfan Mao, Bo Li, Jing Wang, Yuanqiu Huang, Mehdi Hassani, Melih Turgut, Suha Yilmaz, Suha Yilmaz, Suur Nizamoglu, A.P. Santhakumaran, P. Titus, and others.

The Smarandache Bryant Schneider Group Of A Smarandache Loop

Book Description

The concept of Smarandache Bryant Schneider Group of a Smarandache loop is introduced. Relationship(s) between the Bryant Schneider Group and the Smarandache Bryant Schneider Group of an S-loop are discovered and the later is found to be useful in finding Smarandache isotopy-isomorphycondition(s) in S-loops just like the formal is useful in finding isotopy-isomorphy condition(s) in loops.

International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Volume 2, 2008

Book Description

International J. Mathematical Combinatorics is a fully refereed international journal which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all aspects of mathematical combinatorics, Smarandache multi-spaces, Smarandache geometries, non-Euclidean geometry, topology and their applications to other sciences.

Bilagebraic Structures and Smarandache Bialgebraic Structures

Book Description

Generally the study of algebraic structures deals with the concepts like groups, semigroups, groupoids, loops, rings, near-rings, semirings, and vector spaces. The study of bialgebraic structures deals with the study of bistructures like bigroups, biloops, bigroupoids, bisemigroups, birings, binear-rings, bisemirings and bivector spaces. A complete study of these bialgebraic structures and their Smarandache analogues is carried out in this book. For examples: A set (S, +, *) with two binary operations ?+? and '*' is called a bisemigroup of type II if there exists two proper subsets S1 and S2 of S such that S = S1 U S2 and(S1, +) is a semigroup.(S2, *) is a semigroup. Let (S, +, *) be a bisemigroup. We call (S, +, *) a Smarandache bisemigroup (S-bisemigroup) if S has a proper subset P such that (P, +, *) is a bigroup under the operations of S. Let (L, +, *) be a non empty set with two binary operations. L is said to be a biloop if L has two nonempty finite proper subsets L1 and L2 of L such that L = L1 U L2 and(L1, +) is a loop, (L2, *) is a loop or a group. Let (L, +, *) be a biloop we call L a Smarandache biloop (S-biloop) if L has a proper subset P which is a bigroup. Let (G, +, *) be a non-empty set. We call G a bigroupoid if G = G1 U G2 and satisfies the following:(G1 , +) is a groupoid (i.e. the operation + is non-associative), (G2, *) is a semigroup. Let (G, +, *) be a non-empty set with G = G1 U G2, we call G a Smarandache bigroupoid (S-bigroupoid) if G1 and G2 are distinct proper subsets of G such that G = G1 U G2 (neither G1 nor G2 are included in each other), (G1, +) is a S-groupoid.(G2, *) is a S-semigroup.A nonempty set (R, +, *) with two binary operations ?+? and '*' is said to be a biring if R = R1 U R2 where R1 and R2 are proper subsets of R and (R1, +, *) is a ring, (R2, +, ?) is a ring.A Smarandache biring (S-biring) (R, +, *) is a non-empty set with two binary operations ?+? and '*' such that R = R1 U R2 where R1 and R2 are proper subsets of R and(R1, +, *) is a S-ring, (R2, +, *) is a S-ring.

Smarandache Notions Journal, Vol. 13

Book Description

The books are published by Smarandache Notions Journal. It is an electronic and hard-copy journal of research in mathematics. Besides this, occasionally It publishes papers of research in physics, philosophy, literary essays and creation, linguistics, and art work. Initially the journal was called "Smarandache Function Journal". Since 1996 to present the original journal was extended to the "Smarandache Notions Journal". It is annually published in the United States by the American Research Press in 1000 copies and on the internet.

Scientia Magna, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006

Book Description

Collection of papers from various scientists dealing with Smarandache Notions in science. Papers on holomorphic study of the Smarandache concept in loops, some arithmetical properties of primitive numbers of power p, Smarandache quasigroups, the mean value of the Smarandache simple divisor function, and other similar topics. Contributors: Z. Xu, Y. Shao, X. Zhao, X. Pan, T. Kim, C. Adiga, J. Han, Q. Yang, and many others.

Smarandache Non-Associative Rings

Book Description

Generally, in any human field, a Smarandache Structure on a set A means a weak structure W on A such that there exists a proper subset B in A which is embedded with a stronger structure S. These types of structures occur in our everyday's life, that's why we study them in this book. Thus, as a particular case: A Non-associative ring is a non-empty set R together with two binary operations '+' and '.' such that (R, +) is an additive abelian group and (R, .) is a groupoid. For all a, b, c in R we have (a + b) . c = a . c + b . c and c . (a + b) = c . a + c . b. A Smarandache non-associative ring is a non-associative ring (R, +, .) which has a proper subset P in R, that is an associative ring (with respect to the same binary operations on R).

Scientia Magna, vol. 2, no. 4, 2006

Book Description

Papers on Smarandache inversion sequence, global attractivity of a recursive sequence, Smarandache fantastic ideals of Smarandache BCI-algebras, translational hull of superabundant semigroups with semilattice of idempotents, the Universality of some Smarandache loops of Bol-Moufang type, and other similar topics. Contributors: M. Karama, P. Zhang, W. Kandasamy, M. Khoshnevisan, K. Ilanthenral, M. Bencze, H. Ibstedt, W. Zhu, J. Earls, and many others.