Soccer's Principles of Play

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It started with a question, "What are the fundamentals of soccer?" Whilst there are hundreds of books that look into the specific principles of coaches like Jurgen Klopp, Pep Guardiola, and Marco Bielsa, there is no core, distilled text on the key principles of the game. Until now. Join best-selling author and coach - Peter Prickett - as he puts soccer under the microscope and breaks it down into its constituent parts. By addressing the two primary phases - in-possession and out-of-possession - the book examines the five attacking and five defending principles, plus the transitions between each phase, to reveal the underlying heart of the beautiful game. These principles have underpinned coach education for decades and largely been unchallenged. When examining them, other deeper values emerge to support the one true principle - to score. Designed for coaches and soccer fans interested in the theory of soccer, this handbook is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the foundations that soccer is built on.

Principles of Team Play

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Soccer Science

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Manchester United’s Tony Strudwick leads an all-star panel in providing the most current research on soccer. Soccer Science features the world’s leading experts in soccer history, biomechanics, physiology, psychology, skill acquisition, coaching, tactical approaches, and performance and match analysis.

Soccer's Principles of Play

Book Description

Training Programs are often designed around ideas, that a coach wants to transfer to players. The ideas are normally related to the game model, and tactical principles of play, which the coach has chosen for the teams identity. This is an example of a global-to-local approach, where the coach is influencing the actions of the players, by providing guidelines from the game model to the tactical principles of play. As a result the players will organize under the global-to-local environment, created by the coach. It is my opinion that the global-to-local or coach to team approach, lacks the flexibility that allows players to take advantage of opportunities, that fall outside of the teams principles of play and game model. The opposite approach of global-to-local is local-to-global, local-to-global is where the player or players are able to self-organized, quickly adapting to take advantage of the unpredictable situations that happen in the real game. When I think of local-to-global, I think of intelligent players with unique skills sets, capable of creating many different solutions, inside and outside of the teams principles of play. Since the game of soccer is fluid, unpredictable and rapidly changing, teams that can adapt and adjust, finding new solutions to problems, even outside of their typical principles of play, will gain an advantage. In reality, there will be a constant interplay between global-to-local and local-to-global organization in the team. Let's now take a look at what a tactical principle of play is; I would define it as team goal, that shapes the actions of individuals and the collective team unit, guiding them to find tactical solutions in the game. The ultimate goal of tactics, is to find a way to achieve an end goal; the tactical principles of play should support, and influence the game model. Within the principles of play, each player will have certain affordances available to them, which support the team objectives. However, since every player is different, each player has their own unique skill sets, it is this uniqueness that creates individualized affordances. This is why a flexible game model, combined with flexible principles of play, gives players and teams the freedom to adapt, and find solutions, outside the standard ideas presented by the coach, in the global-to-local format. Perhaps the best teams find a special balance, allowing players to recognize the affordances, while stepping in and out of the principles of play. For example, if Messi has the chance to play a ball wide to the winger in space, but instead he beats two defenders in the middle of the field, and hits a through-ball for the striker to finish, this is an example of the principle of play called penetration, but normally the player would have played the ball wide to the winger into space, using the principle of play called width. The fact that Messi bent the rules, stepped outside the guidelines, and found another solution, which created a new affordance, resulting in the penetrating through-ball and goal. This example is a clear illustration of why it is important to remain flexible, allowing players to self-organize from a local-to-global perspective. Moments like this in a soccer game, can't be part of some pre-planned game model, or set of principles of play. The Brazilian National Team is an excellent example of local-to-global and global-to-local flexibility within a team. This approach can be seen in everything thing do, including the culture.

Systems of Play

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This excellent book breaks down & analyzes in detail the strengths & weaknesses of each system, where space is created & the defensive weaknesses of each system that can be exploited. Sliding defenses are also examined. Find the right information for your team & learn how to attack & penetrate. OUTSTANDING.

Beautiful Game Theory

Book Description

The first book to use the world's most popular sport to test economic theories and document novel human behavior A wealth of research in recent decades has seen the economic approach to human behavior extended over many areas previously considered to belong to sociology, political science, law, and other fields. Research has also shown that economics can provide insight into many aspects of sports, including soccer. Beautiful Game Theory is the first book that uses soccer to test economic theories and document novel human behavior. In this brilliant and entertaining book, Ignacio Palacios-Huerta illuminates economics through the world's most popular sport. He offers unique and often startling insights into game theory and microeconomics, covering topics such as mixed strategies, discrimination, incentives, and human preferences. He also looks at finance, experimental economics, behavioral economics, and neuroeconomics. Soccer provides rich data sets and environments that shed light on universal economic principles in interesting and useful ways. Essential reading for students, researchers, and sports enthusiasts, Beautiful Game Theory is the first book to show what soccer can do for economics.

Essential Soccer Skills

Book Description

Essential Soccer Skills progresses from beginner basics to advanced techniques, featuring illustrated sequences on how to learn and master key skills, and tips on how to improve your overall form. Essential Soccer Skills covers everything from the basics and rules of the game to the types of players--goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, attackers--to skills and team tactics like stepovers, heading, and volleying. Essential Soccer Skills is the go-to guide for anyone interested in learning more about soccer and becoming a better player.