Social Ties and Economic Performance

Book Description

This volume focuses on the social impact of the public sector on the performance of the private sector, especially in the long term. It presents a model of the formation of social ties by economic interaction and uses this to explore the relevance of social ties and their dynamics for economic performance. The impact of public provision and stochastic migration on social ties and the (total) provision level of the public good are also examined. It discusses the role of social ties in other types of interaction, and proposes definitions of social capital and infrastructure. Furthermore, it contains a discussion of the connections between the different conceptions of these terms. Also the effects of social ties and the influence of different types of public intervention on growth are examined. The assumption of exogenously determined, stochastic migration is dropped, and migration behavior is analyzed explicitly. In this theoretical investigation of the dynamics of social ties and economic interaction a number of important effects on economic performance will be suggested.

The economic impact of social ties : evidence from German reunification

Book Description

We use the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to identify a causal effect of social ties on regional economic growth. We show that households who have social ties to East Germany in 1989 experience a persistent rise in their personal incomes after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Moreover, the presence of these households significantly affects economic performance at the regional level: it increases the returns to entrepreneurial activity, the share of households who become entrepreneurs, and the likelihood that firms based within a given West German region invest in East Germany. As a result, West German regions which (for idiosyncratic reasons) have a high concentration of households with social ties to the East exhibit substantially higher growth in income per capita in the early 1990s. A one standard deviation rise in the share of households with social ties to East Germany in 1989 is associated with a 4.6 percentage point rise in income per capita over six years. We interpret our findings as evidence that social ties between individuals can indeed facilitate\ economic growth.

Social Ties and Economic Development

Book Description

We develop a parsimonious general equilibrium model where agents allocate time across three activities: production, trade, and leisure. Leisure includes time spent socializing, which economizes transaction costs. Our framework yields multiple equilibria in terms of the number of social ties and predicts that the number of social ties is positively associated with development. We calibrate our model using an empirical measure of country-level social ties and are able to quantitatively match the cross-country relationship between social ties and income per capita. Our calibration also captures additional dimensions of cross-country data: (i) increasing income inequality, but converging growth rates; (ii) an association between weak social ties and development; and (iii) an association between number of social ties and size of the transaction sector.

Social Capital, Networks and Economic Development

Book Description

Analyses productive systems from a structural relational perspective, linking the structure and evolution of productive systems to economic development. This book adopts an epistemological approach that considers the social nature of economic actors and the importance of historical and geographical aspects.

Economic Analyses of Social Networks

Book Description

This comprehensive two-volume set brings together important contributions providing fundamental economic analyses of social networks and the central roles they play in many facets of our lives. The first volume consists of classic articles that model network formation and games on networks, as well as those on the identification of peer effects from an econometric viewpoint. The second volume provides empirical analyses of network effects on labor, education, development, crime and industrial organization, as well as some laboratory and field experiments. This set of indispensable papers, with an original introduction by the editors, will prove an essential tool to researchers, scholars and practitioners involved in this field.

Social Capital, Labour Precariousness and the Economic Performance

Book Description

This paper carries out an assessment of the influence that different kinds of social ties exert on labour precariousness, on the state of health of urban environments and on the economic performance in Italy. Overall, the empirical evidence shows that weak ties connecting members of voluntary organizations positively affect the economic performance and the quality of urban ecosystems, differently from strong ties connecting family members and close friends, which, on the other side, are proved to reduce labour precariousness.

Social Capital and Economics

Book Description

This volume provides a collection of critical new perspectives on social capital theory by examining how social values, power relationships, and social identity interact with social capital. This book seeks to extend this theory into what have been largely under-investigated domains, and, at the same time, address long-standing, classic questions in the literature concerning the forms, determinants, and consequences of social capital. Social capital can be understood in terms of social norms and networks. It manifests itself in patterns of trust, reciprocity, and cooperation. The authors argue that the degree to which and the different ways in which people exhibit these distinctively social behaviours depend on how norms and networks elicit their values, reflect power relationships, and draw on their social identities. This volume accordingly adopts a variety of different concepts and measures that incorporate the variety of contextually-specific factors that operate on social capital formation. In addition, it adopts an interdisciplinary outlook that combines a wide range of social science disciplines and methods of social research. Our objective is to challenge standard rationality theory explanations of norms and networks which overlook the role of values, power, and identity. This volume appeals to researchers and students in multiple social sciences, including economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, history, public policy, and international relations, that employ social capital concepts and methods in their research. It can be seen as a set of new extensions of social capital theory in connection with its themes of social values, power, and identity that would advance the scholarly literature on social norms and networks and their impact on social change and public welfare.

The Network Society

Book Description

The author argues that the countries that, at the end of the 20th century, have economic, social and ecological success will not be unleashed market economies but "active and learning societies" that attempt to solve their problems via an organizational and governance-related pluralism.