Society, Schools and Progress in Tanzania

Book Description

Education and Educational Research: Society, Schools, and Progress in Tanzania focuses on the educational system in Tanzania. The book first offers information on the economy, territorial domain, form of government, and progress of education in Tanzania. The text also outlines the road to independence of this country. The rise of the African people to political power and the introduction to international relations are underscored. The text also examines the policies and administration of the Tanzanian government from 1945 to 1961. The selection also traces the development of education in Tanzania in two periods: 1945 to 1956 and 1957 until 1961. The institution of educational programs, reforms, and legislation during these periods, as well as the development of education outside the school system, are underlined. The text also examines the policies and administration of the Tanzanian government from 1961 to 1966, and also the progress in education during this period. The educational reforms, programs, and legislation instituted during 1961 to 1966 are then discussed. The book is a vital source of data for readers interested in the development of education in Tanzania.

Society, Schools and Progress in Tanzania

Book Description

Education and Educational Research: Society, Schools, and Progress in Tanzania focuses on the educational system in Tanzania.


Book Description

This book gives an account of the political economy of Tanzania, from pre-colonial times to the present. It shows the strengths and weaknesses of Julius Nyerere, the leader who brought the country to Independence in 1961. A new introductory chapter sets the book in context and discusses current issues such as natural resources.

Introducing Comparative Education

Book Description

Introducing Comparative Education aims to familiarize newcomers with comparative education as a field of study and to provide a continuing reference as people become more actively involved with comparative studies and the problems associated with developing them in rigorous and productive ways. The purposes and methods of comparative education are also discussed. Comprised of eight chapters, this book begins by presenting a neat, simple, and generally accepted definition of comparative education. The reader is then introduced to the history and development of comparative education; the purposes of comparative education; some of the pitfalls in trying to compare education or educational systems across cultural and national boundaries; and some of the alternative methods open to those who would like to develop studies in comparative education. The approaches associated with Isaac Kandel, Nicholas Hans, and G. Z. F. Bereday, Brian Holmes, Edmund King, Harold Noah, and Max Eckstein are considered. The book concludes with a listing of resources for teaching and learning. This monograph is intended for students and educators.

Language and Collective Mobilization

Book Description

Language and Collective Mobilization analyzes the origins of communal conflict in five phases of Zanzibar's modern history. The first phase examines the implementation of British colonial control, focusing on the conversion of Zanzibar's subsistence farming economy to a cash-crop plantation complex.This first phase of colonial rule disrupted a variety of indigenous political and social institutions which traditionally promoted peace and stability. During subsequent phases of colonial rule, the British government devised political, economic and educational policies that promoted elite Arab rule at the expense of the majority Swahili- speaking population. Colonial authorities rendered illegal any attempts by Swahilis to organize political resistance, a rule which exacerbated anti-Arab animosity. Colonial rule ended in 1964, when Swahili-speaking Zanzibaris led a violent revolution against English command and Arab control. Having forced a variety of wealthy Arab and Indian communities off the island, Swahili revolutionaries allowed a small number of Indian merchants and a few Shirazi farmers to remain. Less than twenty years after the revolution, in this fifth phase of Zanzibar's political history, partisan conflict between the Shirazi and Swahili populations threatens to unleash a new rash of violence. The social climate mirrors the first phase of British rule, where economic stratification deepens and political tensions grow. The analysis offered in this book will find an audience in students, scholars, journalists, and policymakers interested in understanding so-called 'ethnic' conflict in Africa.

Planning and Development in Education

Book Description

This reissue, first published in 1986, offers a comprehensive treatment of educational development in four countries in West and East Africa: Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The author focuses on the role of education in promoting or hindering national development; the way the educational system varies in response to societal and dialectical forces; the place of education in major theories of change and development; and the contribution made by education to economic, social and political development. Clearly and concisely written, the book will be of interest to teachers, administrators, educational planners and scholars in comparative education and the history of education.

Decolonial Marxism

Book Description

A previously unpublished collection of Rodney's essays on Marxism, spanning his engagement with of Black Power, Ujamaa Villages, and the everyday people who put an end to a colonial era Early in life, Walter Rodney became a major revolutionary figure in a dizzying range of locales that traversed the breadth of the Black diaspora: in North America and Europe, in the Caribbean and on the African continent. He was not only a witness of a Pan-African and socialist internationalism; in his efforts to build mass organizations, catalyze rebellious ferment, and theorize an anti-colonial path to self-emancipation, he can be counted among its prime authors. Decolonial Marxism records such a life by collecting previously unbound essays written during the world-turning days of Black revolution. In drawing together pages where he elaborates on the nexus of race and class, offers his reflections on radical pedagogy, outlines programs for newly independent nation-states, considers the challenges of anti-colonial historiography, and produces balance sheets for a dozen wars for national liberation, this volume captures something of the range and power of Rodney's output. But it also demonstrates the unbending consistency that unites his life and work: the ongoing reinvention of living conception of Marxism, and a respect for the still untapped potential of mass self-rule.

Socialist and Self-Reliance In Tanzania

Book Description

This study developed from a keen interest in the politics of contemporary Africa, especially in regard to the seemingly intractable problem of political dependence with its economic correlate of underdevelopment. The most interesting contemporary work on African political economy explores the link between economic underdevelopment and political dependence. Development and independence are seen as moving in the same direction in the long run, even if in the short run there appear to be inherent contradictions in their immediate needs in a concrete situation. The focus of this work emphasizes the internal contradictions’ (such as exist between the bureaucracy and the political leadership) within Tanzania rather than the external linkages.

Peace Corps and Citizen Diplomacy

Book Description

For over 50 years, more than 225,000 Peace Corps volunteers have been placed in over 140 countries around the world, with the goals of helping the recipient countries need for trained men and women, to promote a better understanding of Americans for the foreign nationals, and to promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. The Peace Corps program, proposed during a 2 a.m. campaign stop on October 14, 1960 by America's Camelot, was part idealism, part belief that the United States could help Global South countries becoming independent. At the height of the Cold War, the US and USSR were racing each other to the moon, missiles in Turkey and in Cuba and walls in Berlin consumed the archrivals; sending American graduates to remote villages seemed ill-informed. Kennedy's Kiddie Korps was derided as ineffectual, the volunteers accused of being CIA spies, and often, their work made no sense to locals. The program would fall victim to the vagaries of global geopolitics: in Peru, Yawar Malku (Blood of the Condor), depicting American activities in the country, led to volunteers being bundled out unceremoniously; in Tanzania, they were excluded over Tanzania’s objection to the Vietnam War. Despite these challenges, the Peace Corps program shaped newly independent countries in significant ways: in Ethiopia they constituted half the secondary school teachers in 1961, in Tanzania they helped survey and build roads, in Ghana and Nigeria they were integral in the education systems, alongside other programs. Even in the Philippines, formerly a U.S. colony, Peace Corps volunteers were welcomed. Aside from these outcomes, the program had a foreign policy component, advancing U.S. interests in the recipient countries. Data shows that countries receiving volunteers demonstrated congruence in foreign policy preferences with the U.S., shown by voting behavior at the United Nations, a forum where countries’ actions and preferences and signaling is evident. Volunteer-recipient countries particularly voted with the U.S. on Key Votes. Thus, Peace Corps volunteers who function as citizen diplomats, helped countries shape their foreign policy towards the U.S., demonstrating the viability of soft power in international relations.