Solomon Described Plants

Book Description

This is a treatment of the plants mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, their uses, ecology, history, beauty, and symbolism. The book includes more than three hundred original photographs by the author from field and ethnobotanical studies over the past four decades. Special attention has been paid to plants that have been misunderstood in previous treatments. Recent advances in analytical techniques in archaeobotany, including sophisticated chemical and genomic methods, have helped elucidate the identity of problematic Bible plants. Also included is a review of recent literature on the plants. The volume will be an invaluable resource to students of the Bible, theologians, botanists, and translators.

Solomon Described Plants

Book Description

This is a treatment of the plants mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, their uses, ecology, history, beauty, and symbolism. The book includes more than three hundred original photographs by the author from field and ethnobotanical studies over the past four decades. Special attention has been paid to plants that have been misunderstood in previous treatments. Recent advances in analytical techniques in archaeobotany, including sophisticated chemical and genomic methods, have helped elucidate the identity of problematic Bible plants. Also included is a review of recent literature on the plants. The volume will be an invaluable resource to students of the Bible, theologians, botanists, and translators.

All the Plants of the Bible

Book Description

Full-page, life-size drawings of each plant, with brief description, history and relevant Bible verses.

The Song of Solomon

Book Description

The Song of Solomon, as its Hebrew title indicates, is "the best of songs." In it we hear the passionate melody of romantic love. But whose love is described? Is it a couple's love for each other, God's love for Israel or Christ's love for the church? This Old Testament book has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. They have felt uncomfortable--even embarrassed--when confronted with its strange and erotic imagery."The Song is a celebration of the nature of humanity---male and female created in God's image for mutal support and enjoyment. There is nothing here of the aggressive male and the reluctant or victimized female. They are one in their desires because their desires are God-given." So writes Lloyd Carr in this introduction and commentary to the Song of Solomon. With his own unique style, Carr skillfully explains the meaning of this ancient love story in a way that can be clearly grasped and applied for Christians living in today's world.

Plants Of The Bible

Book Description

First published in 2005. This reference guide includes 230 identified plants mentioned in the bible, currently known of from the present day knowledge of Biblical botany. It includes translations from Hebrew into English, biblical cross-referencing, as well as illustrations and a section on unidentified plants.

Evidence Unseen

Book Description

Evidence Unseen is the most accessible and careful though through response to most current attacks against the Christian worldview.

Grow Your Soil!

Book Description

Growing awareness of the importance of soil health means that microbes are on the minds of even the most casual gardeners. After all, anyone who has ever attempted to plant a thriving patch of flowers or vegetables knows that what you grow is only as good as the soil you grow it in. It is possible to create and maintain rich, dark, crumbly soil that’s teeming with life, using very few inputs and a no-till, no-fertilizer approach. Certified permaculture designer and lifelong gardener Diane Miessler presents the science of soil health in an engaging, entertaining voice geared for the backyard grower. She shares the techniques she has used — including cover crops, constant mulching, and a simple-but-supercharged recipe for compost tea — to transform her own landscape from a roadside dump for broken asphalt to a garden that stops traffic, starting from the ground up.

Dictionary of Biblical Imagery

Book Description

This reference work explores the images, symbols, motifs, metaphors, figures of speech, and literary patterns found in the Bible. With over 800 articles by over 100 expert contributors, this is an inviting, enlightening and indispensable companion to the reading, study, contemplation and enjoyment of the Bible.

Healing Plants of the Bible

Book Description

"Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these..." (Matthew 6:28-29). This unique and beautiful book offers information about the healing plants mentioned in hundreds of Bible verses, their scriptural context, their use in biblical times, present-day uses and their role in healing body, mind and soul. Healing Plants of the Bible: History, Lore and Meditations invites readers to consider not only the lilies of the field, but dozens of other flowers, herbs, trees and plants mentioned in the Bible. With lavish illustrations and exhaustive research, this volume details 38 of the plants most often appearing in Scripture, the lore behind their medicinal properties and meditations that focus on their ability to heal the spirit. An appendix offers scriptural and medicinal information on 40 additional plants.

The Garden of the Shulamite

Book Description