Soul Hunger

Book Description

My eating disorder kept me safe. If I was just thin enough, pretty enough, maybe no one would look behind and see what a shameful, bad person I really was. The mask got heavier and heavier until I nearly collapsed under the strain of maintaining the lie. Once in treatment for my eating disorder, I discovered that dieting, food and weight were not the issue. I was trying to fill a void that food could not possibly touch a soul hunger.

Soul Hunger

Book Description

To be soul-filled has become an expression for intense sensations and experiences. And yet, aren't human beings emotional creatures, feeling impaired when psychological perceptions become dulled? Among the chapters: A Short History of the Soul Diseased Soul, The Body of the Soul Is Emotional, and The Shamed Shame Depression: Discouraged Feeling."

Hungry Souls

Book Description

After a week of hearing ghostly noises, a man is visited in his home by the spirit of his mother, dead for three decades. She reproaches him for his dissolute life and begs him to have Masses said in her name. Then she lays her hand on his sleeve, leaving an indelible burn mark, and departs... A Lutheran minister, no believer in Purgatory, is the puzzled recipient of repeated visitations from "demons" who come to him seeking prayer, consolation, and refuge in his little German church. But pity for the poor spirits overcomes the man's skepticism, and he marvels at what kind of departed souls could belong to Christ and yet suffer still... Hungry Souls recounts these stories and many others trustworthy, Church-verified accounts of earthly visitations from the dead in Purgatory. Accompanying these accounts are images from the "Museum of Purgatory" in Rome, which contains relics of encounters with the Holy Souls, including numerous evidences of hand prints burned into clothing and books; burn marks that cannot be explained by natural means or duplicated by artificial ones. Riveting!


Book Description

Human hunger for God is intense and universal. Even if suppressed or denied, it cries out silently from the depths. Such hunger is not a wish to know about God, but rather a quest to encounter Him. People want to touch, experience, and feel the divine – not just discover facets about God. - Dr. Jon L. Dybdahl Humans have tried since the beginning of their creation to fill the hunger, or empty space, inside of themselves with all that they can find on their own. The desire for money, homes, cars and various material possessions continues to fill our credit cards without filling our longing for "something." Dr. Jon Dybdahl brings his passion for teaching into this second edition of his successful book, Hunger: Satisfying the Longing of your Soul. Whether you are a seminary professor, a small group leader with 3-12 students or someone who seeks to move closer in your relationship to God, your Savior and Creator, you will find entrees which are biblically grounded to study and that are savory and healthy for your spiritual body.

Soul Hunger

Book Description

Are you among the hungry? Not for food but to know you are living in the Spirit. There is a raging battle taking place within you--a battle between flesh and Spirit. Soul Hunger contrasts the fruit of the Spirit passage and the deeds of the flesh to help you quickly discern what your soul desires most.

Awakening a Woman's Soul

Book Description

Awakening a Woman's Soul explores the modern-day woman's battle with soul hunger. Soul hunger is a deep inner longing for things to change. Our souls are calling for a shift from living a life based on how we should be and what we should do, to how we are meant to be and who we are meant to become.

The Hungry Soul

Book Description

Originally published: New York: Free Press; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York: Maxwell Macmillan International, c1994. With new foreword.

Soul Hunger

Book Description

Modern psychiatry attributes psychological suffering to functional disturbances of the brain. This approach, based on precise outside observation combined with advanced technology, renders the individual ever more an object of examination and treatment. The author of Soul Hunger adds another dimension by arguing for a differentiated perception of inner experience. His basic hypothesis: the more high tech there is, the more important high touch becomes. The more psychiatry is influenced by neuroimaging and neurogenetics as a viewpoint from the outside, the more an affected individual needs inner groundedness, a mindful inclusion of personal experience. Daniel Hell explains that many psychological disturbances can be attributed to contradictions between a self-image and actual experience. This tension-filled discrepancy is illustrated in detail with examples from the development of depressive, anxiety and adjustment disorders. At the same time, it is shown how it is vital, in dealing with tensions, to carefully perceive arising feelings and thoughts. This book is divided into three parts. In a first historical section, a short history of the soul and its treatment (psychiatry) is presented. The second part consists of a conceptual description of the necessity of an inner and an outer point of view for understanding and treating psychological disturbances. The third part describes the practical application of this approach to some of the most frequent mental disorders, such as depression.


Book Description

"Even though I looked alive and vital, the hourglass measuring the aliveness of my soul was swiftly draining to the bottom. I was losing my battle to be myself. I was in my prime. My career was taking off; I was surrounded by loving friends and family. Yet it felt like time was running out." Dr. Robin L. Smith, noted psychologist, ordained minister, motivational speaker, and best-selling author of Lies at the Altar, seemed to have the perfect life, but underneath it all, she felt empty. In this powerful new work, Dr. Robin painstakingly chronicles a time when she felt at the end of her rope, unable to truly see herself or escape the unrelenting craving in her heart. Throughout her life, she had always focused on living up to everyone else’s expectations, doing everything they asked – everything they recommended – in the hopes that by pleasing others she would find fulfillment and success. Instead she found herself spiritually and emotionally starved with a hungry soul begging for change. Through vivid descriptions of the symptoms of her hunger, the gnawing emptiness in her soul, and her courageous journey to discovering herself, Dr. Robin opens a window into her own experiences in order to provide insight into yours. With clarity and empathy she starts you on a path to uncovering the real you – the you that lays beneath all the doubt, superficiality, and life crises. Dr. Robin honestly bares her soul and shares her story – plus stories of other hungry souls including her friends, clients from her psychology practice, family, and celebrities – and in the process, teaches you to recognize, survive, embrace, and conquer your own hunger. She teaches you to step into your own story so you can listen to and learn from the wisdom within.


Book Description

Hunger: it drives our bodies, shapes our day, and affects our choices. We are all too familiar with our physical hunger and the guilt it often inspires. But God designed us to hunger-our hunger is good! It shows we are meant to depend on something outside ourselves for satisfaction. But what about the hunger we feel in our souls?, While also from God, our spiritual hunger is corrupted-leaving us binging on "junk food" like our idols and cravings. Where do we find true satisfaction for our hungry souls?, It comes when our souls feast on the Word of God-and on Jesus himself. Rondi shows us how to prepare a Bible study like a recipe for a spiritual banquet that will truly fill us. Learn how to consume the Bible instead of just reading it-and then how to share this meal with the hungry around you. Book jacket.