Sound School Finance for Educational Excellence

Book Description

Sound school finance is integral to the provision of a quality education. Indeed, a school district’s budget is the financial representation of its educational plan. Thus, a clarion alert for all teachers: “if it’s not in your budget, it won’t be in your classroom.” However, sound school finance is increasingly challenging in an era of scarce resources. This book provides an in-depth understanding of fundamental practices, processes, and lessons learned will benefit not only all school administrators, personnel, parents, students, and other stakeholders, but also undergird the provision of an excellent education. This book will focus on key building blocks essential for the provision of an excellent education. The value proposition inherent in this book works well for all schools, districts, students, and school stakeholders regardless of location, type, and demographic mix. The components of sound school finance that are increasingly important in an era of scarce financial, material, and human resources are provided in this book.

District Financial Leadership Today

Book Description

Sound district finance is increasingly challenging in an era of scarce resources and increasing pressure on schools and districts to improve. Therefore, this book provides an in-depth understanding of fundamental practices, processes, and lessons learned will benefit all school administrators, personnel, parents, students, and other stakeholders. This book will focus on key building blocks essential for the provision of an excellent education. The value proposition inherent in this book should work well for all schools, districts, students, and school stakeholders, regardless of location, type, and demographic mix. The components of sound district finance and management, that are increasingly important in an era of scarce financial, material, and human resources, are provided in this book, along with some clear and related recommendations.

American Public School Finance

Book Description

Designed for aspiring school leaders, this text presents the realities of school finance policy and issues, as well as the tools for formulating and managing school budgets. In an era of dwindling fiscal support for public schools, increasing federal mandates, and additional local budget requirements, educational leaders must be able to articulate sound finance theory and application. The authors move beyond coverage found in other texts by providing critical analysis and unique chapters on misconceptions about school finance; fiscal capacity, fiscal effort, adequacy, and efficiency; demographic issues; and spending and student achievement. Examining local, state, and federal education spending, this text gives readers the foundation to understand school finance and knowledgeably educate colleagues, parents, and other stakeholders about its big-picture issues, facts, and trends. The new edition of American Public School Finance will help educational leaders at all stages of their careers become informed advocates for education finance practice and reform. New in this edition: Expanded coverage on school choice Discussion of new standards and law Updated exploration of student demographics and its impact on learning Advanced pedagogical features such as connections to the latest Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL), Focus Questions, Case Studies, and Chapter Questions/Assignments Complementary electronic resources designed to deepen and extend the topics in each chapter and to provide instructors with lecture slides and other teaching strategies.

Principles of a Sound State School Finance System

Book Description

Funding for public elementary and secondary education is a significant portion of most state budgets, representing on average approximately one-third of general fund appropriations. This booklet provides policymakers with five broad principles for the design of state school funding systems--equity, efficiency, adequacy, accountability, and stability. Appendices contain data on federal, state, and local shares in funding public education for 1993-94 and descriptions and classification of basic school-finance formulas. One figure is included. (LMI)

The Educational Leader's Guide for School Scheduling

Book Description

This essential resource provides strategies for the effective and equitable distribution of available FTEs throughout the district, while helping you work through the many critical questions and decisions involved in the scheduling process.

Overcoming the Educational Resource Equity Gap

Book Description

State school finance formula cause funding inadequacy, allocative inefficiency, and educational resource equity gaps. Legislative and court-ordered remedies have failed to solve the disparities among schools and districts. This book’s ground-breaking innovation shows how toshift the public education finance paradigm to fund K-12 public education properly, fully, and equitably by eliminating the duplicative and unnecessary layer of county government nationwide and repurposing those tax dollars while implementing economies of scale to achieve allocative efficiency.

Higher Education's Looming Collapse

Book Description

Higher education must implement new ways of achieving social justice and performing the business of education to survive the impending shakeout stemming from increasing competition for enrollment, operating costs, and price sensitivity plus decreasing state aid, net tuition, endowment income, and college-bound high school graduates. Universities that survive the shakeout will achieve financial sustainability, educational excellence, and social justice while providing equal educational opportunity and resource equity by implementing the book’s best practices, strategies, and holistic budgeting model.

The Thief in the Classroom

Book Description

An undetected thief lurks in America’s classrooms: funding for public education. Dynamic instruction, robust learning, and student futures are stolen when funding for public education is inadequate and inequitable. The devastating impact of this thievery is examined throughout this book. Student engagement with the potential and promise of traditional public education is stolen by funding formulas crafted by state legislatures. Theft in the classroom results when these funding schemes misdirect and disconnect the resources required to educate all US students. Called upon to deal with an ever-changing cascade of mandates, standards, legislation, and counterproductive testing marathons, but provided with funding so inadequate that instruction is often little better than anemic “test prep,” public educators in pursuit of the common good are robbed by insufficient funding. Although funding for public education is a topic unlikely to command frequent public discussion, no topic is more consequential for achievement, adequacy, and social justice in the learning, lives, and futures of America’s children and young people.

Politicians, Judges, and City Schools

Book Description

During the 1970s, a nationwide school finance reform movement—fueled by litigation challenging the constitutionality of state education funding laws—brought significant changes to the way many states finance their public elementary and secondary school systems. School finance reform poses difficult philosophical questions: what is the meaning of equality in educational opportunity and of equity in the distribution of tax burdens? But it also involves enormous financial complexity (for example, dividing resources among competing special programs) and political risk (such as balancing local control with the need for statewide parity). For those states (like New York) that were slow to make changes a new decade has brought new constraints and complications. Sluggish economic growth, taxpayer revolts, reductions in federal aid, all affect education revenues. And the current concern with educational excellence may obscure the needs of the poor and educationally disadvantaged. This book will provide New York's policy makers and other concerned specialists with a better understanding of the political, economic, and equity issues underlying the school finance reform debate. It details existing inequities, evaluates current financing formulas, and presents options for change. Most important, for all those concerned with education and public policy in New York and elsewhere, it offers a masterful assessment of the trade-offs involved in developing reform programs that balance the conflicting demands of resource equalization, political feasibility, and fiscal responsibility. "Synthesizes the political and fiscal research [on school finance reform] and applies it to the New York Context....A blueprint for how to redesign state school finance....A fine book." —Public Administration Review "This is a book that lucidly discusses the issues in school finance and provides valuable reference material." —American Political Science Review