Space -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

When I stare at a starry sky, I understand why humans should explore space. In the book, Moon Race, I learn about the first chase to space. Much of the technology we have today is a spin-off from this race to the Moon. This include critical parts of computers and smartphones. The second, simple book, Space Maps shows the importance of courage and directions. Like GPS Map Apps on earth, space treks need maps too. On Earth, fossils are likes time maps. They show past earth life that is now extinct. Long term, we humans need a back-up home planet. The starry sky is full of light dots, that are distance suns. There are more earth-like planets in space. How do we get there? The quest to find another human home starts by going back to the moon now.

Computers - Alford Book Combo

Book Description

Computers look complex but the basics are actually quite easy to explain. Data are changeable patterns of: e-pulse flows; light glows and magnet stows. The second book helps us to appreciate computers today by learning about them in the past. Where did computers come-from? How did the roots of IC's and Apples, sprinkled with flower-power lead to real-time personal computers? Now, common personal digital objects connect me with the world. Computer capabilities and networks are complicated but computers, then and now are easy to understand.

Nature - Alford Book Combo

Book Description

Nature, is sometimes beautiful landscapes. Sometimes bad storms. Always nature is our home address. Nature gives us our elements and air, food and water. Nature also includes all that is alive. So, nature is full of life or not. 99% of the life that has ever lived on Earth is not alive today. Nature - Links of Life is the true story of the connection between rocks, plants and us humans. We live in an awesome, colorful but ever changing world. The book - Big Die, is the story of the theories of earth's mass extinctions. The causes include too cold then too hot weather around the world. Also, atmosphere is a contributor as the amounts of oxygen and green house gases change over time. Other causes are from space. This includes collisions with comets and asteroids to killer radiation rays from star bursts. Fossils show us that our home planet can turn hostile. The hope for the human race is to take care of our current home planet. Even, as we explore space to build a backup place to call home.

Practice - Alford Book Combo

Book Description

With this book, a Turtle Jumps and a Monkey Plays to teach me to keep trying too. Many tell TJ the Turtle that he can not jump. He wants to Jump. Inside is TJ`s story. Next, Mo the Monkey wants to play the guitar. At first, he can not play. He learns that lots of practice is important. I learn this too. This is the story of sticking with practicing until I get my goal. I learn, where I practice is where I have success!

Space -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

When I stare at a starry sky, I understand why humans should explore space. In the book, Moon Race, I learn about the first chase to space. Much of the technology we have today is a spin-off from this race to the Moon. This include critical parts of computers and smartphones. The second, simple book, Space Maps shows the importance of courage and directions. Like GPS Map Apps on earth, space treks need maps too. On Earth, fossils are likes time maps. They show past earth life that is now extinct. Long term, we humans need a back-up home planet.The starry sky is full of light dots, that are distance suns. There are more earth-like planets in space. How do we get there? The quest to find another human home starts by going back to the moon now.

Alford Books Catalog

Book Description

Over 1 & 1/2 Million FREE Alford Books (A-Books) have been downloaded via Google Play to global people in 60 countries. We would like to share our books with you too. A-Books are easy to understand Science, Technology, English and Math (STEM). Millions of Global readers benefit by learning about STEM with A-Books. Many of the 80+ English Books have International Versions.Our world has huge inequalities, one root cause is unequal education and the lack of access to knowledge. A-Books help fix this. We appreciate feedback on ways to improve Alford Books.

Space -6X9 Color -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

When I stare at a starry sky, I understand why humans should explore space. In the book, Moon Race, I learn about the first chase to space. Much of the technology we have today is a spin-off from this race to the Moon. This include critical parts of computers and smartphones. The second, simple book, Space Maps shows the importance of courage and directions. Like GPS Map Apps on earth, space treks need maps too. On Earth, fossils are likes time maps. They show past earth life that is now extinct. Long term, we humans need a back-up home planet.The starry sky is full of light dots, that are distance suns. There are more earth-like planets in space. How do we get there? The quest to find another human home starts by going back to the moon now.

MAKE -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

People make things. Humans have made tens of thousands of planes and hundreds of millions of cars. Last year, over a billion smartphones were made. Let’s learn about how things are made. We start with clothes and cookies. In the book, Cozy Clothes, we start with fibers. Next, fibers are twisted into threads. Weave threads into cloth. Next, color, cut and sew into clothes. At the store, we see so many clothes. We learn to understand and appreciate all the hard work it takes people and machines to make clothes. In the book, Cookie Come-Froms, we learn how Cookies are made. Also, we know what each part adds to the complete cookie. After we know how clothes and cookies are made, we learn to be curious about how processes change materials into the other products we use every day.

Science -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

Science looks so complex but its basics are easy to understand. The first book, is the true story of seven important ideas of science. It starts with lonely atoms that join to make everything we can see. Next, energies are explained and why they matter to me. The second book, focuses on the science of objects that I use everyday. Science makes sense when I can see it in action. There are connections: between mummies and glass; frog legs and electricity; light and movies. Science connects me with the objects and orbits around my world.

Space -6X9 B&W -Alford Book Combo

Book Description

When I stare at a starry sky, I understand why humans should explore space. In the book, Moon Race, I learn about the first chase to space. Much of the technology we have today is a spin-off from this race to the Moon. This include critical parts of computers and smartphones. The second, simple book, Space Maps shows the importance of courage and directions. Like GPS Map Apps on earth, space treks need maps too. On Earth, fossils are likes time maps. They show past earth life that is now extinct. Long term, we humans need a back-up home planet.The starry sky is full of light dots, that are distance suns. There are more earth-like planets in space. How do we get there? The quest to find another human home starts by going back to the moon now.