God's Truth and Wisdom Revealed! Achieving Spiritual Vigilance in the Face of Terrorism

Book Description

One of the most complete and in-depth books ever written on the subject of terrorism from a Spiritual perspective! In this book you will receive a full spectrum prism consciousness understanding from Spirit and the Ascended Masters' perspective on terrorism in general and specifically on the soul's perspective of the terrorist bombing of the twin towers on 9/11. This is one of the most comprehensive overviews ever written on this subject and brings forth an absolutely brilliant and clear understanding of the entire sequence of events from a Spiritual, psychological and political or Earthly perspective. In truth, must reading for everyone in the world given the magnitude of the events we are all now experiencing in our world!

Spiritual Terrorism

Book Description

This book starts by focusing on Medieval creativity and the first, and later attempts at written music, from the earliest days on into the Ars Nova period, so as to show the eventual evolution to Renaissance triadic counterpoint. The second, more important focus is on an adapted set of Species exercises, with all the benefits of its strict rules. The third focus is on freer creativity within the learned rules. The final focus is on the English Madrigal, and how it bridges to Baroque tonality. A prose Appendix historically orients the student with overview summaries of the Renaissance period.

The Spirit of Terrorism

Book Description

Baudrillard sees the power of the terrorists as lying in the symbolism of slaughter—not merely the reality of death, but in a sacrifice that challenges the whole system. Where previously the old revolutionary sought to conduct a struggle between real forces in the context of ideology and politics, the new terrorist mounts a powerful symbolic challenge which, when combined with high-tech resources, constitutes an unprecedented assault on an over-sophisticated and vulnerable West. This new edition is up-dated with the essays “Hypotheses on Terrorism” and “Violence of the Global.”

Psychoanalytic and Spiritual Perspectives on Terrorism

Book Description

Nina E. Cerfolio masterfully explores the deeper spiritual and psychoanalytic understanding of the origins of human aggressive and destructive instincts which underlie mass shootings and terrorism. The author survived two terrorist attacks: developing breast cancer from being a first responder at 9/11, and being poisoned by an FSB agent while providing humanitarian aid in the Second Chechen War. Through a personal, scholarly investigation into her psyche, the author describes the spiritual awakening that was catalyzed by these events and their traumatic impact, and examines how a world could create the firmament for the kinds of destructive aggression that are a daily occurrence. Featuring cutting-edge quantitative research and case material, which illustrates the prevalence of undiagnosed and untreated psychiatric illness among mass shooters and terrorists, this book encourages dialogue about the stigma of mental illness and challenges the perception of terrorists as monsters with no societal responsibility. Championing the forgotten collective humiliation of the marginalized—which in turn breeds terrorism—and documenting a new spiritual lens through which healing is possible, this book will be essential reading for mental health workers and anyone wishing to understand the traumatizing epoch in which we are living.

Spiritual Terrorism

Book Description

Anyone who has been paying attention has noticed that there appears to be a growing number of individuals who claim to be channels for spiritual entities. The stated purpose of these entities through their human hosts, seems to be altruistic enough, but is it? Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Seth, Raphael, Kryon, and others all have something to tell us. For the most part, their message seems to be much of the same; that God is love. In fact, if we will but look within, we will find god. From there we will have begun our journey from imprisonment to freedom, or self-enlightenment. Beyond these individual entities, a multitude of others exist, such as "walk-ins." Their purpose? Soul exchange. This is the belief that another spirit comes in to take over a person's life, as the previous soul moves on to either someone else, or some other purpose.

Psychoanalytic and Spiritual Perspectives on Terrorism

Book Description

"Nina E. Cerfolio masterfully explores the deeper spiritual and psychoanalytic understanding of the origins of human aggressive and destructive instincts which underlie mass shootings and terrorism. The author survived two terrorist attacks: developing breast cancer from being a first responder at 9/11, and being poisoned by an FSB agent while providing humanitarian aid in the Second Chechen War. Through a personal, scholarly investigation into her psyche, the author describes the spiritual awakening that was catalysed by these events and their traumatic impact, and examines how a world could create the firmament for the kinds of destructive aggression that are a daily occurrence. Featuring cutting-edge quantitative research and case material, which illustrates the prevalence of undiagnosed and untreated psychiatric illness among mass shooters and terrorists, this book encourages dialogue about the stigma of mental illness and challenges the perception of terrorists as monsters with no societal responsibility. Championing the forgotten collective humiliation of the marginalized-which in turn breeds terrorism-and documenting a new spiritual lens through which healing is possible, this book will be essential reading for mental health workers and anyone wishing to understand the traumatizing epoch in which we are living"--

The Twin Towers Trilogy

Book Description

" Sal Umana is a psychotherapist and minister who directed a counseling center in New York City for the past thirty years. After the attack on the World trade Center on 9/11/01, Sal imagines God coming to him and asking who was the God everyone was talking about? God is very upset because He is not the God of the Al Quaeda suicide bombers, nor is he the God of the President's "Infinite Justice" in whose name George Bush "declares war on terrorism." (?!?) Sal, the therapist, spends four months in weekly therapy sessions in which it turns out that the God we all grew up with never really existed. Instead, God turns out to be the Eternal Spirit of Love, and not the Tribal Imperialist God of domination and vengeance of traditional religions. This became the first book of the trilogy, "The Day God Died", and was published in 2002. Since God was no longer the Almighty Big Person with an Omnipotent Ego, what was Sal doing with an Ego? So he did another course of therapy/self-analysis, called "The Day My Ego Died". Sal comes to the realization that we are not individual Egos, but part of the Oneness of Being, including God, ourselves, and all of reality. This is Zen, existential psychotherapy, Christian mysticism, and Buddhist Awakening all blended together. Finally, for the tenth anniversary of 9/11/01, Sal completes his Trilogy with "Back To Earth/ A Spirituality For the Age of Terrorism." In this third book, Sal teaches us the difference between "I " and "we," Ego and Love, life and death, and time and eternity. In these three volumes, Sal dispenses a lifetime of learning from psychotherapy, meditation, and ministry that can help the reader negotiate the anxiety of the age of terrorism."

Spiritual Terrorism

Book Description

Spiritual Terrorists are as real as the extremist terror groups the world is fighting against. They are perpetrated by demonic forces in different ranks. Their agents, their operation, and their acts go beyond what anyone can even imagine. They cause greater havoc than any acts of Physical terrorism combined. We have a generation that is curious about extreme experiences, and to satisfy their interest, many are becoming vulnerable to satanic attacks, demonic infiltrations, and untimely deaths. The Good News is that when you have Someone Who has your back, and can help you defeat their purposes in your personal life and that of your family, you have the greatest chance of winning all your combats against spiritual terrorists. This book gives readers ardent desire for a personal relationship with the God of the Bible, the Power of His Spirit, and the victory gained for us by Christ in His death and resurrection.

Unveiling Terrorism, Fundamentalism, and Spiritual Abuse

Book Description

Three issues of paramount importance -- namely, terrorism, fundamentalism, and spiritual abuse -- are brought together in one volume in a way that delineates the interconnected dynamics of these topics. Moreover, these central themes are engaged from a variety of perspectives ranging from, on the one hand, psychology, sociology and philosophy, to, on the other hand, history, political science, and religion. The author draws upon more than thirty-five years of experience on the Sufi path to lend a unique perspective to the manner in which terrorism, fundamentalism, and spiritual abuse are explored and analyzed throughout the book.

Exposing Terrorism

Book Description

Exposing Terrorism Description, Ed McGaa, Author When disaster befalls mankind''s existence Science probes Creator''s creation for its curative discoveries. Man relies upon hopeful prayer expecting God wrought solutions inventively tailored to save mankind''s dilemmas. The Great Inquisition set back Earth saving technology prohibiting Science''s curative discoveries for over five centuries. Brutal, selfish terroristic dictatorships cunningly cooperated with hierarchal religious leadership to accomplish their control over the superstitious, gullible masses regardless of extreme natural disaster. (i.e. Bubonic Plague). In this day and age of approaching environmental disaster, that 500 years of lost technology could well be used to possibly avoid or curtail our planet''s future dilemma. Communication must be considered as the most powerful tool to save the planet eventually according to the predictions of the majority of climatological scientists. Knowledge begets wisdom through truthful communication and must win over ignorance, superstition and denial-Terrorism''s tools, in order for disastrous planetary heating and its related water shortage and diminishing agricultural land is to regain or hold its sustainable level. Prologue and Introduction opens the reader to a new set of culturally honed values relatively free from Terrorism thus deserving a degree of explanatory adjustment before embarking onward to explore practically, pragmatically and truthfully with the goal of eventually subduing Terrorism''s role. Unfortunately, history, as written by the conquerors, has been highly misleading as to the positive Earth saving and harmonic promoting values held down through eons, in particular by most of the North Eastern tribes. Shintoism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, the Hindus, led by terroristic bent leadership, among all of the world''s leading religions have had their numerous cycles of murderous wars, feminine, homosexual, minor sect and minority persecutions and holocausts besides the suppression of technological and medical advancement. Christianity refuses to admit that it was a ''Christian Country'' giving in to political terrorists that fatally victimized millions of Jews, many of whom were brilliant scientists and inventive technologists. Terrorism originates in many forms. Islam now plays the major role regarding Terrorism''s continuous portrayal. The Caliphate of ISIS has produced jihadist terror spreading worldwide let alone successful conquering of considerable territory in Iraq and Syria. They have also advanced into Afghanistan to some degree. Presently they are on the defensive having lost territory yet their recruitment is still active despite recent losses. Exposing Terrorism goes into the front lines with our own troops and modernized weaponry. As a combat experienced veteran I offer how not to limit our military. ''What went wrong in the Mid-East?'' is an eye opening explanatory chapter. The Tibet chapter regarding the serf/slaves hopeless lives has its similarities that changes one''s established views on ''peaceful Buddhism ''at least in that particular country and some others as well. Understanding Spirituality chapter. The North American Indigenous, the major tribes at least, held to a commonality of religious belief. It is best to say, Spiritual Belief, however. Native faith is Earth or Creation based rather than relying upon how mortal man of dominant society has to instruct us regarding the spiritual. To help the reader understand such dichotomy of unorthodox belief in comparison to his/her Dominate Society influence, certain major ceremonies are illustrated. A profound interest and respect for Native Wisdom at least what has emanated from the North eastern tribal influence is considered if my Mother Earth Spirituality readership is considered- 50th printing by Harper Collins plus an added Book of the Month Club printing. Regardless of the Nation''s present political posture, Environment is a serious concern.