Stability of Geotechnical Structures: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis

Book Description

Stability of Geotechnical Structures: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis is a comprehensive introduction to the theory and applications of soil mechanics in structural stability. Chapters explain different mathematical methods to calculate structural stability metrics. Topics covered in the book include upper and lower bound methods, kinematic methods, slip line methods, limit analysis, limit equilibrium, and element methods. Additionally, fundamental principles in plasticity formulation are discussed in sufficient details, and sample computer programs are included to aid the readers in learning the presented theoretical material. The book also features worked examples for easy understanding. Theoretical material in the book is based on actual research conducted by the authors, with additional literature reviews and discussions about important topics in geotechnical engineering. Stability of Geotechnical Structures: Theoretical and Numerical Analysis is suitable for students undertaking advanced foundation or geotechnical engineering courses at undergraduate or postgraduate levels. Frontiers in Civil Engineering brings scholarly references on all topics related to civil engineering to the fore. Each volume presents thematic information on theoretical frameworks and practical applications in the field, including (but not limited to) soil and rock mechanics, flood control, road and railway engineering, and the construction of large buildings, bridges and dams. The series aims to compile and present useful information in the form of handbooks and monographs for students involved in technical courses in addition to providing updated references for professional engineers about the latest trends in civil engineering.

Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering

Book Description

An insight into the use of the finite method in geotechnical engineering. The first volume covers the theory and the second volume covers the applications of the subject. The work examines popular constitutive models, numerical techniques and case studies.

Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering

Book Description

Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering is a one stop reference for a range of computational models, the theory explaining how they work, and case studies describing how to apply them. Drawing on the expertise of contributors from a range of disciplines including geomechanics, optimization, and computational engineering, this book provides an interdisciplinary guide to this subject which is suitable for readers from a range of backgrounds. Before tackling the computational approaches, a theoretical understanding of the physical systems is provided that helps readers to fully grasp the significance of the numerical methods. The various models are presented in detail, and advice is provided on how to select the correct model for your application. - Provides detailed descriptions of different computational modelling methods for geotechnical applications, including the finite element method, the finite difference method, and the boundary element method - Gives readers the latest advice on the use of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in geotechnical engineering - Includes case studies to help readers apply the methods described in their own work

Geotechnical Slope Analysis

Book Description

Freshly updated and extended version of Slope Analysis (Chowdhury, Elsevier, 1978). This reference book gives a complete overview of the developments in slope engineering in the last 30 years. Its multi-disciplinary, critical approach and the chapters devoted to seismic effects and probabilistic approaches and reliability analyses, reflect the distinctive style of the original. Subjects discussed are: the understanding of slope performance, mechanisms of instability, requirements for modeling and analysis, and new techniques for observation and modeling. Special attention is paid to the relation with the increasing frequency and consequences of natural and man-made hazards. Strategies and methods for assessing landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk are also explored. Moreover, the relevance of geotechnical analysis of slopes in the context of climate change scenarios is discussed. All theory is supported by numerous examples. ''...A wonderful book on Slope Stability....recommended as a refernence book to those who are associated with the geotechnical engineering profession (undergraduates, post graduates and consulting engineers)...'' Prof. Devendra Narain Singh, Indian Inst. of Technology, Mumbai, India ''I have yet to see a book that excels the range and depth of Geotechnical Slope Analysis... I have failed to find a topic which is not covered and that makes the book almost a single window outlet for the whole range of readership from students to experts and from theoreticians to practicing engineers...'' Prof. R.K. Bhandari, New Delhi, India

Slope Stability Analysis and Stabilization

Book Description

A number of methods currently exist for the analysis and design of slopes. This book provides a critical review of these and offers several more appropriate approaches for overcoming numerical convergence and the location of critical failure surfaces in two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases. New concepts in three-dimensional stability analysis, finite element analysis and the extension of slope stability problems to lateral earth pressure problems are also addressed. It gives helpful practical advice and design resources in the form of recommendations for good analysis and design practice, design charts and tables for the engineer. Limitations are detailed of both limit equilibrium and the finite element method in the assessment of the stability of a slope, and guidance is provided for assessing the fundamental assumptions and limitations of stability analysis methods and computer modelling. The book provides ample examples to illustrate how this range of problems should be dealt with. The final chapter touches on design and its implementation on site. The emphasis is on the transfer of the design to its physical implementation on site in a holistic way, taking full account of the latest developments in construction technology. Engineering and construction problems tend to be pigeonholed into different classes of problem such as slope stability, bearing capacity and earth pressure behind retaining structures. This is quite unnecessary. This book offers a unified approach, which is conceptually, practically and philosophically more satisfying.

Numerical Methods in Structural Mechanics

Book Description

A detailed presentation is offered of the fundamental equations in solid mechanics focusing on constitutive equations including quasibrittle materials. Details are provided on individual numerical algorithms, with a heavier emphasis placed on the understanding of basic principles.

Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering

Book Description

Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering contains the proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering (NUMGE 2014, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 June 2014). It is the eighth in a series of conferences organised by the European Regional Technical Committee ERTC7 under the auspices of the International

The History of the Theory of Structures

Book Description

Zehn Jahre nach der 1. Auflage in englischer Sprache legt der Autor sein Buch The History of the Theory of Structures in wesentlich erweiterter Form vor, nunmehr mit dem Untertitel Searching for Equilibrium. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch lädt der Verfasser seine Leser zur Suche nach dem Gleichgewicht von Tragwerken auf Zeitreisen ein. Die Zeitreisen setzen mit der Entstehung der Statik und Festigkeitslehre eines Leonardo und Galilei ein und erreichen ihren ersten Höhepunkt mit den baustatischen Theorien über den Balken, Erddruck und das Gewölbe von Coulomb am Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts. Im folgenden Jahrhundert formiert sich die Baustatik mit Navier, Culmann, Maxwell, Rankine, Mohr, Castigliano und Müller-Breslau zu einer technikwissenschaftlichen Grundlagendisziplin, die im 20. Jahrhundert in Gestalt der modernen Strukturmechanik bei der Herausbildung der konstruktiven Sprache des Stahl-, Stahlbeton-, Flugzeug-, Automobil- und des Schiffbaus eine tragende Rolle spielt. Dabei setzt der Autor den inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf die Formierung und Entwicklung moderner numerischer Ingenieurmethoden wie der Finite-Elemente-Methode und beschreibt ihre disziplinäre Integration in der Computational Mechanics. Kurze, durch historische Skizzen unterstützte Einblicke in gängige Berechnungsverfahren erleichtern den Zugang zur Geschichte der Strukturmechanik und Erddrucktheorie vom heutigen Stand der Ingenieurpraxis und stellen einen auch einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Ingenieurpädagogik dar. Dem Autor gelingt es, die Unterschiedlichkeit der Akteure hinsichtlich ihres technisch-wissenschaftlichen Profils und ihrer Persönlichkeit plastisch zu schildern und das Verständnis für den gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu erzeugen. So werden in 260 Kurzbiografien die subjektive Dimension der Baustatik und der Strukturmechanik von der frühen Neuzeit bis heute entfaltet. Dabei werden die wesentlichen Beiträge der Protagonisten der Baustatik besprochen und in die nachfolgende Bibliografie integriert. Berücksichtigt wurden nicht nur Bauingenieure und Architekten, sondern auch Mathematiker, Physiker, Maschinenbauer sowie Flugzeug- und Schiffbauer. Neben den bekannten Persönlichkeiten der Baustatik, wie Coulomb, Culmann, Maxwell, Mohr, Müller-Breslau, Navier, Rankine, Saint-Venant, Timoshenko und Westergaard, wurden u. a. auch G. Green, A. N. Krylov, G. Li, A. J. S. Pippard, W. Prager, H. A. Schade, A. W. Skempton, C. A. Truesdell, J. A. L. Waddell und H. Wagner berücksichtigt. Den Wegbereitern der Moderne in der Baustatik J. H. Argyris, R. W. Clough, Th. v. Kármán, M. J. Turner und O. C. Zienkiewicz wurden umfangreiche Biografien gewidmet. Eine ca. 4500 Titel umfassende Bibliografie rundet das Werk ab. Neue Inhalte der 2. Auflage sind: Erddrucktheorie, Traglastverfahren, historische Lehrbuchanalyse, Stahlbrückenbau, Leichtbau, Platten- und Schalentheorie, Greensche Funktion, Computerstatik, FEM, Computergestützte Graphostatik und Historische Technikwissenschaft. Gegenüber der 1., englischen Ausgabe wurde der Seitenumfang um 50 % auf nunmehr etwas über 1200 Druckseiten gesteigert. Das vorliegende Buch ist die erste zusammenfassende historische Gesamtdarstellung der Baustatik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis heute. Über die Reihe edition Bautechnikgeschichte: Mit erstaunlicher Dynamik hat sich die Bautechnikgeschichte in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten zu einer höchst lebendigen, international vernetzten und viel beachteten eigenständigen Disziplin entwickelt. Auch wenn die nationalen Forschungszugänge unterschiedliche Akzente setzen, eint sie doch das Bewusstsein, dass gerade die inhaltliche und methodische Vielfalt und das damit verbundene synthetische Potenzial die Stärke des neuen Forschungsfeldes ausmachen. Bautechnikgeschichte erschließt neue Formen des Verstehens von Bauen zwischen Ingenieurwesen und Architektur, zwischen Bau- und Kunst-, Technik- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Mit der edition Bautechnikgeschichte erhält die neue Disziplin erstmals einen Ort für die Publikation wichtiger Arbeiten auf angemessenem Niveau in hochwertiger Gestaltung. Die Bücher erscheinen in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Beide Hauptrichtungen der Bautechnikgeschichte, der eher konstruktionsgeschichtlich und der eher theoriegeschichtlich geleitete Zugang, finden Berücksichtigung; das Spektrum der Bände reicht von Überblickswerken über Monographien zu Einzelaspekten oder -bauten bis hin zu Biographien bedeutender Ingenieurpersönlichkeiten. Ein international besetzter Wissenschaftlicher Beirat unterstützt die Herausgeber in der Umsetzung des Konzepts.

NUMGE 2002

Book Description

Guidelines for the Use of Advanced Numerical Analysis

Book Description

It is not easy for engineers to gain all the skills necessary to perform numerical analysis. This book is an authoritative guide that explains in detail the potential restrictions and pitfalls and so help engineers undertake advanced numerical analysis. It discusses the major approximations involved in nonlinear numerical analysis and describes some of the more popular constituitive models currently available and explores their strengths and weaknesses. It also discusses the determination of material parameters for defining soil behaviour, investigates the options for modelling structural components and their interface with the soil and the boundary conditions that are appropriate in geotechnical analysis and the assumptions implied when they are used. Guidelines for the use of Advanced Numerical Analysis also provides guidelines for best practice of specific types of soil-structure interaction that are common in urban development and discusses the role of benchmarking exercises. This authoritative book will be invaluable to practising engineers involved in urban development. It will also be useful tool for geotechnical and structural engineers.