State of the Practice in Highway Access Management

Book Description

This synthesis reports how various agencies have acted on the various components of an access management program, what have been barriers to action, and how new efforts might improve implementation of access management strategies. Primary focus areas considered are legal and legislative bases, contents of policies and programs, implementation aspects, reported effectiveness of program implementation, and profiles of contemporary practice. This synthesis reports on the state of the practice with respect to planning, highway design, development review and permitting, and other focus areas where access management is typically incorporated. The emphasis is placed on states, but counties, municipalities, and metropolitan planning organizations are also considered.

Access Rights

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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 351 examines issues involved in acquiring access rights along roadways other than freeways. The report documents the state of the practice with the intent to limit the amount of access to the roadway for the purpose of managing highway safety and mobility. The report documents successful practices and current policies, legal and real estate literature, and other publications that address this subject.

Synthesis of Highway Practice

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Impacts of Access Management Techniques

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Control of Highway Access

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Driveway Regulation Practices

Book Description

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 304: Driveway Regulation Practices provides an overview of current transportation agency practices, recent literature findings, and research in driveway regulation.

Access Management on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Interchanges

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TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 332: Access Management on Crossroads in the Vicinity of Interchanges examines current practices relating to access location and design on crossroads in the vicinity of interchanges. It identifies standards and strategies used on new interchanges and on the retrofit of existing interchanges.

Public Understanding of State Highway Access Management Issues

Book Description

The objective of this study was to understand public attitudes toward several issues related to access management. Specifically: (1) How do users perceive the role and function of specific highways experiencing significant development and increasing traffic? (2) What do citizens perceive are the problems with these roadways? (3) What is the proper balance between access and mobility? (4) Do citizens recognize that poorly managed access to a state highway causes congestion and safety problems? (5) Who is perceived to have responsibility for managing the use of the roadway with respect to mobility, access, and safety? (6) Should existing and future businesses conform to limited access policies regarding state highways in the interest of maintaining mobility and safety? (7) How do these answers differ among the following three customer segments? Residents of the immediate vicinity, residents of the market area, travelers passing through, commuters, and/or recreational travelers?