State of the World's Birds 2004

Book Description

Given the fundamental importance of biodiversity, we knowsurprisingly little about it. We are sure that it is disappearingfast, yet at present we cannot even measure progress (orotherwise) towards the 2010 target set by world leaders forslowing this loss. This BirdLife assessment examines what the bestknown group of living things, birds, can tell us about the stateof biodiversity, the pressures upon it and the solutions that arebeing, or should be, put in place. It is a synthesis of currentknowledge and provides a benchmark against which we can assess ourefforts to conserve biodiversity in the future.`Anexciting testimony to BirdLife's Intent and capacity to influencepolicy at the highest levels... gives a clear overview of howindividual observations contribute to the bigger picture...auseful digest of contemporary conservation science presented in aless technical way. Paul Jepson, Birding Asia`Thematerial is presented in such a clear, compact and exciting waythat everyone who turns the pages will have their mind focused onthe problems raised... should be in every school, academic andlocal library.'Biological Conservation`A 'Red Book' forthe state of the planet, using the best known group of animals,birds, as examples to show what has happened, what is stillhappening, and what we are starting to do about it.'BullABC`A most useful document for all involved in conservationand conservation education.' Ibis`Full of interestingstories... illustrates that BirdLife is not narrowly concernedwith saving birds from people, but tries to use the joy and appealof birdwatching as a vehicle for better management of this world,so that birds as well as people can thrive... BirdLife emphasizesthe need to work together with local people, engaging Site SupportGroupsaround their priority sites. The approach is well aligned withefforts towards sustainable development, and the publication iswell suited as hand-out material for aidinstitutions.'Oryx`The overall picture is grim, but thebook demonstrates that there is much we can do, concluding thatlasting solutions require lasting change, and the major challengesare not scientific, but social and political.'Wingspan

World Birdwatch

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Birds of Paradise

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In this dazzling photo essay, Laman and Scholes present gorgeous full-color photographs of all 39 species of the Birds of Paradise that highlight their unique and extraordinary plumage and mating behavior.

The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture

Book Description

The State of the World's Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture presents the first global assessment of biodiversity for food and agriculture worldwide. Biodiversity for food and agriculture is the diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms at genetic, species and ecosystem levels, present in and around crop, livestock, forest and aquatic production systems. It is essential to the structure, functions and processes of these systems, to livelihoods and food security, and to the supply of a wide range of ecosystem services. It has been managed or influenced by farmers, livestock keepers, forest dwellers, fish farmers and fisherfolk for hundreds of generations. Prepared through a participatory, country-driven process, the report draws on information from 91 country reports to provide a description of the roles and importance of biodiversity for food and agriculture, the drivers of change affecting it and its current status and trends. It describes the state of efforts to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity for food and agriculture, including through the development of supporting policies, legal frameworks, institutions and capacities. It concludes with a discussion of needs and challenges in the future management of biodiversity for food and agriculture. The report complements other global assessments prepared under the auspices of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which have focused on the state of genetic resources within particular sectors of food and agriculture.

Invasive Alien Species

Book Description

Jedes Jahr breiten sich invasive gebietsfremde Arten in neue Ökosysteme aus. Die von den Eindringlingen verursachten Auswirkungen können sich in kürzester Zeit bemerkbar machen und verheerend sein. Das Thema der invasiven gebietsfremden Arten ist umfassend, komplex und auf verschiedenen Ebenen von globaler Bedeutung. Verschärft wird es durch die Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft und den zunehmenden Handel, durch den die natürlichen Barrieren für den Transfer von Arten durchbrochen werden. Invasive gebietsfremde Arten bedrohen die weltweite Nahrungsmittelversorgung, die Qualität und Verfügbarkeit von Trinkwasser sowie die Stromproduktion und -versorgung. Zusammen mit den zusätzlichen Risiken durch den globalen Klimawandel ist die weltweite Homogenisierung von Pflanzen, Tieren und Mikroben ein wesentlicher Faktor für den sich verschlechternden Gesundheitszustand der Ökosysteme und die nachlassenden Ökosystemdienstleistungen überall auf der Welt. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit einer einheitlichen Ausrichtung von Regierungen, Kulturen und Programmen und einer besseren grenzüberschreitenden Koordination. Nur so lassen sich die vielfältigen Bedrohungen durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten für die Umwelt, die Wirtschaft und die Gesundheit von Pflanzen und Tieren sowie insbesondere die menschliche Gesundheit effektiv bekämpfen. Dieses vierbändige Werk ist das erste, das einen umfassenden Satz nützlicher Materialien zu den zentralen Themen bereitstellt, um die gesamte globale Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten sowie die vielfältigen Probleme in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt deutlich zu machen, und es enthält Material, in dem potenziell replizierbare Lösungen zur Überwindung dieser Bedrohungen aufgezeigt werden. Das Werk betont die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten auch im Sinne eines globalen ?Aufrufs zum Handeln?. Invasive Arten kennen keine Grenzen. Daher hoffen wir, dass wir durch die Zusammenstellung von Material, das unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Standpunkte aus aller Welt berücksichtigt, sowie durch die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen und Beispielen zu einer Vielzahl damit zusammenhängender Themen das globale Bewusstsein stärken und einheitliche nationale Reaktionen auf die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten fördern können.

Wing Span

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Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two

Book Description

The Ecology of Papua provides a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge on all aspects of the natural history of western (Indonesian) New Guinea. Designed for students of conservation, environmental workers, and academic researchers, it is a richly detailed text, dense with biogeographical data, historical reference, and fresh insight on this complicated and marvelous region. We hope it will serve to raise awareness of Papua on a global as well as local scale, and to catalyze effective conservation of its most precious natural assets. New Guinea is the largest and highest tropical island, and one of the last great wilderness areas remaining on Earth. Papua, the western half of New Guinea, is noteworthy for its equatorial glaciers, its vast forested floodplains, its imposing central mountain range, its Raja Ampat Archipelago, and its several hundred traditional forest-dwelling societies. One of the wildest places left in the world, Papua possesses extraordinary biological and cultural diversity. Today, Papua’s environment is under threat from growing outside pressures to exploit its expansive forests and to develop large plantations of oil palm and biofuels. It is important that Papua’s leadership balance economic development with good resource management, to ensure the long-term well-being of its culturally diverse populace.

The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America

Book Description

National bestselling book: Featured on Midwest, Mountain Plains, New Atlantic, Northern, Pacific Northwest and Southern Regional Indie Bestseller Lists Perfect book for the birder and anti-birder alike A humorous look at 50 common North American dumb birds: For those who have a disdain for birds or bird lovers with a sense of humor, this snarky, illustrated handbook is equal parts profane, funny, and—let's face it—true. Featuring common North American birds, such as the White-Breasted Butt Nugget and the Goddamned Canada Goose (or White-Breasted Nuthatch and Canada Goose for the layperson), Matt Kracht identifies all the idiots in your backyard and details exactly why they suck with humorous, yet angry, ink drawings. With The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America, you won't need to wonder what all that racket is anymore! • Each entry is accompanied by facts about a bird's (annoying) call, its (dumb) migratory pattern, its (downright tacky) markings, and more. • The essential guide to all things wings with migratory maps, tips for birding, musings on the avian population, and the ethics of birdwatching. • Matt Kracht is an amateur birder, writer, and illustrator who enjoys creating books that celebrate the humor inherent in life's absurdities. Based in Seattle, he enjoys gazing out the window at the beautiful waters of Puget Sound and making fun of birds. "There are loads of books out there for bird lovers, but until now, nothing for those that love to hate birds. The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America fills the void, packed with snarky illustrations that chastise the flying animals in a funny, profane way. " – Uncrate A humorous animal book with 50 common North American birds for people who love birds and also those who love to hate birds • A perfect coffee table or bar top conversation-starting book • Makes a great Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthday, or retirement gift

Between Heaven and Earth

Book Description

The creators of The Girl Who Dreamed Only Geese provide an illustrated collection of folktales from around the world, all of which have a bird as a main character.

Threatened Amphibians of the World

Book Description

"Amphibians are facing an extinction crisis, but getting to the facts has been difficult. "Threatened Amphibians of the World" is a visual journey through the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of the world's 6,000 known species of frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians. All 1,900 species known to be threatened with extinction are covered, including a description of threats to each species and an evaluation of conservation measures in place or needed. Each entry includes a photograph or illustration of the species where available, a distribution map, and detailed information on range, population and habitat and ecology. Introductory chapters present a detailed analysis of the results, complemented by a series of short essays written by many of the world's leading herpetologists. Appendices include annoted lists of lower risk species and a country-by-country listing of threatened amphibians."--pub. desc.