A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

Here in the UK we have a product called Marmite. It is a deeply divisive food, which you either love or hate. Those who love it, cannot understand how anyone could live without it - and of course, the opposite is true for those who hate it!This same sentiment could be applied to volume as a trading indicator. In other words, you are likely to fall into one of two camps. You either believe it works, or you don't. It really is that simple. There is no halfway house here!I make no bones about the fact that I believe I was lucky in starting my own trading journey using volume. To me it just made sense, and the logic of what it revealed was inescapable. And for me, the most powerful reason is very simple. Volume is a rare commodity in trading - a leading indicator. The second, and only other leading indicator, is price. Everything else is lagged.As traders, investors or speculators, all we are trying to do is to forecast where the market is heading next. Is there any better way than to use the only two leading indicators we have at our disposal, namely volume and price? In isolation each tells us very little. After all, volume is just that, no more no less. A price is a price. However, combine these two forces together, and the result is a powerful analytical approach to forecasting market direction..However, as I say at the start of the book, there is nothing new in trading, and the analysis of volume has been around for over 100 years. After all, this is where the iconic traders started. People like Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, Richard Wyckoff, and Richard Ney. All they had was the ticker tape, from which they read the price, and the number of shares traded. Volume price analysis, short and simple. The book has been written for traders who have never come across this methodology, and for those who have some knowledge, and perhaps wish to learn a little more. It is not revolutionary, or innovative, but just simple sound common sense, combined with logic.

Stock Trading and Investing Using Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

In this book of over 200 worked examples for stock traders and investors, you will discover an approach that was used by the iconic traders of the past to build their vast fortunes. Traders such as Jesse Livermore, Richard Wyckoff and Richard Ney all succeeded because they understood the power of the tape which delivered just two key pieces of information, namely volume and price, and from which they were able to anticipate where the market was going next. This approach was also codified by Richard Wyckoff into three principle laws, and forms the basis of volume price analysis. It is a powerful methodology that can be applied to all markets, instruments and timeframes regardless of whether you are an investor, trader or speculator. The examples presented in this book are drawn primarily from US stock markets, but also includes examples taken from the futures markets, such as indices, commodities, currency futures and bonds. Each chart example is fully annotated to illustrate and highlight key points in the associated text, and together provide a detailed and comprehensive study of the volume price relationship, and giving clear signals as to where the stock is going next.And regardless of whether you are selecting stocks for growth, dividend yield, option strategies, or for speculative day trading, volume price analysis will highlight which ones to buy or sell, and when.

Stock Trading and Investing Using Volume Price Analysis - Full Colour Edition

Book Description

In this book of over 200 worked examples for stock traders and investors, you will discover an approach that was used by the iconic traders of the past to build their vast fortunes. Traders such as Jesse Livermore, Richard Wyckoff and Richard Ney all succeeded because they understood the power of the tape which delivered just two key pieces of information, namely volume and price, and from which they were able to anticipate where the market was going next. This approach was also codified by Richard Wyckoff into three principle laws, and forms the basis of volume price analysis. It is a powerful methodology that can be applied to all markets, instruments and timeframes regardless of whether you are an investor, trader or speculator. The examples presented in this book are drawn primarily from US stock markets, but also includes examples taken from the futures markets, such as indices, commodities, currency futures and bonds. Each chart example is fully annotated to illustrate and highlight key points in the associated text, and together provide a detailed and comprehensive study of the volume price relationship, and giving clear signals as to where the stock is going next. And regardless of whether you are selecting stocks for growth, dividend yield, option strategies, or for speculative day trading, volume price analysis will highlight which ones to buy or sell, and when. Armed with this knowledge, success awaits.

Forex Trading Using Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

For many traders, price and the price chart itself are the beginning and the end of technical analysis. All they consider is the price and nothing else. However, for myself, and many others, this approach completely ignores the extension of price to its logical association with volume, which together reveals the market's true intent, and whether a move is genuine or fake. This approach was first developed by the founding father of technical analysis, Charles Dow, more than a century ago, and then further developed and codified by Richard Wyckoff into his three laws, and what I now call Volume Price Analysis. In this book you will discover how to apply volume price analysis to your own forex trading, regardless of whether you are a scalper or longer term swing or trend trader. Through over 100 worked chart examples, with annotations, you will learn how to read the market for yourself, and anticipate where the market is going next. No longer will you be caught off guard, or trapped into weak positions. And in addition you can apply this powerful methodology directly to your trading, or it can be integrated and blended into existing trading tactics and strategies. All that is required is a chart with volume and price. Volume price analysis answers the one question all traders want an answer to: Where is the market heading next?

Stock Trading & Investing Using Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

It was good enough for them What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They used volume and price to anticipate where the market was heading next, and so built their vast fortunes. For them, it was the ticker tape, for us it is the trading screen. The results are the same and can be for you too. You can be lucky too I make no bones about the fact I believe I was lucky in starting my own trading journey using volume. To me it just made sense. The logic was inescapable. And for me, the most powerful reason is very simple. Volume is a rare commodity in trading - a leading indicator. The second and only other leading indicator is price. Everything else is lagged. It's a simple problem As traders, investors or speculators, all we are trying to do is to forecast where the market is heading next. Is there any better way than to use the only two leading indicators we have at our disposal, namely volume and price? And such a powerful solution In isolation, each tells us very little. After all, volume is just that, no more no less. A price is a price. However, combine these two forces together, and the result is a powerful analytical approach to confidently forecasting market direction. What you will discover This book takes all the principles from A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis and applies them across all the timeframes with over 200 worked examples, all annotated and with a full explanation of the key lessons. So whether you're a day trader or longer-term investor, this book is the perfect platform to set you on the road to success and join those iconic traders of the past.

A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They used volume and price to anticipate where the market was heading next and so built their vast fortunes. For them, it was the ticker tape; for us, it is the trading screen. The results are the same and can be for you, too. I make no bones about believing I was lucky to start my own trading journey using volume. To me it just made sense. The logic was inescapable. And for me, the most powerful reason is very simple. Volume is a rare commodity in trading - a leading indicator. The second and only other leading indicator is price. Everything else is lagged. There's ONLY one question! As traders, investors, or speculators, all we are trying to do is to forecast where the market is heading next. Is there any better way than to use the only two leading indicators we have at our disposal, namely volume and price? In isolation, each tells us very little. After all, volume is just that, no more no less. A price is a price. However, combine these two forces, and the result is a powerful analytical approach to forecasting market direction with confidence. What you will discover This book will teach you all you need to know from first principles. So whether you're a day trader or a longer-term investor in any market, instrument, or timeframe, this book is the perfect platform to set you on the road to success and join those iconic traders of the past. All you need to succeed is a chart with volume and price…simple.

A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading

Book Description

Is this book for me? If you aspire to become a full-time forex trader, then this is the book for you. Even if your dream is perhaps more modest, and you simply want a second income trading the forex markets, this book is for you. What will I learn? It has been written with one clear objective. To explain how and why the currency markets move in the way they do. Namely, the forces, the factors, and the manipulators. Many aspiring traders simply do not realize that the forex market sits at the heart of the financial world, which, when you think about it logically, is common sense. This is the biggest money market in the world, and if the financial markets are about one thing, they are about money. Making it, protecting it, or increasing the return. It’s no surprise, therefore, that the forex market connects all the others. Put simply, the forex market is the ultimate barometer of risk. How will it help me? First, you will discover how changes in market sentiment in the primary markets of commodities, stocks, bonds, and equities are reflected in the currency markets. This is something that often surprises novice traders. After all, why look at a stock index, or the price of gold, or a bond market? The answer is very simple. It is in these markets that you will find all the clues and signals, which then reveal money flow. After reading the book, you will be one of those enlightened traders who truly understand money flow and risk, and your confidence as a trader will grow exponentially as a result. Here are some more reasons.... Long gone are the days when currency pairs meandered higher and lower in long-term trends, driven by interest rate differentials. To take advantage, you need to understand the forces which now drive the markets. A Three Dimensional Approach To Forex Trading will empower you with knowledge. Knowledge and confidence go hand in hand. Confidence breeds success, and success breeds money, which will flow from reading the book.

Forex For Beginners

Book Description

Forex For Beginners Forex For Beginners is the sequel to my first two books, A Three-Dimensional Approach to Forex Trading and A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis. It is your primer to the world of forex. It has been written to lay the foundations and provide the framework for getting started in the world of forex in what I believe is the correct way. My other books then build on what you will learn here to develop your trading skills and knowledge further. Applying what you learn In all my books, I try to show you how to apply that knowledge to help you become a more confident trader. After all, learning is all well and good, but if we are not taught how to apply that knowledge in a practical way, then it is of little use. It is the application of knowledge that empowers one, and this is what I have tried to do here and in all my education programs, such as The Complete Forex Trading Program. It’s all about risk There are, of course, many books about forex trading. What is different about this book is the focus on those aspects of trading, which I believe are fundamental. After all, there are only two questions we need to answer when considering a position in the market:- What is the risk on this trade - high, medium or low? What is the financial risk on this trade? The first is the hardest question to answer, and the book will explain in detail the analysis and approach to answer this question confidently. The second question is more straightforward and can be answered provided you understand risk, money management, and position sizing in relation to your trading capital. Again, this is covered in detail in the book. As the tagline on the front cover says ‘What you need to know to get started, and everything in between’ which really sums up what you will learn. What you will discover The book explains everything, from the pure mechanics to the trading methodology that I advocate and have used in all my trading and investing for over 25 years. Forex For Beginners is also dedicated to all those traders who have asked me to write such an introduction based on my knowledge and methodology. This book is for you and for every other aspiring forex trader.

Investing & Trading in Cryptocurrencies Using Volume Price Analysis

Book Description

No other market has the power to create strong and diverse opinions than the brave new world of cryptocurrencies. On one side lie the detractors convinced this is nothing more than a bubble and one which will burst in the fullness of time. On the other are the supporters, championing these new and exciting financial instruments created to replace traditional currencies, and so usher in a new and transparent order finally free from the shackles of central banks and government controls. And what is perhaps more interesting still, is that this new digital asset class also defines and reflects a seismic shift in the social order and values. For it is the tech savvy young who perhaps have been the most affected by the great financial crisis of 2008, and so see cryptocurrencies as the way ahead, offering hope and opportunity, not only to make money, but also to cast out the old values and approaches and replace them with new technologically sophisticated assets. In some ways cryptocurrencies have become a standard bearer for the new to replace the old, and offering a clarion call to reject the past and replace it with the new of the future. In this book, I do not take sides because the purpose of this book is to twofold. First, to explain these new digital assets their strengths, weaknesses as well as the opportunities. And second to explain, with the use of over eighty annotated chart examples, how you can apply my volume price methodology to your own trading and investing decisions. Here is a methodology that will help you make sense of the sometimes chaotic and volatile price action, based as it is on sound principles developed in other markets. Volume price analysis works, and all that's required is a chart with volume and price, and is a perfect fit here, given prices are primarily driven by supply and demand. Peer to peer buying and selling is what lies at the heart of cryptocurrencies and so creates the demand or lack of demand. Yes, there is some market manipulation, and this may increase over time. But for the present the cryptocurrency markets reflect Wyckoff's third law: 'when demand is greater than supply, prices rise, and when supply is greater than demand, prices fall'. The 80 worked examples are in all timeframes and for different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Dash, Tether and more. Each chart is clearly annotated with an accompanying explanation of the chart with points to note and lessons to learn. Volume price analysis can be applied to any timeframe and to any cryptocurrency asset. The choice is yours, and using this simple yet powerful approach will give you renewed insight and confidence when making your buying and selling decisions, whether as a longer term investor, or a speculative trader. Regardless of whether you believe cryptocurrencies are a short term phenomenon, or you subscribe to the view this is a brave new financial dawn full of exciting opportunities, we can be assured of one thing, they are here to stay. They may not be in their present iteration, and evolve in ways yet to be discovered, but there will always be a price chart to which volume price analysis can be applied.

Investing with Volume Analysis: Identify, Follow, and Profit from Trends

Book Description

Analyzing volume can help you look deep inside trends, identify shifts more rapidly, and earn higher profits with less risk. Now, award-winning stock analyst Buff Pelz Dormeier shows exactly how to make volume analysis work for you. Analyze volume responsiveness, reliability, risk, and returns & mdash;and use your insights to optimize every trade!