Strategien politischer Kommunikation

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Book Description

Was hat das Alte Reich im Innersten zusammen gehalten? Waren es die Reichsinstitutionen wie beispielsweise das Reichskammergericht, der Reichshofrat und der Reichstag? Oder waren es die Reichsgrundgesetze wie der Westfälische Friede? Einen entscheidenden integrativen Faktor des Alten Reiches stellten gewiss die Personen und Personengruppen dar, die Aufgaben und Funktionen für Kaiser und Reich wahrnahmen. Inwieweit besaßen diese Personen eine spezifische Mentalität, die über das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zu einer Reichsinstitution hinausging? Diesen und anderen Fragen gehen die Autoren nach, wobei das Spektrum der Beiträge von den Reichskammergerichtsboten, über Anwälte an den beiden höchsten Gerichten bis zu den kaiserlichen Kommissaren am Reichshofrat reicht.

Issue Salience in International Politics

Book Description

This book analyses the salience of foreign and security policy issues to domestic actors, its role in the analysis of international politics and its consequences for foreign policy decision-making. It provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of issue salience and develops the state of the art. Beginning with a chapter on the concept of issue salience and its role in analysing international politics, it has a strong comparative framework and focuses on different domestic actors: the general public; political parties/parliaments; and the media. It features empirical studies drawn from countries in Western Europe and North America and addresses the salience of different issue areas in three key areas of international politics: European Integration Foreign and Security Policy Transatlantic Relations Finally the book offers critical appraisals of the theoretical underpinnings of the concept of issue salience and the methods for measuring it. This volume makes an important contribution to scholarly debates on the role of public opinion in foreign affairs and on the prospects of parliamentary control of foreign and security policy. It will be of interest to students and scholars of political science, international relations and foreign policy. Kai Oppermann is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany and the Managing Editor of Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Dr. Henrike Viehrig is Assistant Professor and Chair of International Politics and Foreign Policy at the University of Cologne, Germany.

Public Information Campaigns and Opinion Research

Book Description

This handbook draws on multidisciplinary insights and the experiences of academics and campaign practitioners to provide a comprehensive guide and introduction to planning, implementing and measuring public information and communication campaigns. It outlines the basic theoretical approaches and provides practical examples from a variety of both national and international information and communication campaigns within and across Europe. Public opinion information and campaign strategies in a recent American state election campaign are used to contrast the different perspectives and experiences in the United States. The handbook concludes by demonstrating how to measure effects, causality and public opinion change to determine what the campaign accomplished. A helpful summary and checklist for the student and practitioner using survey research is provided at the end.

Follow-ups in Political Discourse

Book Description

This book explores the various forms and functions of follow-ups in a range of political speech events. Follow-ups are conceptualized as communicative acts, in and through which a prior communicative act is accepted, challenged, or otherwise negotiated by ratified participants in the exchange or by third parties. The broad view suggested here accommodates a large variation in the functions of follow-ups, e.g. positioning, third-party involvement, evaluation and argumentation, ratification, support, challenge and attendance to face wants. These variations are explored in a range of cultural environments, such as the UK, The Netherlands, Israel and France. Inter-cultural exchanges are studied through the analysis of diplomatic discourse, interpreting and cross-cultural comparison.

Migrationsbewegungen und Rechtspopulismus nach 2015

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The tenth volume of the Turkish-German Studies Yearbook examines how German-Turkish relations have changed as a result of various factors, including the growing popularity of right-wing populist parties in Germany, the attempted coup in Turkey in 2016, and the refugee agreement between the EU and Turkey. The contributions consider right-wing populism and right-wing radicalism, values, and the scientific subject position in intercultural research activities

ART and the MIND – Ernst H. GOMBRICH

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Ernst H. Gombrich, the Art Historian, master of both Continental thought and English language, became one of the world's most well-known representatives of the discipline. Half a century ago his testable theories transformed thinking on how to look at art. After only a few years during which semiotics appeared to render Sir Ernst's common-sense framework outdated, the rise of cognitive approaches has enabled him to recover internationally the status he once had in France as a radical thinker within modern philosophy. This book explores Gombrich's intellectual legacy by analysing some of the concepts and insights in the context of Image Science, the "Steckenpferd". The international contributors are original authorities in their own right, among them some of Gombrich's former students.

Silence and Concealment in Political Discourse

Book Description

This book constitutes a significant contribution to political discourse analysis and to the study of silence, both from the point of view of discourse analysis as well as pragmatics, and it is also relevant for those interested in politics and media studies. It promotes the empirical study of silence by analysing metadiscourse about politicians’ silence and by systematically conceptualising the communicativeness of silence in the interplay between intention (to be silent), expectation (of speech) and relevance (of the unsaid). Three cases of sustained metadiscourse about silent politicians from Germany are analysed to exemplify this approach, based on media texts and protocols of parliamentary inquiries. Ideals of political transparency and communicative openness are identified as a basis for (disappointed) expectations of speech which trigger and determine metadiscourse about politicians’ silences. Finally, the book deals critically with the role of those who act as advocates of ‘the public’s’ demand to speak out.

De-Mystification of Participatory Democracy

Book Description

This book tackles the issue of civil society's democratic input to EU governance. It looks at how participatory democracy, laid down in the Lisbon Treaty and advocated by the Commission, is put into practice and whether the involvement of civil society lives up to the high expectation of upgrading the Union's democratic legitimacy.