A Study of Stratosphere-troposphere Coupling with an Aquaplanet Model

Book Description

The coupling between stratosphere and troposphere (ST) has been studied extensively using simple circulation models. It is known that the ozone- rich stratosphere interact with the troposphere through both radiative and dynamical processes. However, many of the models used in these studies only assume a slab ocean with a fixed sea surface temperature (SST) profile. To investigate the role of the ocean in the stratosphere-troposphere coupling, a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean model, FORTE (Fast Ocean Rapid Troposphere Experiment) is used in this study. In this project the Earth is modelled as a perfect sphere with its surface covered with water. In the first set of our experiments we introduce a perturbation to the stratosphere by increasing ozone concentration by a factor of five. In the second experiment we repeat the ozone perturbation experiment with a fixed SST profile such that the atmosphere-ocean coupling is shut off. Our results demonstrate that by including a dynamical ocean, the strength of the jet streams is less sensitive to stratospheric ozone perturbations whereas the extent of their latitudinal displacements is greater. Both of these are found to be a consequence of SST anomalies induced by ocean dynamics. On the other hand, our results show that in the presence of an interactive ocean, there is a general increase in tropospheric air temperature except for polar regions, while lacking the banded anomaly pattern observed in our fixed SST experiment and other ST coupling studies.

Stratosphere Troposphere Interactions

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Stratospheric processes play a signi?cant role in regulating the weather and c- mate of the Earth system. Solar radiation, which is the primary source of energy for the tropospheric weather systems, is absorbed by ozone when it passes through the stratosphere, thereby modulating the solar-forcing energy reaching into the t- posphere. The concentrations of the radiatively sensitive greenhouse gases present in the lower atmosphere, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone, control the radiation balance of the atmosphere by the two-way interaction between the stratosphere and troposphere. The stratosphere is the transition region which interacts with the weather s- tems in the lower atmosphere and the richly ionized upper atmosphere. Therefore, this part of the atmosphere provides a long list of challenging scienti?c problems of basic nature involving its thermal structure, energetics, composition, dynamics, chemistry, and modeling. The lower stratosphere is very much linked dynamically, radiatively,and chemically with the upper troposphere,even though the temperature characteristics of these regions are different. The stratosphere is a region of high stability, rich in ozone and poor in water - por and temperature increases with altitude. The lower stratospheric ozone absorbs the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and protects life on the Earth. On the other hand, the troposphere has high concentrations of water vapor, is low in ozone, and temperature decreases with altitude. The convective activity is more in the troposphere than in the stratosphere.

Atmosphere-ocean Modeling: Coupling And Couplers

Book Description

Coupled atmosphere-ocean models are at the core of numerical climate models. There is an extraordinarily broad class of coupled atmosphere-ocean models ranging from sets of equations that can be solved analytically to highly detailed representations of Nature requiring the most advanced computers for execution. The models are applied to subjects including the conceptual understanding of Earth's climate, predictions that support human activities in a variable climate, and projections aimed to prepare society for climate change. The present book fills a void in the current literature by presenting a basic and yet rigorous treatment of how the models of the atmosphere and the ocean are put together into a coupled system. The text of the book is divided into chapters organized according to complexity of the components that are coupled. Two full chapters are dedicated to current efforts on the development of generalist couplers and coupling methodologies all over the world.

Dynamic Coupling and Chemical Transport Between the Stratosphere and the Troposphere

Book Description

Although the stratosphere and troposphere are separately different in many aspects (thermal structure, dynamic circulation, chemical composition and etc.), studies in recent decades have indicated a much stronger connection between these two distinct layers. Dynamically, the stratospheric circulation is driven by the eddies that are dominantly generated in the troposphere, whereas the troospheric circulation varies, in some ocassion, mostly due to the circulation and eddy perturbation originated in the stratosphere. The exchange and transport between the two layers, on the other hand, tend to alter the chemical compostion on both sides, and hence induce subsequent influences on the chemistry and radiation within the two layers. In this study, we further enrich the understanding on the connection between the stratosphere and troposphere by examining their dynamic coupling and chemical exchange. We first investigate the dynamic impact from the troposphere to the stratosphere by examining the role of tropical sea surface temperature (SST). By designing several idealized SST forcing simulations in an aqua-planet model, we find that the zonal distribution of SST perturbations has a major impact on the vertical and meridional structure of the BDC as compared with other SST characteristics. Zonally localized SST heatings tend to generate a shallow acceleration of the stratospheric residual circulation, whereas SST heatings with a zonally symmetric structure tend to produce a deep strengthening of the stratospheric residual circulation. The shallow versus deep strengthening of the stratospheric residual circulation change has been linked to wave propagation and dissipation in the subtropical lower stratosphere rather than wave generation in the troposphere. The dynamic impact from the stratosphere to the troposphere is then discussed by focusing on the downward influence of polar stratospheric ozone depletion. Three possible mechanisms are examined in an idealized dry model: the polar stratospheric cooling impacts tropospheric synoptic eddies via (a) the direct influences on the lower stratospheric synoptic eddies, (b) the planetary wave-induced residual circulation, and (c) the planetary eddy - synoptic eddy nonlinear interaction. It is argued that the planetary wave-induced residual circulation is not the dominant mechanism, and that the planetary eddies and further nonlinear interaction with synoptic eddies are more likely the key to the downward influence of the ozone depletion-like cooling. Last, the chemical interaction between the stratosphere and troposphere is explored by quantifying the stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) of ozone. The specified dynamics (SD) version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) is used to estimate the ozone STE along different isentropic surfaces (isentropic ozone STE herein). Net troposphere-to-stratosphere ozone STE is diagnosed in the subtropics (350 K - 380 K), while net stratosphereto-troposphere ozone STE is diagnosed in the extratropics (280 K - 350 K), with different magnitudes and seasonalities over different isentropic (meridional) regions. Potential vorticity (PV) sources induced by both differential diabatic heating and isentropic mixing contribute to the diagnosed isentropic ozone STE flux, but the latter is slightly larger. Moreover, results in the SD-WACCM are generally consistent with the analysis in a different model, the SD version of the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (CMAM), but the SD-CMAM diagnoses a smaller STE flux. This difference is associated with the different extent of isentropic mixing between the two models.

Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models

Book Description

The exchange of momentum, heat, moisture, gases (such as CO2 and O2) and salt between the atmosphere and the ocean is a phenomenon of paramount importance for the dynamics of the atmosphere and the ocean. With the pressing need for reliable climate forecast (e.g. to deal with severe food and energy problems) interactive ocean-atmosphere models have become one of the main objectives of geophysical fluid dynamics. This volume provides the first state-of-the-art review of interactive ocean-atmosphere modelling and its application to climates. The papers are by active and eminent scientists from different countries and different disciplines. They provide a up-to-date survey of major recent discoveries and valuable recommendations for future research.

Intraseasonal Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate System

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Improving the reliability of long-range forecasts of natural disasters, such as severe weather, droughts and floods, in North America, South America, Africa and the Asian/Australasian monsoon regions is of vital importance to the livelihood of millions of people who are affected by these events. In recent years the significance of major short-term climatic variability, and events such as the El Nino/Southern Oscillation in the Pacific, with its worldwide effect on rainfall patterns, has been all to clearly demonstrated. Understanding and predicting the intra-seasonal variability (ISV) of the ocean and atmosphere is crucial to improving long range environmental forecasts and the reliability of climate change projects through climate models. In the second edition of this classic book on the subject, the authors have updated the original chapters, where appropriate, and added a new chapter that includes short subjects representing substantial new development in ISV research since the publication of the first edition.

Model Sensitivities and Stratosphere-troposphere Interactions

Book Description

In recent years it has been shown that the troposphere is affected by changes in the climate of the stratosphere as well as vice versa. Investigating the downward influence has implications for understanding not only past climate but also for predicting future climate. A simplified, Newtonian-forced general circulation model is used to investigate the impact of changes in the stratosphere on the tropospheric circulation. First the sensitivity of tropospheric climate, tropospheric climate variability and response to stratospheric forcing to the surface temperature relaxation timescale are investigated. Changes to this parameter are shown to have significant impact on the model's climatology, influencing both the thermal structure of the lower troposphere and the position of the eddy driven mid-latitude jet. The change in mean tropospheric climate influences the annular variability, including its timescale. A strong relationship between this timescale and the magnitude of response to forcing is found, which is consistent with the fluctuation - dissipation theorem. The tropospheric response for both the surface parameter experiments and stratospheric temperature forcings is shown to be remarkably similar. This indicates that the same dynamical feedbacks are triggered, and thus resulting in the same annular mode-like response. Further, the impact of an improved representation of the stratosphere (in a model of greater vertical extent) and its effect on the response to a range of stratospheric heating perturbations is investigated. The extent of the heating perturbations, both in latitude and altitude, are shown to have a significant impact on the tropospheric response. These experiments further reveal an influence of the tropospheric eddy response back onto the stratospheric forcing region which modifies the direct stratospheric response to the heating. This suggests a strong two way coupling between the lower stratosphere and the tropospheric jets and storm track eddies.