Stress Management Questionnaire

Book Description

STRESS MANAGEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (SMQ): "A Guide to Stress Mastery and Stress Resilience" Profile The Stress Management Questionnaire (SMQ) consists of first a valid and reliable stress "risk" assessment (87 psychometrically developed questions rating on a 5 pt Likert Scale) along with a 36 page Stressmastery Interpretive Guide. The SMQ & Guide are used in companies and organizations to help employees learn about their stress risk level and discover through the Guide how to master stress on the job and to become more stress resilient. How it works. After answering 87 scientifically developed questions, a personal Stress Risk Profile is produced; i.e., from Low to High Risk on the 11 SMQ stress scales. To obtain one's risk levels on the scales, each person's score is compared to the norm group that was used to establish the SMQ. Some of the SMQ scales are: Anger, Burnout, Tension, Perfectionism, Time Urgency and 6 more. The Stressmastery Guide is an important part of the SMQ. It describes and defines the purpose of each SMQ scale, what a "Risk" score means and, then, offers a "roadmap" or plan for personal change. The Guide is a comprehensive source of techniques and strategies that have been proven successful in preventing, reducing and managing stress...wherever or wherever it may occur. Target Audience The SMQ is ideal for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety and burnout, especially in the world of work. It can be by individuals as a self-development tool or, as is most common, it can be used in virtually any stress management program or counseling session. In addition, the online SMQ can be used a corporate needs assessment or to determine the overall level of employee stress for a department, group or for the entire organization. A Facilitators Guide is available to help integrate the SMQ into a stress management program. Versions Two version of the SMQ are available; a Print and an Internet Online Version. The Print Version, which is 48 pages, can be ordered here through Create Space. The Online Version can be ordered from Translations The SMQ is available in French, Spanish, Norwegian & Slovenian. A German translation is in the works. History The SMQ is fully researched (NIOSH, 1080) and normed assessment tool that is easy to use and quick to score and receive results. It is based upon the work of Drs. James Petersen, Hans Selye, Herbet Benson, Meyer Freidmann and Ray Rosenmann and is consistent with modern Stress Management Theory and Practice. Dr. James Petersen, a noted psychologist, author and expert on stress and stress mastery, created the SMQ in his Biofeedback and Stress Management Clinic in order to help chronically stressed individuals to gain a better understanding of their stressors, personal stress warning signs and to determine if stress is affecting one's health, productivity and life satisfaction. The SMQ is founded on decades of scientific research (NIOSH, 1980) and evidence-based stress reduction methods and techniques. Over the past 30 years, the SMQ has helped more than 600,000 individuals to effectively manage their stress. As a result, the SMQ has become an integral part of many corporate stress management programs and wellness/health centers around the world. Now, the SMQ is available to the public for personal self-development and stress relief...right at home

Stress Management Questionnaire & Guide

Book Description

ABOUT The Stress Management Questionnaire - Church & Ministers Version (SMQ-C&M) is a New Version of the original Stress Management Questionnaire. The SMQ-C&M Version has been adapted for use with ministers for themselves as well as for those in their church. The SMQ consists of first a valid and reliable stress "risk" scales, along with a 43 page Stressmastery Guide booklet for personal use. The SMQ & Guide are used in churches and religious organizations to help ministers, pastors, lay people and the congregation to learn about their stress risk levels and to learn how to master their stress and become more stress resilient. HOW IT WORKS. After answering 87 scientifically developed questions, a personal Stress Risk Profile is produced. The profile reveals "risk" from Low to High Risk on the 11 SMQ scales. To obtain one's risk levels on the scales, each person's score is compared to the norm group that was used to establish the SMQ. Examples of the SMQ scales include: Anger, Burnout, Tension, Perfectionism, Time Urgency and 6 more. The Stressmastery Guide for Churches & Ministers is a personal change workbook and is an important part of a stress management or stress resilience program for ministers and lay people. The Guide describes the meaning of each the SMQ scales, what a "Risk" score means and, then, provides detailed, evidence-based suggestions and recommendations for how to master stress. The Guide is a 43 page booklet packed with comprehensive information, techniques and strategies that can be successful in preventing, reducing and managing stress...wherever or wherever it may occur. The SMQ-C&M Guide also includes Biblical scriptures that are relevant for each of the SMQ scales. This gives the reader an important Biblical basis for how to deal with life's stressors and provides a high degree of relevance to all members of any religious community. AUDIENCE The SMQ-C&M Versionis ideal for anyone who desires a Biblical basis for learning how to deal with daily hassles and life's stressors. Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety and burnout can benefit from taking the SMQ. It can be by individuals as a self-development tool or it can be integrated in virtually any stress management program or counseling session. A Stressmastery Facilitators Guide is available to trainers and counselors to help integrate the SMQ into an existing stress management program. VERSIONS Two version of the SMQ are available; a Print and an Internet Online Version. The Print Version, which is 36 pages, can be ordered here through Create Space. The Online Version can be ordered from HISTORY The SMQ is fully researched (NIOSH, 1080) and normed assessment tool that is easy to use and quick to score and receive results. It is based upon the work of Drs. James Petersen, Hans Selye, Herbet Benson, Meyer Freidmann and Ray Rosenmann and is consistent with modern Stress Management Theory and Practice. Dr. James Petersen, a noted psychologist, author and expert on stress and stress mastery, created the SMQ in his Biofeedback and Stress Management Clinic in order to help chronically stressed individuals to gain a better understanding of their stressors, personal stress warning signs and to determine if stress is affecting one's health, productivity and life satisfaction. The SMQ is founded on decades of scientific research (NIOSH, 1980) and evidence-based stress reduction methods and techniques. Over the past 30 years, the SMQ has helped more than 600,000 individuals to effectively manage their stress. As a result, the SMQ has become an integral part of many corporate stress management programs and wellness/health centers around the world. Now, the SMQ is available to the public for personal self-development and stress relief...right at home

Stress Management

Book Description

Are you among the 95 million Americans who suffer from stress during these trying times? Revised and comprehensive, this invaluable guide helps you identify the specific areas of stress in your life–familial, work-related, social, emotional–and offers proven techniques for dealing with every one of them. New material includes information on how men and women differ in response to stress, updated statistics on disorders and drugs, the ways terrorism and the information age impact stress, the key benefits of spirituality, alternative medicine, exercise, and nutrition. Stress Management will help you • test your personal responses to daily stress– and chart your progress in controlling it • learn specific techniques for relaxation– from “scanning” to “imagery training” • discover how to deal with life’s critical moments without stress • embark on a program to improve your physical health as a major step toward stress management • discern which types of stress must be reduced and which kinds you can turn into positive motivation

A Guide to Managing Workplace Stress

Book Description

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has commissioned recent research which has indicated that: . about half a million people in the UK experience work-related stress at a level they believe is making them ill; . up to 5 million people in the UK feel "very" or "extremely" stressed by their work; and . a total of 12.8 million working days were lost to stress, depression and anxiety in 2004/5. Work-related stress is therefore a serious problem and tackling it effectively can result in significant benefits for organizations. This can result in a happier and more productive workforce with fewer days away from work with stress related illnesses. Managers will also want to comply with recent HSE advice on managing stress within the workplace fulfilling their duty of care to employees. This should result in less exposure of organisations to the threat of litigation and the resultant negative publicity this causes. The intention of this book is to provide information to those who may be suffering from work related stress and to provide managers with a "toolkit" to help address such problems in the workforce.

Stress Management Questionnaire

Book Description

Stress Mastery Guide and Workbook: "don't Just Manage Stress. Learn to Master It!"

Book Description

ABOUT THE STRESS MASTERY GUIDE AND WORKBOOKThe Stress Mastery Guide and Workbook, created by internationally recognized stress psychologist, author and stress coach, provides essential information for understanding and interpreting the results from the Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ). The SMQ, that is taken online, is a powerful self-assessment tool that anyone can take to assess one's stress and how stress may be affecting one's health, quality of life and productivity. To take the SMQ, purchase this Guide and Workbook and then contact Stressmaster International to receive a link to take the SMQ online along with your Access Code. Email to [email protected] with heading "Please send Link and Access Code."The Stress Mastery Guide and Workbook helps one change to a less stressed and a better quality of life, whether at work or home. There are four steps to become Stress Mastery. . .ASSESS. Using the SMQ and other tools you will learn about more abut yourself and why stress is occurring in your work or home life. FEEDBACK. Using the Stress Mastery Report that has been provided, you will see the behaviors and attitudes, both internal and external, that drive your stress and you will be able help you to know what to change. LEARN. This Guide and Workbook provides the latest evidence-based tools, techniques and approaches to stress mastery and resilience. With this information you will be armed for not only knowing what to change, but how to develop better skills to reduce and master stress. CHANGE. Change requires nor only information, but also the self-motivation to change, along with a personal plan to make the change you want...happen! WHAT IS THE SMQ?The SMQ is both a personal stress "risk" assessment and an educational tool that can help you to identify and understand your Stress Warning Signs, types of Stressors you are currently facing and the possible Effects of Stress on your health and well-being. The STRESS MASTERY GUIDE AND WORKBOOK provides information on the meaning of each Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ) scale along with WHAT TO KNOW and WHAT TO DO if you scored high on any given scale. Use the Guide as a workbook for personal development and change. The SMQ is comprised of 11 scales in three (3) separate stress categories; they are: I - STRESS WARNING SIGN SCALEThe Stress Warning Sign Scales are the result of a validation study conducted and funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Petersen, J. and Lawrence, H. NIOSH, 1982). The specific scales are: Hostility/Anger (HO), Perfectionism (PE), Time-Urgency (TI), Disappointment (DI), Burnout (BR), Underachievement (UA), Tension (TE)II - STRESS EFFECTS SCALESThe Stress Effects Scales shows how stress may be affecting you at both a physical and emotional level. The two scales are: Physical Stress Effects (PE) & Life Work Satisfaction (LW)III - STRESSOR SCALES The Stressor Scales reflect the two major types of stressors that are known to be a cause or "trigger" of the stress response. The two scales are: Life Events (LE) & Hassles (HA)

Stress Mastery Questionnnaire

Book Description

THE STRESS MASTERY QUESTIONNAIRE (SMQ) The Stress Mastery Questionnaire (SMQ) was created by Dr. James Petersen, an internationally recognized pschologists and stress mastery expert, through careful research using standard psychometric techniques. The SMQ was created in Dr. Peteren's Biofeedback and Stress Management Clinic to help his clients gain a better understanding of how stress was affecting them at a physcial and emotional level. In 1980, Dr. Petersen and his team conducted a validation study of the SMQ funded by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. The result of this research is the Stress Mastery Questionnaire which is one of the few valid and reliable stress self-assessment and educational tools available. The name of the original assessment was the Stress Management Questionnaire (SMQ) but was recently changed to the Stress Mastery Questionnaire. This reflects the philosophy that stress can be mastered with a solid stress assessment couples with expert counseling, coaching or training The SMQ is essentially a personal stress assessment tool that provides each person who takes it with precise information about thier stress and how stress may be affecting them at this time. A total of 11 stress scales provides key formation in three main domains: STRESS WARNING SIGN, STRESS EFFECTS and STRESSORS. The SMQ can be used as a personal self-improvement program or as part of a broader stress management training or coaching program. The SMQ has been in use since 1980 with over 600,000 individuals and hundreds of companies benefiting from its use by trainers, stress coaches, EAP programs, management consultants and mental health professionals worldwide, including Citicorp/Banamex (Mexico), JPMorgan, Nationwide Insurance, Speedway, LLc, KPMG, Federal Reserve Bank of SF, State of Arizona and many more. HOW IS THE SMQ COMPLETED? The SMQis easy to take, with result generated immediately after completing it. Each person is provided with an Link and unique Access Code that allows them to answer 87 questions about stress. After completing the SMQ, each person receives a Stress Profile showing his or her scores on each of the 11 stress "risk" scales. THE STRESS MASTERY PROGRAM The SMQ is part of a larger and more inclusive Stress Mastery Program that inlcudes: ASSESSMENT - Since stress is the result of how we think and respond to the stressors and daily hassles of life, the SMQ shines a light on those behaviors and attitudes that impact the stress response. Essentially, the SMQ assesses each person's risk on 11 unique stress areas (e.g., Anger, Perfectionism, Burnout, etc.) and presents the results in a brief "STRESS PROFILE" that is easy to understand. Based upon a comparison with our norm-group, the Profile shows one's stress "risk" level, from Low to High, on the 11 SMQ scales. AWARENESS - The results of the SMQ are provided to each person in a DETAILED STRESS REPORT that reveals specific behaviors and attitudes that can contribute to one's stress. This Report goes deeper than the Profile and shows the actual responses to the 87 SMQ questions; in essence, it reveals the specifics of what to change in the process of learning how to master stress and become more stress resilient. ACTION - Without Action, nothing happens. The STRESSMASTERY GUIDE provides evidence-based and effective ways to master stress and build stress resilience! Each person who takes the SMQ receives a copy of the Stressmastery Guide (43pp) for personal use or in a Stressmastery Workshop or Coaching program. The Guide describes the meaning of each scale & offers key information on What to Know and What to Do when one scores high on any scale. More info at

The Everything Guide to Stress Management

Book Description

Work, relationships, money worries. Is it any wonder that at least 75 percent of American adults find themselves stressed in any given month? This guide teaches you how to fight back by getting rid of unhealthy stress in your daily life, and how to keep it from coming back! You'll find novel approaches to stress management, including: Proven relaxation methods such as stretching and deep breathing An included CD of guided meditations for relaxation Innovative recipes that utilize calming foods such as kiwi A step-by-step plan for lowering stress one day at a time Packed full of expert tips and techniques, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone whose life has them feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or just plain stressed-out!