Structure and Dynamics of Fungal Populations

Book Description

Fungi are among the most versatile and diverse groups of organisms in their morphology, life cycles, and ecology. This has provided endless fasci nation and intrigue to those who have studied fungi, but it has also made it difficult to understand fungal biology from the perspective of the broader fields of evolution, ecology, genetics, and population biology. That is changing. Details of fungal biology have been elucidated at an exciting pace, increasingly allowing us to understand fungi on the bases of general biological principles. Moreover, many who study fungi have lately emulated some of the great mycologists and plant pathologists of the early years in applying an insight born of broad perspective. This change has been particularly apparent in fungal population biology. In this book, many of those at the forefront of that change summarize, integrate and comment on recent developments and ideas on populations of fungi. By taking a broad perspective, they show how new information on fungi may contribute to concepts and ideas of biology as a whole. Just as important, they contribute to further invigoration of fungal population research by illuminating mycology with new ideas and concepts, derived in part from other biological fields.

Structure and Dynamics of Fungal Populations

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive treatment of the population biology of fungi. Intended for mycologists as well as biologists without mycological background, it includes detailed coverage of all major taxonomic groups for which information is available and key topics in depth, including species concepts, somatic incompatibility, gene flow, role of sexual vs. asexual reproduction, mycoviruses, demography and fitness. Kinds and patterns of intraspecific variation are considered, including quantitative and especially molecular characteristics. Throughout, an attempt is made to relate aspects of fungal population biology to biology as a whole.

The Fungal Community

Book Description

The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem, Third Edition addresses many of the questions related to the observations, characterizations, and functional attributes of fungal assemblages and their interaction with the environment and other organisms. This edition promotes awareness of the functional methods of classification over taxonomic methods, and approaches the concept of fungal communities from an ecological perspective, rather than from a fungicentric view. It has expanded to examine issues of global and local biodiversity, the problems associated with exotic species, and the debate concerning diversity and function. The third edition also focuses on current ecological discussions - diversity and function, scaling issues, disturbance, and invasive species - from a fungal perspective. In order to address these concepts, the book examines the appropriate techniques to identify fungi, calculate their abundance, determine their associations among themselves and other organisms, and measure their individual and community function. This book explains attempts to scale these measures from the microscopic cell level through local, landscape, and ecosystem levels. The totality of the ideas, methods, and results presented by the contributing authors points to the future direction of mycology.

The Fungal Community

Book Description

Entirely rewritten and updated throughout, this Second Edition maintains and enhances the features of the first edition. The Fungal Community, Second Edition continues to cover the entire spectrum of fungal ecology, from studies of individual fungal populations to the functional role of fungi at the ecosystem level, and to present mycological ecology as a rational, organized body of knowledge.;Acting as a bridge between mycological data and ecological theory, The Fungal Community, Second Edition offers such new features as an emphasis on the nonequilibrium perspective, including the impact of habitat disturbance and environmental stress; more information on the ecological genetics of fungal populations; a chapter on the fitness of genetically altered fungi when released into the environment; an examination of fungal morphological and physiological adaptations from the evolutionary ecologist's point-of-view; an explication of the effect of fungi and insect interactions on fungal community structure and decomposition processes; a section on the importance of fungi in determining patterns of plant community development; and a chapter on modeling fungal contributions to decomposition and nutrient cycling in ecosystems.;With over 3700 references, The Fungal Community, Second Edition is a resource for mycologists; microbial ecologists; microbiologists; geneticists; virologists; plant pathologists; cell and molecular biologists; biotechnologists; soil, forest, and environmental scientists; and graduate-level students in these disciplines.


Book Description

A major thrust of scientific concern in recent years has been the problem of documenting and conserving biodiversity and the establishment of systems of sustainable development. This volume reviews the practical application of concepts and technologies.

Fungal Populations and Species

Book Description

The population genetics and speciation of fungi is a rapidly developing field, heavily dependent upon the use of molecular markers. This text describes the methodologies employed in this area and, for the benefit of the non-mycological reader, a brief introduction to basic fungal biology.

Population Structure and Coevolutionary Dynamics of Fungus-growing Ant Symbionts

Book Description

Microbial symbionts play key roles in shaping the diversity of life, from disease causing pathogens to beneficial microbes. The fungus-growing ant (Attini, Apterostigma dentigerum) is ideal for exploring these dynamics, as it maintains multiple symbionts, including fungal cultivars, cultivar attacking pathogens, and mutualistic bacteria whose antibiotic secretions combat infection. Decades of Attine-symbiont research has characterized these interactions as examples of diffuse coevolution. By contrast, coevolutionary theory on a geographic scale posits that these diffuse associations may still contain tightly coevolved interactions in a mosaic pattern over space. Moreover, these mosaics are shaped by the population genetic structure of interacting species. In this dissertation, I characterize the Apterostigma dentigerum-symbiont dynamic from a geographic mosaic prospective. The history of attine-symbiont evolutionary ecology is reviewed in chapter 1. In chapter 2, I describe cultivar-pathogen population structure and suggest that this labile association may facilitate specific adaptation by the mutualistic bacteria, Pseudonocardia. In chapter 3, I describe the population genetic structure of Pseudonocardia and demonstrate that its fine scale phylogeograpic structure may facilitate local adaptation with a common pathogen (Escovopsis) morphotype. Chapter 4 uses bioassay inhibition experiments in combination with population genomic approaches to demonstrate that the Pseudonocardia-Escovopsis interaction is consistent with a geographic mosaic of coevolution, with a locally adapted population residing on Barro Colorado Island in Panama. Chapter 5 provides a putative framework and future directions for understanding the role biosynthetic gene clusters play in Pseudonocardia-pathogen coevolution. These studies provide insights into the maintenance of antibiotic potency over evolutionary time, and microbial niche evolution.

Disease with Multiple Infections

Book Description

Emerging fungal pathogens pose threats to plant, animal, ecosystem and human health (Fisher et al. 2012). Some of these pathogens, which include true fungi and fungus-like eukaryotes, share traits traits such as host generalism, reservoir hosts or environments, and high mortality rates in select hosts. One common set of traits amongst several emerging fungal diseases is load-dependent mortality in hosts, and the ability of fungal spores to colonize hosts repeatedly to increase loads (Briggs et al. 2010; Langwig et al. 2015). This set of properties suggests that these diseases are best modeled using a macroparasite (Anderson & May 1978), or multi-infection, framework, which explicitly tracks disease burden within and across host organisms. Macroparasites are generally thought of as persistent infections of populations, rather than transient epidemic phenomena (Gulland 1995). Less attention has been paid to their transient dynamics, and the macroparasite framework is rarely used in cases of emerging epidemics. It is also little used in plant pathology. However, as some emerging fungal diseases can strongly suppress populations and even cause local extinctions (Fisher et al. 2012; Langwig et al. 2015), these dynamics are important in their study and management. In this dissertation, I explore several problems associated with using using the macroparasite framework to modelthe dynamics of emerging fungal disease and manage its outcomes. In the early phases managing an emergent disease, a key problem is identifying an appropriate model to use in forecasting long-term behavior. In Chapter 1, I analyze differences in the dynamics of SI and macroparasite disease processes, with the purpose of identifying signatures of macroparasite processes that can be identified from disease dynamics, and comparing the expected long-term behaviors of each. In general, macroparasite diseases generate larger epidemics and greater host mortality than SI models with similar behavior at the early stages of disease. Macroparasite diseases also generate age-mortality patterns, even in the absence of age structure in host vulnerability, which may be useful in identifying this type of disease. Macroparasite models are inherently high-dimensional because of the need track variation in disease load amongst individuals. Thus, they are excellent candidates for individual- based modeling (Grimm & Railsback 2005, IBM). However, this high-dimensionality poses a challenge to optimal control techniques, which are useful in planning management responses to epidemics. In Chapter 2, I introduce a new numerical method for optimal control using individual-based models, which uses a form of numerical model-reduction known as "equation- free modeling" [Kevrekidis2009a, EF]. EF allows approximation of expected derivatives of stochastic IBMs, which in turn can be used to solve a Hamiltonian optimal control problem. I show that the EF method can produce the equivalent results to an analytical approach, without the need for closed-form equations of disease dynamics. Aggregation is a core concept in macroparasite epidemiology. Parasites are commonly aggregated in nature, and the negative binomial distribution is commonly used to model these aggregated, or overdispersed, distributions. This overdispersion is a feature of stable macroparasite populations. In chapter 3, I explore the evolution of dispersion, showing how underdispersion can occur in transients of macroparasite models, even in the absence of density dependence, due to time-delay effects. I examine the utility of using the Conway- Maxwell-Poisson distribution (Conway & Maxwell 1962, CMP) to model these transient populations, and find it provides a better approximation to distributions in the Anderson & May (1978) model than the negative binomial, whether parasites are under- or overdispersed. I also introduce an r package, cmp, for fitting the CMP distribution to data.

The Fungi

Book Description

The Fungi, Third Edition, offers a comprehensive and thoroughly integrated treatment of the biology of the fungi. This modern synthesis highlights the scientific foundations that continue to inform mycologists today, as well as recent breakthroughs and the formidable challenges in current research. The Fungi combines a wide scope with the depth of inquiry and clarity offered by three leading fungal biologists. The book describes the astonishing diversity of the fungi, their complex life cycles, and intriguing mechanisms of spore release. The distinctive cell biology of the fungi is linked to their development as well as their metabolism and physiology. One of the great advances in mycology in recent decades is the recognition of the vital importance of fungi in the natural environment. Plants are supported by mycorrhizal symbioses with fungi, are attacked by other fungi that cause plant diseases, and are the major decomposers of their dead tissues. Fungi also engage in supportive and harmful interactions with animals, including humans. They are major players in global nutrient cycles. This book is written for undergraduates and graduate students, and will also be useful for professional biologists interested in familiarizing themselves with specific topics in fungal biology. - Describes the diversity of the fungi, their life cycles, and mechanisms of spore release - Highlights the study of fungal genetics and draws upon a wealth of information derived from molecular biological research - Explains the cellular and molecular interactions that underlie the key roles of fungi in plant diversity and productivity - Elucidates the interactions of fungi with other microbes and animals - Highlights fungi in a changing world - Details the expanding uses of fungi in biotechnology