The Structure and Heating of the Chromosphere-corona Transition Region

Book Description

A broad endeavor of solar physics is to determine from the observed radiation the structure of the solar atmosphere and the nature of the energy balance which this structure implies. A basic feature of the solar atmosphere which is still not well understood is the chromosphere-corona transition region in which, in a height of a few thousand kilometers, the temperature increases from about 10,000 degrees K at the top of the chromosphere to about 1,000,000 degrees K at the bottom of the corona. The problem investigated in this dissertation is that of the structure and heating (or energy balance) of the transition region and the role of the transition region in the structure and heating of the atmosphere as a whole. (Author).

Structure of the Chromosphere-corona Transition Region

Book Description

The structure and energy balance of the chromosphere-corona transition region is investigated by means of a static, planar model which is compared with the results of XUV-resonance-line observations. In this model, the transition region is heated by thermal conduction from the corona and cooled by radiative losses. Comparison of the model with observational results implies that this is the dominant process in the energy balance of the transition region, and that the base of the transition region is inherently non-static and/or non-planar. The model explains the observational finding of Noyes et. al. (1970) that the number density and the downward heat flux both increase by the same factor from quiet regions to active regions. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to spicules. (Author).

The Solar Transition Region

Book Description

The solar transition region, which spans the temperature range from about 20,000 to 1,000,000 K, separates the chromosphere from the corona. All the energy that heats the corona and powers the solar wind must pass through this part of the solar atmosphere. This book summarizes recent ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet observations of the transition region, the empirical models derived from them, and the physical models that try to explain both the observations and the empirical models. The observational focus is on quiet solar transition region observations made with Skylab and subsequent rocket and satellite experiments. The book also presents a unified discussion of the analysis of ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet spectroscopic data, including the determination of the emission measure and density and temperature diagnostics. This will be useful to astrophysicists who are confronting high-resolution ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet data from astrophysical plasmas for the first time.

The Solar Chromosphere and Corona: Quiet Sun

Book Description

The widespread tendency in solar physics to divide the solar atmosphere into separate layers and to distinguish phenomena of solar activity from phenomena of the quiet Sun emphasizes the wide ranging diversity of physical conditions and events occurring in the solar atmosphere. This diversity spans the range from a neutral, essentially quiescent atmosphere to a highly ionized, violently convective atmosphere; from a domain in which magnetic field effects are unimportant to a domain in which the magnetic pressure exceeds the gas pressure, and from a domain in which the particle motions are Maxwellian to a domain in which an appreciable fraction of the particles is accelerated to relativistic energies. It is now widely recognized that the chromosphere and corona have a common origin in the mechanical energy flux generated in the hydrogen convection zone lying beneath the photosphere. Furthermore, magnetic field phenomena appear to be as vital to the structure of th~ quiet Sun as to the active Sun. For these reasons it appears desirable to present a unified treatment of the entire solar atmosphere, both active and quiet, in a single volume. On the other hand, such a treatise must be very long if it is to avoid being superficial, and it is very difficult for a single author to write authoritatively on such a wide range of topics.

Solar Composition and its Evolution — from Core to Corona

Book Description

The discovery of chemical elements in celestial bodies and the first estimates of the chemical composition of the solar atmosphere were early results of Astrophysics - the subdiscipline of Astronomy that was originally concerned with the general laws of radiation and with spectroscopy. Following the initial quantitative abundance studies by Henry Norris Russell and by Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, a tremendous amount of theoretical, observa tional, laboratory and computational work led to a steadily improving body of knowledge of photospheric abundances - a body of knowledge that served to guide the theory of stellar evolution. Solar abundances determined from photospheric spectra, together with the very similar abundances determined from carbonaceous chondrites (where extensive information on isotopic composition is available as well), are nowadays the reference for all cosmic composition measures. Early astrophysical studies of the solar photospheric composition made use of atmosphere models and atomic data. Consistent abundances derived from different atmospheric layers and from lines of different strength helped to confirm and estab lish both models and atomic data, and eventually led to the now accepted, so-called "absolute" abundance values - which, for practical reasons, however, are usually given relative to the number of hydrogen nuclei.