Study of the Effect of a Change of Scale on the Drag Coefficient of a Six-Finned Model of the Angled Arrow Projectile

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The purpose of this report is to estimate, before actual testing in the Aerodynamics Range, the drag of a six-finned model of the Angled Arrow Projectile and to determine the effect of certain changes in the model design on the over-all drag coefficient.

Static Stability and Drag Measurements on a 0.289-scale Model of the Angled Arrow Projectile at a Mach Number of 4.28 Using Various Nose and Fin Configurations

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A series of tests at M=4.28 was conducted in the 40 x 40 cm aeroballistics tunnel no. 2 using a 0.289-scale model of the Angled Arrow projectile with various nose and tail modifications. From these tests the normal force coefficients (CN), the pitching moment coefficients about the base (C0B) and the axial force coefficients (CA) were obtained. These data are presented. (Extracted from report).

Reynolds Number Effect on Drag of the Angled Arrow Projectile

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This report presents the results of a series of shots fired in the NOL pressurized ballistics firing range to determine the effect of Reynolds number on drag of the Angled Arrow Projectile at Mach numbers of 1.86 and 2.87. Drag values were determined for a Reynolds number variation of nine million. The results obtained at M = 1.86 indicate an increase in drag coefficient of approximately 4.55 per cent for a change in Reynolds number from 2,000,000 to 11,000,000. At M - 2.87 an increase in drag coefficient of approximately 20 percent was obtained for a similar variation in Reynolds number. The drag values are in fair agreement with wind-tunnel tests and with the estimated free-flight values of the full-scale missile at high altitude.

Design for Control of Projectile Flight Characteristics

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This handbook presents a general survey of the principal factors affecting the flight of projectiles, and describes the methods commonly used for predicting and influencing the flight performance. The coefficients which characterize the aerodynamic forces and moments of a moving body are identified, methods for determining the coefficients applicable to a projectile having a given shape and center of gravity location are described, and the coefficients of a number of projectiles and projectile shapes are given. The use of aerodynamic coefficients in predicting stability, range and accuracy is described. The effects of variations in projectile shape and center of gravity location on range, accuracy and lethality are discussed. Some material on prototype testing and the effects of round-to-round variations in production lots is presented.


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Numerical results have been obtained for a range of Mach numbers between 1.5 and 4.5, and comparisons made with experimental data. The estimated results are in good agreement with experimental data, but similar studies on other missiles will have to be made before it can be ascertained that the method of analysis is fully reliable. Of the drag components for the bare body, the contribution of the base pressure seems to be subject to the greatest uncertainty. In the case of wind-tunnel tests, the importance of the wave drag increases rapidly with the Mach number and contributes close to one-half of the total drag coefficient at M = 4.5. The behaviour of the base pressure drag is complicated by a strong Reynolds number effect, but its contribution drops rapidly at high Mach numbers. As the Mach number increases, the nature of the boundary layer around the missile changes from turbulent to laminar, with a corresponding drop of the skin friction coefficient, but once the boundary layer has stabilized, the contribution of the skin friction increases with the Mach number. In the case of the finned body, the base pressure drag is again a very important factor, presently intractable analytically, and for which very few experimental data are available. The increase in drag due to the presence of the fins is considerable, varying from 50 to 70 percent of the bare body drag within the Mach number range considered (1.86 to 4.50).

Modelling with Projectiles

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