
Book Description

Javier Marín

Book Description

El Teatro Pánico de Fernando Arrabal

Book Description

Este libro es el primero en examinar lo radicalmente nuevo y desafiante Teatro Pánico, un grupo de obras compuestas por Arrabal entre 1957 y 1966, en el apogeo del movimiento avant-garde. ENGLISH VERSION This book is the first to examine closely the radically new and challenging Panic Theatre, a group of plays composed by Arrabal between 1957 and 1966, at the zenith of the avant-garde movement. El presente libro estudia el Teatro Pánico de Fernando Arrabal, un conjunto de textos concebidos durante los primeros años del autor en París, entre 1957 y 1966. Escritas en el momento de mayor auge de la vanguardia, las obras vehiculan una teatralidad radicalmente innovadora cuya piedra angular la constituye el lenguaje ceremonial. La ceremonia pánica que subyace a toda esa dramaturgia es objeto de un profundo análisis a la luz de Le Panique, texto programático del propio Arrabal en que el autor identifica los tres conceptos que desencadenan la creación artística: memoria, azar y confusión. El estudio se detiene en los procesos por los que la memoria determina que las obras abandonen la mímesis, y el azar articula los materiales recuperados de la memoria en tramas y estructuras hilvanadas con gran precisión. Asimismo se incide en cómo los sujetos, objetos, marcos espacio-temporales y palabras se ven sometidos a un proceso de confusión que genera una forma teatral absolutamente innovadora. El concepto de lo pánico, situado en el epicentro de esta experimentación formal, dota de coherencia y unicidad teórica a este aparentementeheterogéneo grupo de obras. Diego Santos Sánchez es Alexander von Humboldt Fellow en la Humboldt-Universität en Berlin. ENGLISH VERSION The Panic Theatre is a set of plays conceived by Fernando Arrabal between1957 and 1966, the author's first years in Paris. Composed at the zenith of the avant-garde movement, they convey a radically new and challenging theatricality whose cornerstone is their ceremonial shape. The plays' underlying panic ceremony is thoroughly studied in light of Arrabal's programmatic text Le Panique, that singles out three key concepts responsible for artistic creation: memory, chance and confusion. This study shows how memory determines the plays' departure from mimesis and how chance articulates the materials recalled from memory into precisely arranged plots. Furthermore, subjects, objects, spatial-temporal frames and words are subject to confusion, inan attempt to create an utterly innovative form of theatre. This group of seemingly heterogeneous plays is given theoretical coherence and consistency by placing the idea of panic at the centre of a great formal experimentation. Diego Santos Sánchez is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin.


Book Description

On the occasion of the celebrations of the bicentennial anniversary of Chile, and the centennial anniversary of the National Museum of Fine Arts, constructed in 1910 as part of the festivities of the Independence centennial, the MNBA planned a series of exhibitions under the title of Centenario. This beautifully edited recompilation volume comprises the history of the museum MNBA with a descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the 250 most important pieces of its patrimonial collection exhibited in the 7 modules that comprised the program Centenario. Milan Ivelic, director of the MNBA explains: "The objective of this publication is to articulate and organize the symbolic imaginaries that are part of the holdings of the Collection of Chilean Art of the MNBA. What this publication is proposing is the organization in a transversal way of the art pieces selected, without following a linear chronology, thus constructing, in a certain way, a new museographic script. The art pieces have been divided into 7 modules based on a broad criteria that respond to their approximation in languages, topic similarities and shared strategic processes for their elaboration, conceptualizing theory and analysis of the artistic practices, without omitting their own historical context"--P.20. The contents of the catalogue follow the 7 main topic modules of the exhibitions. Major referential work illustrated with full-page color plates.

Impulso Figurativo

Book Description

Major exhbition catalogue for the exhibition featuring representative artworks from 32 artists from the United States and Europe part of the corporative art collection of the financial firm USB. The collective presentation brings together a diverse selection of art created in the 1980s when artist were recuperating the corporeal figure as main motive in their art. The cultural event comprises color lithographs, c-prints, paintings, sculptures, water colors and photographs representing a portion of a collection previously separated. Organized by Maysol Nieves, Curator of Contemporary Art, Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico.

Forest Law

Book Description

This artist's book accompanies the exhibition of a collaborative project by Swiss artist Ursula Biemann and Brazilian architect Paulo Tavares, presented at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, MSU in August 2014. Forest Law is a dynamic visual-textual engagement with the legal, ecological, cosmological and scientific dimensions of the tropical forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon. A trajectory through a transforming landscape, the book illuminates a series of legal cases and indigenous struggles for the rights of nature, incorporating text fragments, video stills and newly designed maps as well as a selection from legal documents, historical archives and other research material. This publication is coupled with the exhibition catalogue The Land Grant: Forest Law.

Las prácticas de la carne

Book Description