Algebraic Renormalization

Book Description

The idea of this book originated from two series of lectures given by us at the Physics Department of the Catholic University of Petr6polis, in Brazil. Its aim is to present an introduction to the "algebraic" method in the perturbative renormalization of relativistic quantum field theory. Although this approach goes back to the pioneering works of Symanzik in the early 1970s and was systematized by Becchi, Rouet and Stora as early as 1972-1974, its full value has not yet been widely appreciated by the practitioners of quantum field theory. Becchi, Rouet and Stora have, however, shown it to be a powerful tool for proving the renormalizability of theories with (broken) symmetries and of gauge theories. We have thus found it pertinent to collect in a self-contained manner the available information on algebraic renormalization, which was previously scattered in many original papers and in a few older review articles. Although we have taken care to adapt the level of this book to that of a po- graduate (Ph. D. ) course, more advanced researchers will also certainly find it useful. The deeper knowledge of renormalization theory we hope readers will acquire should help them to face the difficult problems of quantum field theory. It should also be very helpful to the more phenomenology oriented readers who want to famili- ize themselves with the formalism of renormalization theory, a necessity in view of the sophisticated perturbative calculations currently being done, in particular in the standard model of particle interactions.

High Energy Phenomenology

Book Description

A collection of lectures from eight authoritative speakers, High Energy Phenomenology is a concise introduction for postgraduates new to the field and provides a comprehensive overview of important research activities, results, and future directions for existing researchers. Coverage includes Ian Aitchison's introduction of standard model foundations, HERA physics, the physics and experimental challenges of future hadron colliders, and particle physics and cosmology. The book concludes with Alain Blondel's chapter on precision tests of the standard electroweak model at LEP.

Particles And Fields - Proceedings Of The Vi Mexican School

Book Description

This textbook provides a calculus-based introduction to economics. Students blessed with a working knowledge of the calculus will find that this text facilitates their study of the basic analytical framework of economics. The textbook examines a wide range of micro and macro topics, including prices and markets, equity versus efficiency, Rawls versus Bentham, accounting and the theory of the firm, optimal lot size and just in time, monopoly and competition, exchange rates and the balance of payments, inflation and unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy, IS-LM analysis, aggregate demand and supply, speculation and rational expectations, growth and development, exhaustible resources and over-fishing. While the content is similar to that of conventional introductory economics textbook, the assumption that the reader knows and enjoys the calculus distinguishes this book from the traditional text.

Perspectives In Particle Physics '94 - Proceedings Of The 7th Adriatic Meeting On Particle Physics

Book Description

This volume contains mini reviews on progress in lattice QCD, baryons in heavy quark effective theories, recent results from LEP experiments, Higgs and SUSY search at LHC, physics at DAøNE-INFN, particle astrophysics and high energy neutrino telescopes. There are also specialized topics on mass effects on running coupling in Bogoliubov renormalization group, neutrino physics, extended Higgs structures, physics beyond the Standard Model, CP-violation studies, mesons and glueballs for large NC, dynamic confinement, isospin violation, effective field theories, the fermion mass problem, domain wall, monopoles, meson spectroscopy, Grassman space and particle theories at finite temperatures, and nonlocal field theories. Contributions describe the latest progress in both theoretical and experimental physics.

Low Magnetic Fields in Anisotropic Superconductors

Book Description

Superconductors have been known about since the turn ofthe century. Recently there has been a renewed interest with the discovery of the new, high-Tc materials since 1986[1]. These compounds become superconducting at much warmer temperatures than any pre viously known. In fact, many of tthem superconduct at temperatures above the boiling point of liquid nitrogen, making the observation of the transition both accessible and inexpensive. It was obvious immediately that these materials could have a tremendous technological impact, or lead to further materials with even higher transitions. For this reason there has been an intense effort by scientists in both academia and industry to study these materials. The scientificand industrial communitieshope to learn what makes these materials work. For, learning how these materials work not only increases mankind's overall knowledge of his world, but could make some person or company quite successful if the information were used and developed correctly.

Operational Quantum Physics

Book Description

Operational Quantum Physics offers a systematic presentation of quantum mechanics which makes exhaustive use of the full probabilistic structure of this theory. Accordingly the notion of an observable as a positive operator valued (POV) measure is explained in great detail, and the ensuing quantum measurement theory is developed and applied both to a resolution of long-standing conceptual and interpretational puzzles in the foundations of quantum mechanics, and to an analysis of various recent fundamental experiments. The book, or different parts of it, may be of interest to advanced students or researchers in quantum physics, to philosophers of physics, and to mathematicians working in operator valued measures.

Introduction to Photon Communication

Book Description

In recent years, progress in the generation of squeezed states of light, mainly characterized by a reduced noise property, has stimulated important work in relation to their potential use to improve the sensitivity of optical communication systems. These notes are devoted to the detection and information processing of optical signals at very low levels of power. A survey of recent developments from the quantum and classical points of view is presented. Ultimate limits of performance under the criteria of detection and information are established. Some of the results are detailed and may be utilized for the design of practical systems of communication using present technology. The book addresses physicists and engineers interested in present and future developments in optical communications.

Quantum Chromodynamics - Proceedings Of The Thirteenth Lake Louise Winter Institute

Book Description

The proceedings of the Lake Louise Winter Institute for 1998 deal with strong interactions. This includes the jet physics and fragmentation functions as needed in high energy collider physics, deep inelastic scattering to study the structure functions of nucleons, and finally physics with the production and hadronization of quark-gluon plasma at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Both the theoretical developments and experimental data were presented with the intent of establishing their relationship and finding new directions of study.

Oscillator Representation in Quantum Physics

Book Description

The investigation ofmost problems of quantum physics leads to the solution of the Schrodinger equation with an appropriate interaction Hamiltonian or potential. However, the exact solutions are known for rather a restricted set of potentials, so that the standard eternal problem that faces us is to find the best effective approximation to the exact solution of the Schrodinger equation under consideration. In the most general form, this problem can be formulated as follows. Let a total Hamiltonian H describing a relativistic (quantum field theory) or a nonrelativistic (quantum mechanics) system be given. Our problem is to solve the Schrodinger equation Hlft = Enlftn, n i. e. , to find the energy spectrum {En} and the proper wave functions {lft } n including the'ground state or vacuum lft = 10). The main idea of any ap o proximation technique is to find a decomposition in such a way that Ha describes our physical system in the "closest to H" manner, and the Schrodinger equation HolJt. (O) = E(O)lJt. (O) n n n can be solved exactly. The interaction Hamiltonian HI is supposed to give small corrections to the zero approximation which can be calculated. In this book, we shall consider the problem of a strong coupling regime in quantum field theory, calculations ofpath or functional integrals over the Gaussian measure and spectral problems in quantum mechanics. Let us con sider these problems briefly.

Chiral Quark Dynamics

Book Description

These notes give an introduction to the description of hadrons, i.e., mesons and baryons, within a quark model based on a chirally invariant quantum field theory. Emphasis is put on a didactic approach intended for graduate students with some background on functional integral techniques. Starting from QCD a motivation of a specific form of the effective quark interaction is given. Functional integral bosonization leads to a theory describing successfully meson properties. It possesses solitonic solutions which are identified as baryons. Via functional integral techniques a Faddeev equation for baryons describing them as bound states of a diquark and a quark is derived. Finally, a unification of these two complementary pictures of baryons is proposed.