Summary of Richard Dotts' Dollars Flow To Me Easily

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Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The book is about the process of change, and more specifically, allowing easy and effortless changes in your life. Regardless of their nature, all changes can be easy and effortless if you allow them to be and work in accordance with greater Universal Laws. #2 The goal of financial independence is the ultimate goal for people in our modern society. We have been conditioned by society and by our parents to believe that making money is difficult, and that it is somehow bad to have lots of money. This affects our vibrations when we try to manifest money. #3 There are two ways in which people get stuck by a recurring issue in their lives. The first is their deeply embedded belief that the situation is difficult to change, or that change will be difficult. The second is their continued focus on the problem or issue. You must learn to stop thinking about the problem and think about something else completely to solve it. #4 When you are dealing with intangible and timeless spiritual principles, there may not be adequate physical words or expressions to convey what you mean. So, what you have done is use the closest physical equivalent words and phrases, even inventing certain words to explain certain concepts.

Dollars Flow to Me Easily

Book Description

Is it possible to read and relax your way into financial abundance? Can dollars flow to you even if you just sat quietly in your favorite armchair and did "nothing"? Is abundance and prosperity really our natural birthright, as claimed by so many spiritual masters and authors throughout the ages? In his latest book Dollars Flow To Me Easily, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts attempts something that he has never done before - to write a book that changes and transforms the reader's innermost perceptions about money as they read it. Richard explains that these spiritual principles have never been about "attracting" more money or stuff into our lives. Instead, these Universal truths all speak of recognizing the inherent abundance that is already there for our taking. Is it any wonder that traditional Law of Attraction techniques which focus on "doing" and "attracting" something from out there to fill a perceived lack in our lives do not create lasting results? But if all our abundance is already right here for our taking, why is it that our bank balance and physical experiences do not always reflect this truth? Is there something we have to do in order to welcome this abundance into our lives? Dollars Flow To Me Easily takes an alternative approach to answering these questions. Instead of guiding the reader through a series of exercises to "feel as if" they are already rich, Richard draws on the power of words and our highest intentions to dissolve negative feelings and misconceptions that block us from manifesting greater financial abundance in our lives. When these blocks are gently dissolved and let go of through absorbing the words in this book, what results are natural physical manifestations of abundance in our everyday experience. As Richard puts it, this technique is so counter-intuitive precisely because it flies in the face of everything we have been taught. We have been taught to tackle our financial issues head-on and to worry about them constantly in order to come up with solutions. But despite this, all our worrying and mental activity has still not resulted in everlasting peace-of-mind and a permanent resolution of the financial issues in our lives. Perhaps the real solution that we need is to simply correct our thinking on the inside, and to realize that there has been no issue and no lack in the first place. When we tend to our inner states and make it our priority... when we finally give up the need to do anything to make things happen... that is when the Universe can deliver our highest good to us. Dollars Flow To Me Easily takes you through the experiential journey of dropping all your worries, fears and blocks around manifesting money as you read. What remains at the end is the real you - a state in which dollars flow to you easily and a recognition of this truth that has always been a part of your being.

It Is Done!

Book Description

The first time Richard Dotts learnt about the significance of the word "Amen" frequently used in prayers... goosebumps welled up all over his body and everything clicked in place for him. Suddenly, everything he had learnt up to that point about manifestations made complete sense. What if the word we commonly use to end our prayers today is not merely added as an afterthought, but meant to be a powerful manifestation tool in the first place? What if it is actually the most important part in any prayer? What was going through the minds of those ancient spiritual masters when they said words similar to "amen"? Does that word really hold the final step to fulfilling our desires? In It Is Done!, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts explores the hidden significance behind these three simple words in the English language. Three words, when strung together and used in the right fashion, holds the keys to amazingly accurate and speedy manifestations. In his usual candid, illuminating style which has made him a seven time Amazon bestselling author, Dotts devotes the first half of this book to explain his 10-year struggle with the Law of Attraction, and how he struggled to leave behind his habit of incessant worrying and fearful thoughts. "I was constantly worried about things going wrong even when everything was going right. I was afraid that one day, I would run out of money and bad things would happen to me," writes Dotts candidly in one of the chapters. Then Dotts quickly moves to show the reader how they can break free from the 4 major blocks that prevent manifestations from occurring in their own lives, and how these blocks are often so pervasive that we do not even realize they are there. Because these "unseen" blocks feel so familiar to us, we often do not recognize that they are standing between us and our greater good. Get rid of these major blocks, and the manifestations come quickly and effortlessly for you regardless of what manifestation techniques you use. Learn as Dotts recounts the story of Mark, an old friend whom he has shared these techniques with and whom, within a short span of time managed to achieve incredible financial success in his life. Also learn about the story of other individuals, whose unwillingness to trust in the process led to continued failure and disappointments for them. Dott astutely points out that the difference between these two groups of individuals lies not in manifestation abilities, but in their abilities to work past and get around these 4 major manifestation blocks. Finally in the second half of this book, Dotts leads readers through the "It is Done!" process in greater detail. Learn how to apply the technique to greatly compound the effectiveness of any manifestation technique you are currently using, be it more conventional techniques such as affirmations, visualizations or even more new-age techniques such as Matrix Energetics, EFT or Quantum Healing. There is no need to change whatever you are currently doing to reap benefits from "It is Done!" Whatever you are currently doing, the "It is Done!" technique can help you achieve your desires and dissolve any blocks that stand in the way even faster.

Dissolve the Problem

Book Description

Why solve a problem when you can dissolve it? In Dissolve The Problem, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts tackles one of the most pertinent aspects of everyday living-how to deal with the myriad of "problems" that we face in our daily lives. Be it financial, health, relationship, family or career problems, Richard puts forth the groundbreaking premise that some problems are so persistent in our lives precisely because we have attempted to "solve" and analyze them for so long. In the process, we have inevitably come to identify ourselves as inseparable from these various issues in our life. In his trademark style that has endeared him to readers worldwide, Richard masterfully weaves in spiritual principles to explain why our conventional ways of "solving" a problem have actually led to more disappointments than successes. He shows us why anytime we attempt to solve a problem by working through it or finding out the reasons for it, we unknowingly perpetuate its existence in our everyday reality. As Richard puts it, "If all your hard work could have led to a solution, you would have found it already. Perhaps there is a better way." Richard explains that the only permanent way is to dissolve a problem completely using spiritual means. Dissolving a problem means letting it go so completely from your life that the original conditions which created the problem cannot even exist. By tapping into these powerful Universal Laws that have always been available to us, we can instantly shift into a realm where the initial problem does not even exist. When there are no problems, then there is no need for physical solutions in the first place. When dissolving longstanding problems in our lives, Richard teaches that it does not matter what the specifics of your problems are. It does not matter whether you are faced with financial, health or relationship concerns. Neither does it matter how long you've had these problems for. The Universe perceives none of the physical limitations of time and space that are apparent to you. The Universe is never interested in the specifics of your problem. Therefore, these steps to dissolve a problem apply equally to all issues. In this new book, Richard teaches a powerful three-step process that allows anyone to dissolve the longstanding problems in their lives. This three-step process is so different from other outward-oriented techniques because it is not about positive thinking, denial, acting "as if," or analyzing the problem in great detail. Instead, the dissolving process sidesteps all this and directly focuses on our primary roles as powerful creators and focusers of Universal energy. When you understand your role as a director of Universal energy, you will instantly be able to redirect these creative energies from the undesired to the desired aspects of your life. What happens then, is a spontaneous dissolving of the various issues in your life without your active intervention.

Let The Universe Lead You!

Book Description

In Let The Universe Lead You!, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts reveals the steps to letting the Universe lead you in whatever you do. Imagine what your life would be like if you could simply hold an intention for something... and then be led clearly and precisely, every single time, to the fulfilment of your deepest desires. No more wondering about whether you are on the "right" path or making the "right" moves. No more second-guessing yourself or acting out of desperation - You simply set an intention and allow the Universe to lead you to it effortlessly! According to Richard, the Universe does not always give you want you want, but it always gives you the vibrational essence of what you ask for. Understanding this spiritual principle is the key to your physical manifestations. This is why so many people do not get what they ask for in words or prayers despite wanting it so badly, because they do not realize the true vibrational essence of their asking. Once you open your eyes to the true vibrational essence of your intentions, you'll see that the Universe always delivers a perfect match, every single time. Manifestations then become as simple as deliberately becoming a vibrational match to what you ask for until it happens in your outer reality!Let The Universe Lead You! is a groundbreaking book not only for fans of Richard Dotts but also for Richard himself. As he was writing this book, Richard manifested the perfect dream car for himself with all his desired options and features. He attributes this to the immense power of Reverse Manifestations, a technique which he introduced in Spontaneous Manifestations From Zero and expands upon in this book. Applying the process of Reverse Manifestations and connecting to the vibrational essence of his desires for himself, Richard was able to manifest his dream car in one Sunday afternoon. Two days later even before this book was completed, the car was sitting in his garage! Read about Richard's amazing car manifestation experience in this book and find out how you can do it for yourself with any intention that you set your mind to. These techniques are open and available for anyone's use, regardless of your current conditions or circumstances in life. They do not depend on willpower or luck. All it takes is a willingness to apply them in your life as described and to let your old ways of thinking and acting in this world go. When you give up the need to be in control and let the Universe lead you, that is when you'll finally be led to your longstanding manifestations. As Richard puts it, "I started writing this book holding only the intention of the car in my consciousness. Two days later, as I followed the exercises while describing them in the book, the car was mine. Even a part of myself was surprised although I've been doing this for the longest time! I was gently led to my dream car in one afternoon after six months of doing nothing on the outside."This is just a glimpse of what is possible when you practice the art of reverse manifestations, connect with the vibrational essence of your desires and allow yourself to be led by the Universe. The Universe always knows best, so let it lead you towards your manifestations!

Money Drunk/Money Sober

Book Description

In a society where it is often easier to discuss sex than money, many of us have hidden issues about personal finances. But when fending off bill collectors, begging for salary advances, or borrowing from relatives becomes a way of life, unresolved money problems can lead to enormous stress and destroy relationships, careers, and lives. Do you recognize yourself or someone you love in any of these descriptions? THE COMPULSIVE SPENDER Do you buy things and hide them? THE BIG DEAL CHASER Do you refuse to watch your money because one big deal is going to make everything all right? THE MAINTENANCE MONEY DRUNK Is the pay the only thing you like about your job? THE POVERTY ADDICT Do you feel morally superior to people with money? THE CASH CODEPENDENT Are you afraid to say no to your partner about money? Through their highly effective seminars, Mark Bryan and Julia Cameron have helped many people get out of debt and free themselves from the painful cycle of acting out with money. The Money Drunk offers new perspectives on the real roots of money problems, showing how to dismantle negative family and societal programming about money and how to undo the destructive patterns that sabotage your financial success. The program teaches new, more constructive habits to anyone who has ever had a problem with money.

How I Made Over $1 Million Using the Law of Attraction

Book Description

Have you been searching for that "Something" that's going to finally change your life. Book after book, cd program after cd program. The workshops, the webinars...The never-ending e-mails...The PROMISES! I've read all the books...I've listened to the CD's...I've been to the workshops and seminars... And you know what? I finally got this stuff to work for me. And it turned out to be pretty easy! I figured out why people struggle with these ideas and concepts, and decided to help all the people who need it by writing an inexpensive book about what worked for me, and explaining it in the simplest way possible! Now it's your turn! It's finally time to have a truly AMAZING life! The life that you dream about having. The life that you deserve, and the things you want in that life. This book was written for YOU! It's simple. It's clear. It's what You need! And it's written by someone who used the same methods and techniques contained in the book, and became successful, healthy, and happy. I've had incredible success with the Law of Attraction and Self-Help. This book is my way to help all those people who desire wealth, health, and happiness! This book is written in a simple, no-nonsense style so that you can immediately start making changes in your life, and manifesting those dreams you've always desired.

The Abundance Effect

Book Description

Where are you in your life right now? Are you living every day at your highest lever? Are you living an abundant life? Where ever you are in your life, this book will give you the roadmap to live your life at the highest levels of existence. Every day, every hour of our lives, we have to make decisions. We have to decide if we are going to live a life of abundance or if we are going to settle for less. In this book you will learn the formula for living a life of abundance.

The Text Mining Handbook

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Thoughtless Magic and Manifestations

Book Description

From the world's favorite manifestations author comes Thoughtless Magic and Manifestations, Richard Dotts' most advanced and groundbreaking work on manifestations to date.In this latest book, bestselling author and spiritual explorer Richard Dotts not only builds upon the fundamental premise which he has explored in his previous 23 international bestsellers, but also takes the science of manifestations to a whole new level with his latest discovery of how various non-verbal protocols can be used for effective manifestations.Existing readers of Richard Dotts' works will know that he has always advocated taking a light touch when it comes to manifesting our desired good. The core of his teachings revolve around the timeless spiritual truth that a light intention, when held purely in our consciousness, is all it takes to create magic and miracles on the outside. In turn, how fast things manifest for us depends on the purity of our intentions and the calmness of our inner states. Those who have trouble manifesting their desires usually find it difficult to "purely" ask for what they want without the corresponding intrusion of negative thoughts. These counter-intentions are the main reason why manifestations do not happen (or are delayed) for so many people. While traditional techniques can help in the reprogramming of our beliefs, the change process is usually slow and leads to considerable negative resistance. For example, repeating an affirmation about a desired positive outcome often throws up more negative feelings and sets up further counter-intentions instead.In Thoughtless Magic and Manifestations, Richard guides readers through the thoughtless manifestations process for the first time in print, a cutting-edge inner technology which allows one to hold their desired intentions purely until they manifest on the outside. Through the use of various non-verbal protocols designed to manifest specific outcomes in life, one is able to hold an extremely pure and laser-focused intention for whatever they desire without also stirring up the corresponding negative feelings. These non-verbal protocols can be applied to various situations in life, from solving problems, manifesting wealth and financial abundance to achieving optimal physical health. Richard also shows the reader how to create their own non-verbal protocols for specific situations. The thoughtless manifestations process represents an evolution in human consciousness and how we can use the power of our intentions to shape our reality. When you learn how to hold your intentions through the thoughtless manifestations process, you attract what you want purely while simultaneously silencing all negative thoughts and counter-intentions that hinder the process. What results is an extremely fast (and in many cases, instant) manifestation of your physical desires.