Sustainable Management of Invasive Pests in Africa

Book Description

Invasive species, generally, affect economically important crops, thus affecting the livelihoods of millions of people along crop value chains. Typically, invasive species have high migratory capabilities and, because of plant material exchanges made during trade, they cannot be contained by one country. Usually, African countries react after a pest has invaded and established itself in the country, making the cost of mitigating the pest even more expensive. This book presents a pan-African view of the impacts of invasive insect pests on agriculture and of how invasive species impact on productivity in Africa. It not only describes their importance, but also presents a diversity of research findings in the field, ranging from the use of early warning and monitoring systems for quarantine purposes, agricultural extension, all the way to control strategies. The IPM arsenal presented in this book includes the use of botanical bioactive compounds, semiochemicals, resistant varieties, biological control agents such as entomopathogens, endophytes, predators, and natural enemies. Aspects of technology transfer strategies, regional coordination, and farmers’ perceptions have not been overlooked, because these affect the adoption of mitigation strategies. The book also presents measures that would help agricultural research services to estimate the damage and take actions for preparedness and readiness to face invasive insect pests. This starts with a basic knowledge of taxonomy to enable concerned persons to describe the insects and the vast inventory of affected crops. Physiological and ecological aspects of invasive pests are strongly highlighted to strengthen Integrated Pest Management Strategies. The threat of invasive species will remain permanent; therefore, the book encourages knowledge exchange and collaboration between researchers and scientists on the continent, while encouraging the establishment of a platform or a fund for preparedness and rapid response.

Global Strategy on Invasive Alien Species

Book Description

The spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is creating complex and far-reaching challenges that threaten both the natural biological riches of the earth and the well being of its citizens. While the problem is global, the nature and severity of the impacts on society, economic life, health, and natural heritage are distributed unevenly across nations and regions. Thus, some aspects of the problem require solutions tailored to the specific values, needs, and priorities of nations while others call for consolidated action by the larger world community. Preventing the international movement of invasive alien species and coordinating a timely and effective response to invasions will require cooperation and collaboration among governments, economic sectors, non-governmental organisations, and international treaty organisations. This strategy highlights the dimensions of the problem and outlines a framework for mounting a global-scale response. While both the problem and the scale of the solution may appear dauntingly complex, the issue presents an unparalleled opportunity to respond with actions that link preservation of biodiversity with protection of the health and livelihood of the world's human populations.

Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems

Book Description

As the worldwide human population explodes and trade becomes increasingly globalized, the transboundary movement of plant species from their place of origin to foreign regions is escalating and expected to experience continued growth in the coming decades. Invasive non-native species pose one of the greatest challenges for natural resource managers who are charged with the maintenance of biological diversity and the sustainable production of forest resources. With international contributors presenting an informed and integrated approach to the control of havoc-wrecking species, Invasive Plants and Forest Ecosystems provides the most updated information on invading plants, their impacts on forest ecosystems, and control strategies. This text addresses such important issues as the socioeconomic and policy aspects of plant invasion and offers complete coverage of their ecological impacts and the varied levels of threats in diverse situations.

Fruit Fly Research and Development in Africa - Towards a Sustainable Management Strategy to Improve Horticulture

Book Description

Horticultural sector presents many opportunities for economic development and improving livelihood of growers but several factors constrain production and limit the potential for trade of fruits and vegetables. Tephritid fruit flies constitute a major constraint. They cause enormous losses through direct feeding damage and loss of market opportunities through imposition of quarantine restrictions by importing countries to prevent entry and their establishment. In Africa, several native (Ceratitis and Dacus spp) and exotic (Bactrocera and Zeugodacus spp.) species inflict considerable losses to horticulture causing losses ranging from 30-90%. Over the past 10 years of R&D, extensive information has been generated on bioecology and management of several native and exotic fruit flies in Africa. While several specific reviews have addressed various aspects of the biology, ecology and management of economically important tephritid fruit flies; coverage of African native species has been limited largely to Bactrocera oleae and Ceratitis capitata – which are not economically important species in many Africa countries. Indeed, no book exist that have explicitly addressed economically important African fruit flies and none of the various reviews, have specifically focused on the status of the bioecology, economic impact and management of exotic and native fruit flies – including several potentially invasive Dacus species attacking vegetables - in Africa. This book consolidates this status of knowledge and socio-economic impact of various intervention techniques that are currently being applied across Africa. The timing of the book is especially pertinent due to the changing fruit fly landscape in Africa – caused by arrivals of the highly destructive alien invasives (Bactrocera dorsalis, B. zonata, and B. latifrons) - and the priorities African countries have placed recently on export of fruits and vegetables to international markets. This is an important reference material for researchers, academics and students that are keen at improving horticulture and enhancing food and nutrition security in Africa and beyond.

Biological Control

Book Description

Introductory remarks of the chair; IITA's commitment to biological control; The challenge os sustainable agriculture in Africa; The biological control program of IITA: from concept to reality; Major arthropd pests of food and industrial crops of Africa and their economic importance; Integrated pest management vs systems management; Biological control in the context of systems management; Organization and management constraints in the development and implementation of sustainable pest control in Africa; Economics of sustainable pest control; Assistance needed by national institutions in developing sustainable pest management capacity; Identifying pest problems in relation to implementing biological control in Africa; Problems and issues in managing and rearing natural enemies; Relevant research activities in support of sustainable pest management; Development of technologies in support of contemporary biological control; Evaluating the impact of biological control measures; Appropriate support for national programs: training, research, administration, and funding; Constraints confronting national biological control programs; Present possibilities for biological control of insect pests ans weeds in Africa; Introducing the International Organization for Biological Control of noxious animals and plant - IOBC; Recommendations for implementing future biological control in Africa.