Suuh Kingdom By the Perfect Wisdom of Holy Revelation of Holy Quran

Book Description

Science and Technology in transport and communication has turned the world into a kingdom that lived before with remains as sacred Dome of the Rock of Agsa Mosque know to others as temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. That was Suuh Kingdom of Prophet David(Dawud) whom made everything from steel only by command of his words, while his son King Solomon (Prophet Sulaiman) was the first to fly in air without a plane but by a command of his words, .The Bird was his envoy to the Queen of Shiba(Shabae), he communicated with queen ants who was inside the soil from a distance without a telephone, The throne of Queen of Shiba was brought to him in his Palace in less than a blink of an eye on his command, same kind of kingdom will live again hereafter for eternity only for believers. Read about Suuh Kingdom, the Kingdom of God(Allah) to attain certainty of this life and life hereafter. This is a book of wisdom with light upon light that opens eyes of your heart and soul to know the certainty of God ( Al


Book Description

Bismillah Rahman Raheem, the objective of this life is to get wisdom that can only be achieved by reading the right book of wisdom. if you have managet to find this book, your among the blessed ones, this book knowing the Certainty by the perfect wisdom of the Holy Revelation of the Holy Quran, (Ilil Al-Yaqeen, Bil Hikmatun Baalighat min Ambaael Quran) has never been written before and will never be written again simply because the knowledge inside this book is sacred knowledge that transforms the reader into a living spiritual being by awakening your spirituality and rising the level of your consciousness to discover your self and purpose of life in you to achieve the objective of this earthly life. Gold and Diamond are the most expensive stones in the world, but knowledge of this book is far more than gold and diamond for the reader. this book has a spark of light that quickly light intellectual capacity of the reader to under most of things in life that are not mentioned here, simply because this book has key from this world to another world. experience full meaning of life when you read this book and get guidance from allah Subhanahu Wataala as its recorded in the Holy Quran.

Commander of Invisible Army of Allah

Book Description

Believing in Angels is the second pillar of Islam out of six pillars as perfect messengers of Allah Subhanahu Wataala. They only speak to chosen ones among pious believers for a very special purpose, but even if we get a chance to speak to them, we confuse them with Jinnat, simply because Jinnat are also unseen and often possess human beings and use their hearts and energy, others become part of their lives as useful family members, or gods for those who worship them. Meet the author sharing his experience of chatting live with a blessed angel from heaven on phone and messages are synchronized to his email account as a clear proof that he talked to Angels as a point of approach for dawah to call towards Islam and strengthen our faith in blessed Angels, they are closer to us in every blink of an eye but they are limited in communication with us because our hearts are naturally sealed and closed for communication with spiritual beings.

Commander of the invisible Army of Allah Subhanahu Wataala

Book Description

This book is about the Most Powerful Angel, the King of all Angels who acts by the will of Allah Subhanahu wataala, Our Master Sayidina Gibrael aleih salaam ( peace be upon him). No any Operation takes place to save any prophet, believers, and Islam except is under his command by the will of Allah Subhananhu wataala. all operation curried out to save previous prophets and their followers from Allah Subhanahu wataala were curried by him, for example the operation of prophet and King Fraun, He Prophet Musa and Children of Israel were save by the same water that drowned King Firaun and his together with his people. that kind of operation and all operations of Allah Subhanahu Wataala were curried by the Commander of the Invisible army of Allah Subhananhu Wataala, our Master Sayidina Gibrael peace be upon him. Now the Muslim World is in trouble being killed by non muslim supper powers of Europe and West headed by USA , Muslims are fighting to defend themselves but the weapons of non Muslims are much more superior 100% compared to weapons Muslims are using,but as Muslims, if we arebelievers, we have got the most powerful weapon against our enemies and tha weapon is the Most powerful special Dua written in this book revealed by our Master Sayidina Jibrael peace be upon him , if all Muslim Ummh read this special Dua asking Allah to save the Ummah and Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, Allah Subhanahu wataala has ordered him to initiate the operation to save Islam and Blievers in the world with army of blessed angels in the parade on standby waiting for tyhe order to take care of enemies of Islam that is why he sent an angel to chat with me live to inform the Ummah about the presence of our Master Jibrael on erth to save the the Ummah by the will of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, and he has revealed this special powerful dua to me to be recited by the believers asking him ( Allah) release his operations to save the Ummah as they saved Islam at the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him ( sallah LLah aleih wasallama), the same way he saved previous prophets. a kind of this Dua is also for our individual benefit as believers regarding our daily life. this dua is what you recite it for depending on your intention. inside is Live Chat with angel as evidence that confirms the revelation of this special Dua to me by sayidina Girael. get a copy of this book and read every single part of it to get informed and get saved as individual as well as the Muslim Ummah.

GDR 77

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The Story of Sanjan

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