Swan Lake Forest Research Reserve Annotated Bibliography

Book Description

The Swan Lake Forest Research Reserve is a 2,000 ha experimental forest established in 1950 in Algonquin State Park. This annotated bibliography contains references and abstracts for more than 250 papers, reports, and other technology transfer products that were produced, in whole or in part, as a result of research that has occurred at the Reserve. The citations are divided into 2 categories: publications (160) and other technology transfer products (92). New contributions will be compiled and added to future revisions or addenda to this bibliography.

Swan Lake Forest Research Reserve 20-year Management Plan, 2005-2025

Book Description

Swan Lake Forest Research Reserve was established in 1950 to study the ecology & silviculture of commercially important hardwood species of south central Ontario. It covers 3,480 hectares in the south-west corner of Algonquin Provincial Park. This management plan supersedes the previous (1983) planning document for the Reserve and details plans for management of the Reserve for the next 20 years. The introduction explains the value, benefits, & objectives of the Reserve. This is followed by a description of the Reserve site, a history of the Reserve, and review of research & extension programs both current & planned. Part 6 describes Reserve infrastructure (roads, buildings) and planned activities related to maintenance & upgrading. Part 7 contains guidelines to facilitate communication between the Reserve and Park management. Finally, excerpts are presented from two important documents that regulate activities in the Reserve: the Algonquin Provincial Park Management Plan and the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Parks & Conservation Reserves.

Ontario Hardwood Silviculture Studies Database

Book Description

The Ontario Hardwood Silviculture Studies Database includes descriptive information, or metadata, on over 90 historical & ongoing hardwood silviculture studies & trials in the province, most of which were initiated by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the Canadian Forest Service, or the forest industry. For each study, this report provides information on all available metadata, including a project overview; objectives; study layout or design; names of investigator & associated staff; current contact information; silvicultural treatments; measurements carried out; known or expected years of establishment, treatment, & measurement; review methods; comments; data locations, quality, & stability; tree species studied; location of study; characteristics of study sites; and known associated publications.


Book Description