Swing Trading Secrets

Book Description

Do you want to cut through confusing trading signals and charts to maximize your profits without breaking your back? If so, then keep reading. Swing trading is a popular method to profit from short-term price movements to realize returns within days or a few weeks. In contrast to day trading, you don't have to be a full-time trader to make juicy profits thus making it the ideal trading-style for people who have to work during trading hours. It's rather easy to make a profit here and there trading stocks. But without a smart set of tools and strategies these gains will quickly melt away by brokerage fees and losses like ice cream in the sun. Most people might think successful trading requires staring at the monitor and reading financial reports all day long. But the reality is that most successful swing traders use just a small set of tools and strategies to leverage trends and constantly improve their trades without wasting hours and hours in front of the screen. Swing Trading Secrets explains how you maximize your profits in volatile and "noisy" markets using straight-forward technical analysis tools, charting, technical indicators, and market sentiments. This book is a practical guide to making profitable short-term trades using dozens of illustrations to explain swing trading concepts and strategies. What you'll discover in this book: The essence of swing trading and why swing trading is the perfect trading style for non-professional traders to sustainably grow their accounts How to read different chart patterns to determine the best moment to get in and out of trades How to avoid buying overpriced stocks despite most analysts recommend to buy them Assessing stock-volatility to predict when to exactly exit a position with this one simple technique 4 guiding principles every professional swing trader knows to make consistent profits using chart patterns The secret correlation between time and price which is crucial to identify trading opportunities in any market (forex, stocks, futures, etc.), on any timeframe (intraday, swing, position), and in any market condition (bullish, bearish, or range-bound markets) The simple x%-rule to protect your portfolio from severe losses that most financial advisors would charge for sharing with you A crash course to understand the ins and outs of candlestick charts Why it's time to drop everything and run as fast as you can when you see two bullish candlesticks followed by a bearish candlestick A carefully selected set of mission-critical technical indicators Why it's time to stay cool when you see a bullish candlestick followed by three successive bearish candles How to determine your entry and exit strategy by quantifying the market sentiment The 6 essential axioms of Wall Street every trader must know to understand high-level market trends and leverage the primary market trend 9 supplementary indicators to determine overbought or oversold conditions The key to identify support and resistance levels that mark the beginning and the end of a major trend A remarkable set of 3 indicators that you can use in the midst of trading to determine if your stocks are trending or entering a period of range Dozens of illustrations to better understand the concepts and strategies described in this book And much, much more. Time and data have proven that the tools and strategies described in this book are fundamental to sustainably maximize profits while investing as little time and money as possible. Even if you're a novice trader, you will be able to quickly grasp the essence of swing trading and lay the ground to grow your portfolio. So if you want to maximize your profits without breaking your back then click "add to cart" now!

Swing Trading for Beginners

Book Description

SWING TRADING: THE BEST STRATEGY FOR BEGINNERS Swing trading is considered to be a very active trading strategy. This is because trading time is not as strict as in other types of trading. A trader's interest is on only capturing a swing that is available in the stock market. Once they capture it, they are sure that they headed for success, which comes in terms of profits made in the stock market. So many traders prefer this method of trading since they have the freedom to trade at any given time. They do not have to use all their time studying the charts for them to know the market patterns. The swingers can buy or sell their stocks at any time. Most swing traders have been in this business for a long time, which makes them know all the strategies they apply in order for them to avoid losses. A beginner would be required to make sure that they take their time to study swing trading in order for them to be able to know how it works. It is, however, important for any trader to ensure that they have discretionary trading capital. This is the type of capital that is invested in the market. It does not bring in profits immediately, so a new trader needs to know that they cannot get it any time they want it before investing. This will help in ensuring that they do not invest it with high expectations. Any beginner also needs to ensure that they have a broker who is not expensive. He will be responsible for making sure that they place all the trades that belong through. A new trader should also ensure that they how to choose the best stock. They should also be in a position to read the stock market charts, which will help them in knowing how the market is fairing. They also need to learn about risk management strategies, which will help them when they want to recover from losses. Every swing trader needs to ensure that they aggressive enough for them to be successful in their trading journey. They need to learn all the skills and expertise required in trading. With this knowledge, they will be able to take risks that they are almost sure that they will make profits from it. In this book, you are going to learn about all the swing trading secrets and how to apply them when trading. When you follow all the guidelines, you will be sure to succeed in swing trading. Are you ready to get started with trading ? Great, because in this book, you will learn: Swing Trading, How to Get Started Swing Trading Plan How Swing Trading Differs From Other Types of Trading and Where It is applied Market Psychology for Swing Trading Bull versus Bear Market How to Choose the Best Stock for You The Best Swing Trading Stock Swing Trading Strategies for Beginners Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis Options for Swing Trading Forex Swing Trading Various Financial Instruments Preparing Your Mind for Swing Success Risk Management for Swing Trading The Routine of a Swing Trader Risks Involved for a Swing Trader Swing Trading Tips What are you waiting for? Click buy now in 1-click or Buy now at the top of this page to start reading the best book on trading for beginners

Swing Trading for Beginners

Book Description

SWING TRADING: THE BEST STRATEGY FOR BEGINNERS Swing trading is considered to be a very active trading strategy. This is because trading time is not as strict as in other types of trading. A trader's interest is on only capturing a swing that is available in the stock market. Once they capture it, they are sure that they headed for success, which comes in terms of profits made in the stock market. So many traders prefer this method of trading since they have the freedom to trade at any given time. They do not have to use all their time studying the charts for them to know the market patterns. The swingers can buy or sell their stocks at any time. Most swing traders have been in this business for a long time, which makes them know all the strategies they apply in order for them to avoid losses. A beginner would be required to make sure that they take their time to study swing trading in order for them to be able to know how it works.It is, however, important for any trader to ensure that they have discretionary trading capital. This is the type of capital that is invested in the market. It does not bring in profits immediately, so a new trader needs to know that they cannot get it any time they want it before investing. This will help in ensuring that they do not invest it with high expectations. Every swing trader needs to ensure that they aggressive enough for them to be successful in their trading journey. They need to learn all the skills and expertise required in trading. With this knowledge, they will be able to take risks that they are almost sure that they will make profits from it. In this book, you are going to learn about all the swing trading secrets and how to apply them when trading. When you follow all the guidelines, you will be sure to succeed in swing trading. Are you ready to get started with trading ? Great, because in this book, you will learn: Swing Trading, How to Get Started Swing Trading Plan How Swing Trading Differs From Other Types of Trading and Where It is applied Market Psychology for Swing Trading Bull versus Bear Market How to Choose the Best Stock for You The Best Swing Trading Stock Swing Trading Strategies for Beginners Technical vs. Fundamental Analysis Options for Swing Trading Forex Swing Trading Various Financial Instruments Preparing Your Mind for Swing Success Risk Management for Swing Trading The Routine of a Swing Trader Risks Involved for a Swing Trader Swing Trading Tips What are you waiting for? Click buy now in 1-click or Buy now at the top of this page to start reading the best book on trading for beginners

Reveal Swing Trading Secrets: the World of Swing Trading and How to Get Started

Book Description

There are a variety of strategies for trading, but one of the most accessible to newcomers is swing trading. Unlike day trading, where trading is extremely fast-paced, swing trading is slower. This strategy is a great way to understand market movements and dip your toe into technical analysis. Swing trading lets you trade stocks without having a lot of upfront capital, and with far lower risk. Yet it gives you the tastes of being an active trader that you crave. In this book, we will introduce you to the world of swing trading and show you how to get started: - Learn what swing trading is, and how it differs from day trading and standard "buy and hold" investing. - Learn the psychology of professional traders: change your mindset and learn how to think big. - Find out the right way to read stock charts and spot trends before anyone else does. - Get a quick and dirty education on candlesticks. - And more

Swing Trading Strategies

Book Description

Would you like to deepen study about trading and learn a method that will help you become a successful trader ? Your Customers Will Never Stop To Use This Awesome Book ! Swіng trаdіng means trading stocks соmmоdіtіеѕ, оr fоrеx when thе trаdеr сhооѕеѕ tо retain thе ѕtосk for аbоut 4 days tо a wееk. Hеrе the trаdеr рurсhаѕеѕ аnd sells іn ѕhоrt реrіоd. Intrаdау trader trаdеѕ between thе market hоurѕ. It саn be еvеn a trade between 5 mіnutеѕ. In ѕwіng trаdіng, уоu buу аt a rеlаtіvе lоw, and sell with іn a ѕhоrt span. A ѕwіng trаdеr рlаnѕ hіѕ mоvе between the реrіоd оf small tіmе lows and hіghѕ. Hе ѕееѕ a ѕlіght dерrеѕѕіоn аnd buуѕ his ѕtосk аnd waits fоr thе dерrеѕѕіоn tо see ѕunѕhіnе, аnd sells іn thіѕ ѕhоrt time аnd gаіnѕ рrоfіt. A ѕwіng trader hаѕ tо bе a kееn mаrkеt оbѕеrvеr, tо undеrѕtаnd the mооdѕ аnd the swings of this unрrеdісtаblе рlасе. He hаѕ tо uѕе a numbеr оf ѕtrаtеgіеѕ study thеіr nаturе to еbb and hіgh and аnаlуzе the probability tо trаdе аmіdѕt thеѕе tіdеѕ. Thе bаѕіс rеԛuіrеmеnt for a ѕwіng trаdе is a stock should hаvе a nature tо trеnd. If уоu hаvе bееn a stock mаrkеt раrtісіраnt even оnсе you wіll notice a few ѕtосkѕ barely сhаngе роѕіtіоnѕ аnd rеmаіn ѕtаblе wіth hаrdlу any fluсtuаtіоnѕ. Many a times, at thе end of thе dау оf trаdіng there is аbѕоlutеlу nо change іn thеіr vаluеѕ tоо. If thеу dеѕсеndіng value thеу rіѕе ѕlоwlу аnd if thеу rise іt'ѕ hаrdlу a difference. This, thеѕе аrе investments thаt dо nоt give аnу benefit to thе trader at lеаѕt for thоѕе whо аіm аt gоаlѕ іn short duration. Wanted to be a swing trader? This book is for you! This book provides basic information about swing trading! A numbеr оf trаdеrѕ choose to еаrn a lіmіtеd profit іn an uрturnіng market. Thеу choose tо еxіt еvеn whеn thе mаrkеt іѕ still rіѕіng. Thіѕ іѕ bесаuѕе they have саlсulаtеd the risks involved, and since уоu can nеvеr рrеdісt next mоmеnt, they рrеfеr tо limit thеіr рrоfіt аѕ muсh as they limit thеіr lоѕѕ. Swіng trаdіng is interesting and captivating, provided you аrе a fast lеаrnеr, a kееn оbѕеrvеr, аnd gооd ѕtudеnt rеgulаr аbоut hіѕ home wоrkѕ. Hе hаѕ to be self dіѕсірlіnеd аnd never еxсіtеd аt аnу position. Stосk mаrkеt іѕ fоr thоѕе who саn rеmаіn саlm, соntrоl panic and for thоѕе whо аrе brіllіаnt analyzers. This book covers: Strategies and Techniques of Swing Trade. Planning Your Trade. Daily Routine of a Swing Trader. How to Protect your Capital and Manage your Money. Order your copies to get your costumers addicted to this book !

Swing Trading Secrets

Book Description

This book explains how to maximize profits in volatile and "noisy" markets using straight-forward technical analysis tools, charting, technical indicators, and market sentiments. It's a practical guide to making profitable trades using dozens of illustrations to explain swing trading concepts and strategies.

The 5 Secrets to Highly Profitable Swing Trading

Book Description

There are two major ways to consistently make money in the market: 1) Hunt for several huge winners in a year. Build large positions in them and ride them for monstrous gains. 2) Hunt for hundreds of 5% to 30% short-term winners, where the goal is to compound capital quickly by actively moving in and out of them. There is not right or wrong approach here. Both have place in the arsenal of each active market participant. Everything comes at a price. If you want to catch a 200% to 300% long-term winner, you have to be willing to sit through multiple consolidations and several bigger than 30% pullbacks. Not everyone has the stomach to ride big stock market gainers, but maybe you don't have to. If you sell all your winners, when they are up 20%, you will never catch a double or a triple. Fact. What is also true is that in any given year, there are a lot more 20% moves than 100% moves. If you learn how to catch hundreds of quick 5% to 20% moves, your capital could appreciate very quickly while you keep you keep the drawdown in your account to a minimum. Swing trading is among the fastest way to grow capital if you learn how to properly apply its principles. Swing trading is all about velocity and opportunity cost of capital. The goal is to stay in stocks that are moving quickly in our favor and avoid "dead money" periods. Stocks move in 5% to 30% momentum bursts that last between 2 and 10 days, before they mean-revert or go into sideways consolidation. The goal of every swing trader is to capture a portion of a short-term momentum burst, while avoiding consolidation periods. Then to repeat the same process hundreds of times in the year by risking between 0.5% and 1% of capital per idea. The beauty of swing trading is that it provides many signals. You don't need to risk a lot per signal. You won't second-guess yourself whether to take a signal or not. One trade is not going to make your year or your month, but it also won't ruin it. It relies on the magic of compounding. The idea is to grow capital quickly by being leveraged to the hill during favorable periods and being mostly in cash during unfavorable periods. I know that if you apply the principles I describe in this book, you will become more knowledgeable, more profitable and happier market participant. Here is a brief overview of what you could expect to learn: 1) What drives short-term market moves? How to recognize perfect swing setups; when to buy them and where to put your stop losses. 2) When to sell and how. 3) How to be more profitable. How to improve your success rate and where to hunt for big short-term gainers. 4) How to manage risk properly. How to decide how many shares you should buy of every stock you like. How to check if you have an edge in the market. 5) How and why to time your market exposure. The paper version of the book is super thin, because of its huge dimensions of 8"x10." 84 pages with about 30 colored charts with annotations. Letters size is 14 with 1.5 spacing. It could be read in one sitting. There is no fluff. Only practical, actionable information that could be applied right away. Here are some brief reviews from Twitter and StockTwits: @BarbarianCap . I read @ivanhoff swing trading ebook. A must-read for trades and investors interested in what others do. @BarbarianCap In the book @ivanhoff lists his screens with lots of chart case studies; sizing; judging the health of the market, etc. Good stuff. @BrattleStCap: Ordered @ivanhoff book on swing trading last night, well worth the $10, great primer/refresher for anyone who ever puts on short-term trades."

Swing Trading for Noobs

Book Description

Discover How to Get Results, Learn to Make Money Fast, And Easily Get Started with Swing Trading in No Time! Have you ever wanted to get into trading, but afraid not knowing where to start? Do you worry about what the best invests to make are? Don't you hate that trading and investing might feel too complicated for you? If so, there's a simple solution: SWING TRADING FOR NOOBS. Imagine understanding how generating Money every month without risk or Stress. Imagine having your income and savings account grow while living your regular day to day life. Imagine doing all this without a background in finance or business. Laurence Price, successful author of Day Trading for a Living For Noobs provides a Guaranteed start-to-finish guide on how to start swing trading successfully. With the right Easy step by step guide, you can become a profitable swing trader and catapult your career. You can be a winner and can mentally, emotionally, and physically muscle your way into this career. You'll receive more than 21 Special proven tactics on where to start and how to safely make the right trades. You'll also discover risk management, along with how successful swing traders live day to day, and more. In SWING TRADING FOR NOOBS, you'll discover: · What swing trading is and what it is not · The Surprising differences between swing trading and other types of trading · Bearish vs. bullish market conditions · Exciting different types of stock that are suitable for swing trading · Secrets on how to assess companies to find the best stock to invest in · Proven way to analyze the financial market to find the best stocks to swing trade · The other types of securities that swing traders can invest in · The best and Quick tools for swing traders to use · Simple but effective rules that must be applied to swing trading · What it means to 'buy long' vs. 'sell short' · Easy and Effective risk management · How to develop a trader's mindset fast · Much more! The year 2020 has shown us just how quickly things can change and just how necessary it is to have a backup plan for your backup plan when it comes to your finances. The great thing about swing trading is that it can be your Plan B or your main source of income once you Discover to play your cards right. Plus, you'll receive EXCLUSIVE BONUS gifts throughout that book, such as cheat sheets, flashcards, magazines, and more. each of which will prove with instrumental knowledge to make you a better day trader. There's also a FREE BOOK included, which is the perfect place to better understand stock investments in a simple and easy to understand language. SWING TRADING FOR NOOBS is for anyone who wants to discover new skills quickly and easily. Whether you're a student, corporate executive, entrepreneur, or stay-at-home mom or parent, the tactics in this book can transform your life. The pages to come show how you can gain control of your finances and, therefore, your life with time-proven strategies. Let's jump right in! Scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button!

Secrets of the Undergroundtrader

Book Description

Swing trading tips and techniques from Undergroundtrader.com--voted Forbes's "Best of the Web" for 2000, 2001, and 2002 Short-term and swing trading has become the strategy of choice for active, aggressive traders and investors. Secrets of the Undergroundtrader details the advanced methods today's most successful traders live by, from stochastics and candlesticks to 3-price breaks, volatility signals, and more. Each of these methods is tested daily in the trenches and is designed to allow traders to more accurately time entry and exit points in bull, bear, and nontrending markets. The authors open by explaining how the methods work and then provide step-by-step directions so traders can: Learn and become comfortable with the method Implement the method in the heat of trading Manage the method both mentally and physically


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Do you want to know all about options trading? Just buy NOW this book and let your customers know everything about options trading, they will not stop buying this guide!