Symbols of Power & Progress

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The Intoxication of Power

Book Description

When the Soviet people will enjoy the [God) wQl com11Ul1ld a ble', ing on u, In ble, "ngr of Communism, new hundred, all our way" '0 that we, hall, ee much more of Hi, wisdom, power, goodnell8, of mOlion, of people on earth will BIly: and truth than we have formerly known. 'We are for CommuniBml' It i, not We, haH find that the God of I8TIlei is through war with other countries, but by, among U', and ten of us shall be able to the example of a more perfect organiza tion of society, by rapid progress in rellist a thouBIlnd of our enemie, . The Lord will make our name a prai, e and developing the productive force, the creation of all conditions for the happi glory, '0 that men 'hall BIlY of succeed ing plantation, : 'The Lord make it like ness and well-being of man, that the that of New England'. For we must con ideaB of Communism win the mind, and sider that we Ilhall be like a city upon a hearts of the masses. Hill; the eye, of all people are on u, . The force of Bocial progress will in evitably grow in aU countries, and this John Winthrop to early Puritan will assist the builden of CommuniBm in settlers in America, 1630 the Soviet Union. Programme of the C.P.S.U

The Big Book of Reiki Symbols

Book Description

Written in a remarkably precise and lucid style by two foremost authors on Reiki, this compendium reveals indispensable information of tremendous spiritual value, including the dedication rituals necessary for the practice of Reiki as well as the complex overall healing system.


Book Description